I am with Selezen on this inasmuch as I though the original idea was to 'unify' all the various sites. The current situation is that we have separate wiki, BB and 'oolite,org' and the 'real' problem is that access to two of the three is limited if not impossible.
In a sense
I started this debate when I commented on oolite.org and how it seemed rather out of date. The reasons for this are manifold, but a major factor is that nobody has access to it and therefore willing hands are un-able to update it and improve it.
This led on to debate about the wiki. The problem here is lack of access to
new members. For those of us with a wiki account, things are fine, but anybody wanting a new wiki account is stuck unless thay are able to catch Winston's attention, which as Maik points out is all but impossible.
The BB is fine as far as I can see.
Personally I have no real problem with the sites all being in different places, although I do like the concept of having the whole thing under one roof. The important issue is one of access though, and Maik's new Wiki will address this as far as the Wiki goes. However, separating it from the main Elite Wiki will clearly have some impact on the Elite Wiki particularly as it seems we are the only people maintaining it.
What it doesn't do, though, is unify everything under one banner, and the original point made about the lack of maintenance of oolite.org is not addressed either.
I'm beginning to think that this is a problem without a clear solution, and that being the case I wonder if we should back-off a bit to give time for more debate.
The truth is, unless we can bring oolite.org and the wiki (and maybe the BB as well) together in a way that those with an interest can both access them and modify them we are not going to achieve what we want to do. And that will require those who currently have control over the various sites to both participate and relinquish some of the control they have.
When we started this discussion I was expecting movement towards an arrangement where oolite.org was the 'shop window', a site where people could find out about the game in general, download it, and see what was on offer in a well laid out and up-to-date gallery featuring both the core game and a wide and representative range of OXPs. It would link to the Wiki (which would be as it is now but was easier for new members to gain access to), and the BB which as I said seems fine as it is. In an ideal world, all three would be hosted together, and there would be a sufficient number of administrators to make it work.
If this cannot be done there seems little point in continuing, but clearly we can't leave things as they are either. I think we need to set some definite (broad) goals before we go much further. We need to agree on exactly what we want first, then set about the details.
So what do you all think, and where do you think we should go from here?