Best ship ever?

General discussion for players of Oolite.

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Post by ArkanoiD »

Selezen wrote:
No, it won't. It's 0.375LS now.

I've uploaded the new one. It should be V2.2. The ship is now a more realistic size.

Stupid Selezen.
I think i will stay with Supercobra - it has 7 energy banks as well, iirc?
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Post by Rxke »

No, it won't. It's 0.375LS now.
:shock: Hey, I just spent my last Credits on one! AaaAAAaaaAAAAAAAAAaagh! :lol:

And me hesitating between a Wolf and a ImpC, sigh...

(/me hoping one of the older savegames was prior the IC purchase....)
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Post by Cmdr. Luke »

I drive a supercobra, its so good it seems unfair. The only thing that can take it out quickly is a collision with a missile at full speed.
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Post by winston »

The SuperCobra really needs to be a lot more expensive - it's a real bargain at its current price. Add the military shield enhancement, a rack of hardhead missiles, extra energy unit and a military laser and you have one of the hardest iron asses out there. With all the upgrades mine has it's only worth about 400K credits.
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Post by ArkanoiD »

winston wrote:
The SuperCobra really needs to be a lot more expensive - it's a real bargain at its current price. Add the military shield enhancement, a rack of hardhead missiles, extra energy unit and a military laser and you have one of the hardest iron asses out there. With all the upgrades mine has it's only worth about 400K credits.
..and if you are lucky enough to get one with NEU.. that's a dream ship.

I definitely prefer Cowell & MgRath to other ship manufacturers.
Maybe Imperial Courier could be an exception, but not the new slow one.
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Post by Spooky »

From Top FlightGear Magazine:

Whenever the "best ship in the universe" award rears it's ugly head you can guarantee that lesser informed pilots will spend hours harping on about the Fer-De-Lance's impeccable quality, or the SuperCobra's "iron-arsed" invulnerability. Don't get me wrong, both these ships are good, maybe even great... but they certainly aren't the best. These people have missed the point. It's true, these ships have no flaws. But they have no flaws either and that's a bad thing... Makes no sense? Well let me explain.

The best ship in the entire universe ever is the Cobra MKIII. (We'll just give that one a second to roll round your palette.) Ok, so it looks like it was styled by a blind man who only had access to a ruler and a permanent marker the size of Lavian Bloodwhale, and yes the performance does induce hibernation in certain species... and yes they're hardly what you would call "exclusive" but that's sort of the point.

These things have been around forever, and I mean forever. You can't go anywhere off-world without bumping into one ferrying someone-or-other, trading somesuch-and-the-like or engaging in who-knows-what. They get the job done and they don't stand out in a crowd. They are ubiquitous with interstellar life and more importantly they are all things to all people.

It comes down to three simple factors. It's reliable, it's eminently modifiable and for what you get it's cheap. Very cheap. Scotsman on a night out cheap! The key to its success (and cheapness) is tried and tested technology that's well implemented. Many ships are designed then production costs are cut to a budget, this wasn't the case with the Mark III. Cowell & MgRath designed it to a budget and every part is designed to be as cheap as possible, not just made that way. What you end up with is a ship that feels like you could fly 20 tonnes of cargo to hell and back and not only would you arrive back in one piece, you'd be comfortable and still have a few thousand credits change in your back pocket.

It also has an unbeatable track record. More pilots have reached Elite in a Cobra MKIII than any other vessel (probably), and aside from unexpected "entanglements" it's believed that something like 85% of all Cobra MKIII's ever produced are still in regular service and that's a figure that few other vessels can boast.

For a ship that's designed to be 'good enough' it is quite simply the best.

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Post by neilplus »

Spooky wrote:
Scotsman on a night out cheap!

Scotsman applies seal of authenticity: THUD - initial - date.
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Post by Spooky »

Spooky wrote:
Scotsman on a night out cheap!

Scotsman applies seal of authenticity: THUD - initial - date.
Luckily I'm a "skirt wearing haggis basher" so I get to make statements like that with impunity :lol:
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Post by winston »

Is it me or are there a lot of Scots on this board?

(No, I am NOT one of them, but I do have the Colquhoun clan in my immediate family. on my mother's side).
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Post by Selezen »

Aye, there are a few Scots hanging around included.

It's all part of our play to take over the world. And England.

I just realised something. I resized the Courier but didn't change the viewpoint settings. I may have to revisit that again. :(
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Post by rbird »

I finally scraped up the cash to buy a SuperCobra last night...WOW. I was upgrading from a Python, so the difference in speed is unbelievable. I am still oversteering a bit, but this thing is just a joy to fly. And I'm sure this is just my imagination, but it seems to kill things faster, too. :)

I miss my large cargo hauling capability, though. Fortunately I did enough cargo contracts in my Python that I now am offered contracts for things like gold that fit nicely in the glove compartment. 8)

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Post by ArkanoiD »

rbird wrote:
I finally scraped up the cash to buy a SuperCobra last night...WOW. I was upgrading from a Python, so the difference in speed is unbelievable. I am still oversteering a bit, but this thing is just a joy to fly. And I'm sure this is just my imagination, but it seems to kill things faster, too. :)

I miss my large cargo hauling capability, though. Fortunately I did enough cargo contracts in my Python that I now am offered contracts for things like gold that fit nicely in the glove compartment. 8)

If you need large cargo bay, why not Imperial Courier (i wonder why there is no Imperial Trader ;-)
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Post by ArkanoiD »

rbird wrote:
I finally scraped up the cash to buy a SuperCobra last night...WOW. I was upgrading from a Python, so the difference in speed is unbelievable. I am still oversteering a bit, but this thing is just a joy to fly. And I'm sure this is just my imagination, but it seems to kill things faster, too. :)
I guess flying a Python was a bit boring.. Was it standard Python or Python Cruser?
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Post by JensAyton »

I’m also kind of Scottishish…
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Post by Commander Gralen »

Spooky's definetly a scot.

even his av. looks llke a kilt! :P :D
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