YOUR AD HERE!!! 300 ads (sets A, B, C, D, E, F & G)

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Post by Cmd. Cheyd »

Certainly and happily.... Let me know if you care to avail yourself of them...
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Mauiby de Fug
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Post by Mauiby de Fug »

Well, I've gone through and changed the station's name and defense_ship_role, and the sidewinder defender's name and roles to the values specified in the original shipdata.plists, and gone through and spawned them all individually, and that seems to be working. I also spawned "constore" a number of times, and differently named stores appeared. So that now seems to be fixed.

Presumably what was happening before was that although the different types of stores were being produced, they were all being called "Pi-42" stores, and regardless of which type of store they were, they had the pi-42 version of the sidewinder defenders.

I noticed that in the original sets, both set D and set F are "Star" constores, but looking on the wiki page, there are only types of store, so presumably one of them had to be duplicated. Therefore I've done this as well.

I haven't noticed any other problems - everything else seems to be done using the sets' letter to distinguish between the differences, and all those appear to be labelled correctly.
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

Yeh, there's another store to come - "Oodles" but I never got round to organising all the necessary ads for the constore - ashamed I am - will try harder - Set G hopefully out before Christmas!
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
Oolite Life is now revealed here
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Post by JeffBTX »

Hi, all.

I downloaded (but have not installed, yet); "YOUR AD HERE v", and "".

I did extract them (temporarily) and examined the file structures and so forth.

I *believe* I understand how to install/add the *SETS* from Yaw_V4 to Yaw 4.1.4 (unconfirmed, untried for now).

Couple of questions;

(1) How do the Constores affect the player; I.E. what are the bottom-line advantages (in addition to eye-candy) I.E. do they affect the economy?

It seems like I tried YAW a few months ago, when I was playing Oolite 1.73.x, I can't remember WHY I uninstalled it (I think it was because I couldn't get the sets to work right, and also I THINK I remember jumping into a system and a Constore seemed "mobbed" with ships + a slight drop in framerate).

BUT; from what I remember, I saw Constores occuring near WitchSpace beacons as soon as I jumped into some systems(?). This could be an advantage if doing passenger runs in a Cob3, one could get fuel quicker (IF Constores sell fuel?). How does pricing / commodity availability in Constores compare to standard stations?

I.E. I am undecided if I want to install this if it is JUST eye-candy. I might install it if there is AT LEAST ONE definite advantage in having some Constores around.

(2) From reading the past several posts, it seems as if there is a bug in 4.1.4 (?) whereby only one TYPE of Constore is being spawned (Pi-42) (?)

I can't QUITE follow the explanation of how to fix it. (apparantly some files and/or folders need to be renamed?)

Can someone post a clear explanation of how to fix 4.1.4 (IF it is bugged).


OR; if a version 4.1.4+ is due out soon, with the bug fixed, I will just wait for that one (please advise IF and WHEN this is the case).

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Post by Switeck »

JeffBTX wrote:
(1) How do the Constores affect the player; I.E. what are the bottom-line advantages (in addition to eye-candy) I.E. do they affect the economy?
Some of the items they have for sale are for prices which differ sharply from the main station in the same system, so trading between them can net at least a small profit.
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Post by Eric Walch »

JeffBTX wrote:
(2) From reading the past several posts, it seems as if there is a bug in 4.1.4 (?) whereby only one TYPE of Constore is being spawned (Pi-42) (?)

I can't QUITE follow the explanation of how to fix it. (apparantly some files and/or folders need to be renamed?)

Can someone post a clear explanation of how to fix 4.1.4 (IF it is bugged).
Its not a serious bug. Only the names of the stores were all the same. The stores themselves were still unique. I just updated the OXP to version 4.1.5. The main OXP is identical, but the updaters for the sets are fixed now from this bug.
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Post by JeffBTX »


Thanks, I just downloaded 4.1.5 and I will try it soon.
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Post by JeffBTX »

I downloaded and tried it for a while. I didn't have it installed for that long.

The economy confused me a little, and I didn't like the "rotating billboard beacons" (I would rather have the default beacons).

BUT I will re-download it and keep it this time... the economy probably just takes getting used to.

As for the beacons, I think I can figure out how to modify the OXP ** just for my own use ** to use the default beacons.

