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Ships, decisions, decisions.

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Ships, decisions, decisions.

Post by X »

Hello fellow spacefarers, I finally believe that I'm knowledgeable enough to not burden the forum; since nobody likes scraping rookie amalgam off the docking ports.

Still, there is always more to learn, which is the primary reason I'm here.

I've been wandering Galaxy 1, honing my skills before I head out into the big bad universe. So far, I've managed a respectable 977 kills and amounted a net worth of 483,540 credits as of this post. Most of which has gone into upgrading my ship with every bit of hardware I can get my hands on.

While me and my Cobra Mk. III can deal with pirates, traders, vipers, thargoid marauders, bounty hunters, and the occasional navy frigate; a couple of run-ins with Capt. Wyvern and his beastly warship show that I'm eventually going to have to change ships to avoid being horribly outclassed. He doesn't seem to agree with my policy blasting every ship in sight into space debris, and his accursed cloaking device prevents me from suicide blitzing him.

I'd like some suggestions on what ship I should get. Preferably something with turrets and more dakka in general; cargo space, cost, and possible refits are a plus, but not required. I have no qualms about installing OXPs.

For now, I'm working with the Galactic Navy so I can acquire the credits to purchase an imperial courier.
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Post by Cows »

Turrets and more cargo space... Personally, I'd go with the Caduceus or Kirin (which are both from oxp's, by the way). Caduceus is maneuverable, faster, has a somewhat greater cargo space than the Cobra Mk. III (40-50t), and has turrets mounted on the side, and occasionally the top and bottom. Kirin is much larger, can carry more cargo, and has more plasma turrets, which I believe are weaker than the Caduceus's , but is slower and less maneuverable. I don't know what the price of a Kirin is, but the Caduceus is unaffordable to anyone lower than a 1000000 Cr, and I believe the value is like 1200000 Cr.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Caduceus can be found here
Kirin can be found here, if you're interested.
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Re: Ships, decisions, decisions.

Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

X wrote:
While me and my Cobra Mk. III can deal with pirates, traders, vipers, thargoid marauders, bounty hunters, and the occasional navy frigate; a couple of run-ins with Capt. Wyvern and his beastly warship show that I'm eventually going to have to change ships to avoid being horribly outclassed. He doesn't seem to agree with my policy blasting every ship in sight into space debris, and his accursed cloaking device prevents me from suicide blitzing him.
You must've tried the Personalities oxp. :)

So you think you can deal with bounty hunters, you say? Maybe you managed to hold a few amateur lawbeings-for-hire off, made them consider going after easier prey...Good for you!
With me, you're dealing with a professional. I didn't get to ---ELITE---, or being ranked "The Great One" by the Bounty Hunter's Guild by being a target drone. Oh, no. I shoot back, and I'm not messing around, as you found out.
It's not that I disagree with your wanton anarchist ways... Go for it, knock yourself out. I love a fugitive with a huge juicy bounty. Love 'em all the way to a nice bright explosion.
But you should remember, a kamikaze gets no bragging rights. Suiciders are too dead to brag. The only winner in a space duel is the one flying away, or scooping up the..err, "donated" cargo.
Now as for ships, it's less to do with the ship, than the fellow at the comm.

hmm... These young ones... When will they ever learn?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by X »

Bravery doesn't necessarily mean stupidity commander. Just ask the survivors of the behemoth I annihilated... Oh right.

Protip: Escape pods cost less than q-mines.
The trick, of course, is to make sure you don't miss.

People seem to underestimate me because of my kill-list, they can all kiss my afterburners.

Back on topic: I've tried the Kirin, but it seems a bit too cheap, considering its cavernous cargo hold and huge boost in firepower, and the Caduceus is still far out of my price range. I'll consider it once I run a couple of milk runs.

Is there anything else that might fit my preferences? An intermediary of sorts.
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Post by Cows »

Another ship worth considering is the Xarik. About the same cargo space, however, it has turrets, is in your price range, has more energy banks, and is slightly faster than the Cobra Mk III.
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Post by X »

Invalid or deleted file... :(

Is there another link? I'd love to give it a try.
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Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

X wrote:
Invalid or deleted file... :(

Is there another link? I'd love to give it a try.
Sure. Here's the link you're looking for.

As for the Kirin, Cows pointed you to the Kirin Sport, which is the smallest, lightest, fastest, and cheapest of the Kirin line. The most lightly armed, too.
Guess you'll have to wait for the wiki to be fixed to get the heavy Kirin.
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Post by X »

Awesome, I can't wait to test drive the "Killer Rabbit III"! "Killer Rabbit II" had a bit of an accident.

i338.photobucketDOTcom/albums/n438/Lulzcon/Oops-2.png (Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules).

I take back what I said about your chronic morning breath, so can we call it even? My insurance company has started sending me threatening letters again.

