Yes, it's got to be subtle so that it passes the censors (and the sensors

) but a satisfying "A-ha" for those in the know...
Unfortunately for the Tionisla Chronicle, my book is set nowhere near that part of space. Though it might be able to swing in a broadcast from it.
Q-Bombs will no longer exist (if they ever existed), but Quirium did (officially banned by ED time) so an historical note regarding a 'Quirium Bomb' is a possibility. Fuel injectors ditto, but again could be referenced by an old-timer in the same way old racers wax-lyrical about throttle body carburettors.
Rock Hermits are a good call.
Cody wrote:As a certain character in the Oolite Saga said: 'Elite is not a kill-count, Elite is a state of mind!'
He was a sage, though.
A shoutout to a 'Griff Design' ship should be doable. I've got plans for a Rusty old Cobra Mk3. Perhaps a iron-ass hot ship in its time, but now in its twilight days, with just enough left for one more adventure...
"Tales from the spacelanes" is a great quote - maybe an in-game journal a character could access/stumble across.
Hesperus and his ilk are out of bounds unfortunately. Other than the Thargoids there are no other known sentient races in the galaxy. The Elite descriptions of planet occupiers are being rationalised as the dominant lifeform, but not intelligent. Thus, no funky felines in the cockpit, at least, not flying a ship and wisecracking.
Selezen's timeline, all homage and respect, has been incorporated (though not without modification) into the Elite canon. The dates stand therefore:
Elite : 3125
FE2 : 3200
FFE : 3250
ED : 3300
We'd always pegged Oolite at around 3142, so this is 158 years later. Young Rebecca will be a very old lady...