While I was playing it, I found a couple of Star Con Stores and a Sainsboories, so I guess the fix for 4.1.5 is working (only confirmed for those 2 ConStore types for now... but it is probably OK).

The only problem I see (IF it is a problem) is that on the ConStores (both types that I saw) there were some All-White billboards. Like glowing white screens, blank, nothing on them. This would be the rectangular larger billboard that is maybe 2/3 of the way up towards the top of the station; 1 or 2 of these per station (I can't remember if it was 1 or 2 per station). (sorry I don't have a screenshot avail).

My guess is that either a texture link is messed up somewhere, OR these are reserved for future ads.

I will re-download it and re-install it again shortly, and I will try to be more descriptive and/or provide a screenshot (IF this is a problem).
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Post by Switeck »

I have some confusion over installing these.
Do we junk/delete/move the older updates? YOUR_AD_HERE_set_A414_upd.oxp ?
The main YOUR_AD_HERE.oxp isn't numbered, so I have to be careful which is which. :P
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Mauiby de Fug
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Post by Mauiby de Fug »

This explains the installation best...
Eric's ReadMe wrote:
These updates are needed in addition to the YOUR_AD_HERE_set_X.oxp.

Only install the update for the sets you have installed in your system. The updates are named as: YOUR_AD_HERE_set_A415_upd.oxp

===== INSTALLATION =====

The files "shipdata.plist" in the individual sets must be exchanged. You can do that in two ways:

A) This update must be loaded after the set itself so it can overwrite one of the internal files with a corrected version. Therefor it must be named in a way it loads after the original. Out of the box it loads correct, but if you rename files, just make sure the updates still load later.

B) Or alternatively you can remove the old shipdata.plist from the sets and replace it with the one from the updates.

On systems where the loading order is never alphabetically, you only can use option B. I think this is the case with most Linux systems.

These files need Oolite 1.74 and won't work with older Oolite versions.

These update files can be deleted once the fixes are added in the sets themselves. Currently they are released separately to save download time. This means you need to have BOTH installed: the set and the update for the set.

(Or more precisely: I only published a patch file for the sets because the originals are hosted in a place I have no access to)

The were no issues with the main YOUR_AD_HERE.oxp. That remains unchanged.

The bug was in the set updates.

You should replace the YOUR_AD_HERE_set_X414_upd.oxp update with the YOUR_AD_HERE_set_X415_upd.oxp in a way that works for you as explained above.

Therefore if you keep them as separate oxps, then delete the 414 ones and use the 415 ones. Otherwise, copy the shipdata.plists over into the main YOUR_AD_HERE_set_X.oxp to replace the one in the set.

'Tis a little bit fiddly, I know, but it works!
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Post by Eric Walch »

Switeck wrote:
The main YOUR_AD_HERE.oxp isn't numbered, so I have to be careful which is which. :P
Yes, I also hate non-numbered releases. But as this is Dr.Nil's work, and he never added versions, I don't want to change his way of doing it. :cry:

Instead, I added an info.plist inside as second best option. Mac users don't see an oxp as a folder, but as a file with its own custom icon (that is inside Oolite itself). Any normal text file inside an oxp, giving a version number, will by invisible for mac users. But, the info.plist makes that when you ask file info for such files on a mac, you'll see the version number and the author in the finder-infobox. (Also the requires.plist info will be visible in the mac info window, but that is for oxp-files only)

On other systems you will be able to open the oxp as folder and read the info.plist with a text editor. This also shows the version than. And your log lists a version for the script, so there will still be a clue about the version.
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Post by Commander McLane »

I'm impressed! :shock:

I had to check the planet list for Ildi brew, and it really exists. Amazing! :D

(And it's not even coming from Ildi.)
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Post by Eric Walch »

Commander McLane wrote:
I'm impressed! :shock:

I had to check the planet list for Ildi brew, and it really exists. Amazing! :D

(And it's not even coming from Ildi.)
Aha, you have been here to buy your brew?
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Post by Commander McLane »

Eric Walch wrote:
Commander McLane wrote:
I'm impressed! :shock:

I had to check the planet list for Ildi brew, and it really exists. Amazing! :D

(And it's not even coming from Ildi.)
Aha, you have been here to buy your brew?
Actually I haven't. I just let Spotlight search for "Ildi", and it came up with the correct planet list (which I have as a local copy). :wink:
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