I've even put aside my marauder urges, since the Navy is more profitable, though nowhere near as fun.
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Post by ADCK »

X wrote:
i338.photobucketDOTcom/albums/n438/Lulzcon/Oops-2.png (Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules).
We're allowed to post links, so you dont need to put the word "DOT" in it, as for the word "Bastard" in the pic, since the forums word-filter doesn't seem to filter it out I can't see any reason not to say it, even in a pic, since there isn't any posting guidelines sticked just use your common sense (no harrasment, no spamming, etc)

Oh and, welcome to the friendliest board this side of Riedquat!™©MMX
No animals were harmed in the making of this post.Proudly brought to you by the good people at ADCK's BBQ & Mortuary supplies! mmm Tasty!
Last edited by ADCK on Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by X »

That's not it, it's the "No links until you've been here at least 5 days" policy that I was worrying about,
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Post by ADCK »

X wrote:
That's not it, it's the "No links until you've been here at least 5 days" policy that I was worrying about,
Oh, thats just to keep the ad-bots at bay :P
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Post by Diziet Sma »

X wrote:
Awesome, I can't wait to test drive the "Killer Rabbit III"! "Killer Rabbit II" had a bit of an accident.

A most interesting technique.. does this mean we can expect to see you piloting the "Killer Rabbit XCIX" before too long? :mrgreen:

Oh yes, welcome to the boards, too! :D
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Post by X »

So time has passed and I've advanced a bit more. No longer am I a common rookie with 997 kills, I am now a common rookie with 2,416 kills; With 600,000+ net credits to my name.

The Galactic Navy is a good line of work, perks, profit, and the ability to engage in legally sanctioned violence; but eventually, the time came for me to take some "extended" R&R. So after 43 sorties, I left thargoid debris field and never looked back.

Protip: The Navy pays top dollar for leftover alien parts.

I also got my hands on a Xarik Spaceplane. Handles like a dream and packs enough guns to make 'em count; no fiddling around with the tractor beam either. Plus, the salesman was kind enough to throw in a proper com unit, instead of the jury-rigged Gamestation 1080 I was using.

1. Locate target: A Pirate corsair.
2. Approach from Behind.
3. Launch salvaged standard missile while fuel injecting.
4. Engage forward military laser.
5. Circle target, pepper with turret fire until they eject.
6. Engage salvage missile.

Estimated engagement time: 12 seconds.
Feels good man.

A little greasing of the wheels of justice also got me half off on every bit of tech the navy had at their disposal; meaning practically freaking everything. I even ended up with a profit after trading in my Cobra Mk3. I'll miss my baby, but I sure hope I don't wind up on her business end.

(Is it possible that this discount can be horribly abused? If you buy a quirium torpedo at half-price and sell it at to the dredgers at twice its original value, you could make a ton of easy money that way.)

I now freelance for the Salvagers so they'll always have something to strip down. Derelicts conveniently appear along my path, and it makes me a tidy sum. I wonder how much they would've given me for that Anaconda Liner I took down during my deranged megalomaniac phase.

I'm still being attacked by those elitist bastards though. They didn't seem to like me blowing up Hesperus. In my defense, it was either me, or an entire wing of navy newbies with military hardware and itchy trigger fingers. I even went out of the way and picked up his escape pod AND bought most of his (surviving) trumbles as a sign of goodwill.

Protip: You are not a true pilot until you've bought at least one trumble. DO IT. Best. Thing. Ever.

Here's the thing though, during one of my "salvage excursions", I ran into one mean bastard. He tore through half my shields before I could react. I hit the injectors and never looked back. I counted no less than 4 lasers attacking me simultaneously.

I want a ship with four forward lasers :/, any idea where I can get my hands on one of those babies?

Also, what can I do with the fuel silos that conveniently show up when I'm around?
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Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

The Xarik can mount four lasers.
Tips: Mount a second military on the aft, and beam lasers on the sides. Also, practice side-fire attacks; you'll see how vicious a combined flak turret/laser burst strike can be. Add to that the Xarik has a narrow side profile, harder to hit.

As for that ship with the four foreward lasers - That's a Rattle Cutter, known also as a "Rattler" in the rougher parts of the Great Eight. It's a one-man strike interceptor, specifically designed to make slash hits on Thargoid warships. It was built for the Navy, but the Navy didn't take too much a shine to them. But pirates did, unfortunately.
It's fast and well armored, but doesn't have injectors or missiles. Also, those four beam lasers are it's achille's heel: the laser mounts are unarmored, and the lasers easily destroyed with precision shots.
And no, you can't have one. Player ships cannot carry multiple foreward lasers. Turrets are the 2nd best thing.

You might want to try your hand at *ahem* "freelance policing". The seedy bars (Random Hits oxp) offers contracts to rub out various rogues, with levels ranging from target practice on Harmless minor offenders, to real hardasses that promise to give you a real good battle, with nice payouts, far higher than GalCop's standard stingy bounty pay.

Trumbles? They go well with BBQ sauce between a whole wheat bun, with curly fries and a tankard of ale on the side.
Last edited by Cmdr Wyvern on Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Thargoid »

Multiple forward lasers aren't (yet) available in the game. Closest thing are turrets, which some player ships do have in various orientations.

As for fuel and such, have a look in the link below for something along those lines, plus one or 25 other OXPs ;)
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