ChupacabraHUD.oxp stand-alone version.(Oct. 26/2011)
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Any comments on your playtesting and experiences with this HUD may be posted here and are most welcome. Have fun with this and enjoy!

A couple of nights ago while doing some adjustments, after just finishing the curved segmented-looking bar gauges central to the chupacabra hud, I had another "eureka" moment and figured out a way to have a custom missile display with the pylon icons in any pattern that you want. There are no limits on this one that I can see. You could even mix and match different sizes of icons as well. It's kind of cool so I thought you would all like to see. The chupacabra hud is only half done so I modified a standard hud with 3 basic examples for illustration purposes.
Check it out.

Adjustable Missile Displays by CommonSenseOTB, on Flickr
This could be something many huds will want to incorporate.
Now I have a question. For the last day I've been trying to find a way to create a changing animated version of this. What I need is a way to tell which missile pylon is currently selected. Also would be nice to have the animation react to arming and disarming the current missile pylon. Is any of this possible in JS and what would the code be? Any ideas of what the JS is for this would be appreciated as I can't seem to make any headway finding the right scripting.
One of the many animation ideas I have for this involves having a single missile pylon icon near the crosshairs showing the currently selected missile.

Any thoughts on the scripting?