Log Errors in trunk

For test results, bug reports, announcements of new builds etc.

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Post by caracal »

Ahruman wrote:
Incidentally, I’d like to take this opportunity to disagree with everyone above. Error reports regarding trunk are very welcome
Hey now! I'm the guy who said above, "as a developer who firmly believes in Linus' Law, I appreciate knowing when my code doesn't work", so we're not in total disagreement. :P

Thargoid makes some good points about aiming OXPs at a moving target, and Eric's comment about timing before/after releases is on point for this thread. I think the key is that what you want are reports of actual bugs, not known incompatibilities introduced by purposeful changes in the code. And by "reports", I don't mean "Waaah, my ship she no fly no more!" NorthenderPNE included actual log messages and a specific build version number; as bug reports go, that's not bad. And I think his heart is in the right place.

I think what we all want is for the game to get better, no? And it has done so steadily over the years, so you guys must be doing something right!
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Post by NorthenderPNE »

NorthenderPNE included actual log messages and a specific build version number; as bug reports go, that's not bad. And I think his heart is in the right place.
Bless you caracal. :wink:
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