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Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:57 pm
by Kaks
Okti wrote:
I can access a system info for a system easily, no problem with that. Is there a way to access to a systeminfo for interstellar space say between Planet A to B in scripting? Or do I need to wait for 1.76.
Apart from galactic coordinates, all other system info is useless in interstellar space: by definition, there's (supposed to be) no government, no population, no techlevel, no planet.

Of course some oxps might well decide to surprise the players by providing a particular point in interstellar space with a lot of things that aren't supposed to be there...

If you are in interstellar space you can still find out if there are systems within x light years of your current position, with ... ic_methods if it's any help...

Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:42 am
by Switeck
Okti wrote:
Well you can reach some of the unraechable systems by mis jumps if you have a way to top your fuel up to 7 ly.
Commander McLane wrote:
Note also that only two of the "gaps" in the game can be bridged that way. Many of them are too wide to be bridged by any combination of misjumps.
While I contest that there are only 2 gaps that can be is indeed extremely difficult to use misjumps to cross anything other than the most trivial gap (like 7.2 LY from systems or <7 LY via the middle of a misjump).

A simple "bridge-able" gap looks like this:

Code: Select all


While System 4 is further away than 7 LY from Systems 1 and 2, "a" -- the midpoint of a misjump between Systems 1 and 2 might barely be less than 7 LY from System 4.

A more complex "bridge-able" gap might look something like this:

Code: Select all

| bc
3            4
By doing misjumps first between Systems 1 and 2, then at "a" between that and System can end up somewhere around "b" and thus possibly within 7 LY of System 4. If that wasn't close enough, you could then misjump going from "b" to System 2, then misjump back to System 3. After doing that, you might be somewhere around "c". In any case, *NO* number of misjumps using Systems 1, 2, and 3 will put you below and to the right of a line drawn from System 2 and 3.

Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:02 am
by Commander McLane
Switeck wrote:
Okti wrote:
Well you can reach some of the unraechable systems by mis jumps if you have a way to top your fuel up to 7 ly.
Commander McLane wrote:
Note also that only two of the "gaps" in the game can be bridged that way. Many of them are too wide to be bridged by any combination of misjumps.
While I contest that there are only 2 gaps that can be bridged...
I didn't want to imply that no other gaps can be discovered. My point was more that for some isolated systems there is no possible bridge. And my guess is that this is the majority of isolated systems.

Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:58 pm
by Okti
Hi Guys,

My Intention was to a find a way to reach to Oresrati in a programble way. I know at least two other commanders has achieved that from this topic in earlier posts.

I am still trying to understand how distances between to sytems is calculated. Eric's post helped a bit.

Any more sugestions on that?


Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:57 pm
by Commander McLane
You just need to follow the right path. It requires four or five subsequent misjumps. Why do you want it done by script (if that is what 'programable' means)? Once you've figured out the algorithm (as in where-to-jump-in-which-order), you can give precise instructions to the player.

Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:39 pm
by Okti
I am going bananas, misjumping between Biered,Leater and Aatdire. No way I could get less then 7.2 LY to Oresrati. I am using windows vista as operating system.

What systems do you use. Is that becouse of the operating system or I haven't choose the three systems right?


Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 4:02 pm
by Commander McLane
I got a name for you: Arustea. At a certain stage it will look like outside of your range, but if you select it you'll find it 6.8LY away.

After that it's another two jumps.

Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 4:11 pm
by Okti
Thanks Commander McLane, I made it. I can now bundle that information into an equipment, like I have done with LinkG7.

If any body is interested in using it in a mission please let me know.

Thanks again


Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 4:23 pm
by Gimi
Okti wrote:
Thanks Commander McLane, I made it. I can now bundle that information into an equipment, like I have done with LinkG7.

If any body is interested in using it in a mission please let me knows.

Thanks again

Someone should document all these tricks and post them on a Wiki page (Using ROT13 on the lot). Sort of like a Commanders book of secrets.

[Gimi thinks for a while]
When I think of it, I'm not sure if this is such a clever idea, but I'll post this anyway.

Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 4:27 pm
by Okti
But I forgot to buy a Galactic Hyperdrive :)

So stuck in there!


Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:09 am
by Switeck
Okti wrote:
If any body is interested in using it in a mission please let me know.
I am!

As much testing as I do, I'd be interested in how it's done just for making testing quicker. :lol:

Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:30 am
by Commander McLane
Okti wrote:
Thanks Commander McLane, I made it. I can now bundle that information into an equipment, like I have done with LinkG7.

If any body is interested in using it in a mission please let me know.

Thanks again


But I forgot to buy a Galactic Hyperdrive :)

So stuck in there!


So you could put a sticker on your equipment, saying "WARNING! Don't forget your Galactic Hyperdrive!" 8)

Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:33 am
If it's part of a mission you could award a GH on arrival.

Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:04 am
by Commander McLane
You could probably make a living out of setting up a Galactic Hyperdrive shop in a Rock Hermit on Oresrati. :D

Re: I've broken the 7 ly limit! (sort of...)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:54 am
by Okti
I can always make the equipment incompatible with galactic hyperdrive :twisted:

And Name it One Way Ticket to Oresrati. :lol:
