[UPDATED RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission - problem with base/sun

Post by UK_Eliter »

Dear all / relevant developers

On my system, which has (a customised version of) FarSun OXP installed, the Katik base is not near the sun. (I verified that statement by finding the base by cheating.) So perhaps there's a problem here? I suppose it depends upon how the OXP determines where to put the base . .
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by Okti »

UK_Eliter wrote:
Dear all / relevant developers

On my system, which has (a customised version of) FarSun OXP installed, the Katik base is not near the sun. (I verified that statement by finding the base by cheating.) So perhaps there's a problem here? I suppose it depends upon how the OXP determines where to put the base . .
The script has been fixed for Farsun.oxp, but updating the whole oxp is not a thing I like to do at the moment. Instead I provided a fix which can be downloaded from here.

Please copy Coyote-Main.js file to the Scripts folder of Coyote's Run.oxp. This must solve the issue with the Farsun.oxp.

The reason was both Coyote's Run and Farsun was using the same handler to do their work which is shipWillExitHyperspace event. I moved the relevant code to shipExitedWitchspace and works fine now.
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by UK_Eliter »

Thanks! It seems to work!
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by CaptSolo »

While young Solo is still trading and adventuring in chart 1, older Solo is about to arrive at Laquused in chart 5. Wish me luck.
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by Fatleaf »

I wish you all the best. Remember to read the notes carefully and the F5F5 screen is your friend. When you get the chance, I recommend the Lobster :wink:
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by Cody »

Whereas I would recommend the Geregeian Spotted Wolf al forno!

Thanks for spotting that, UK_Eliter. It's been ages since I last installed Farsun... I'd forgotten how cool it looks, so it's staying in my AddOns folder now.
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by Eric Walch »

I finished the oxp yesterday: A great experience and thanks for offering me a vacation at the end :wink:

I noticed that the creation of a ship formation with the player spammed my error log a bit. After exploring, this seemed to be no bug in Coyote's Run, but in Oolite itself. It is fixed in last nighty but for the mission its harmless. When you don't look in the log you might never know there was a problem. :P
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by Fatleaf »

Eric Walch wrote:
After exploring, this seemed to be no bug in Coyote's Run, but in Oolite itself.
A bug?!?! In CR?!?! :shock: Never may that be the case. Of course it was Oolite itself! It would be preposterous to think otherwise :wink:
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by Eric Walch »

Fatleaf wrote:
A bug?!?! In CR?!?! :shock: Never may that be the case. :wink:
At least a few anomalies. On my vacation I got from Admiral Carruthers, I passed the Laquused system. I thought "lets go there to close the whole loop". So I did, but on arrival I got the starting message of Coyote Run again. However, this time I was awaited by two Hydras (Probably from the Military Fiasco mission that restarted recently). During that fight I killed both but they managed to destroy my fuel scoops. Anyhow, in the next system I had to collect an escape pod for the mission. Interesting...

So I headed fast to the main station and killing all pirates on the way that could scoop up my pod. Repaired my scoops and went back for the pod. I found it. But when bringing it in I got a message from Carruthers that I had to go tho system [censured] to fit some special equipment. Carruthers is starting to get a bit senile, as he should know that this equipment was already fitted before my vacation. :P

(Although I must admit that the code contains a counter for how often the run was performed, so restarting seems intentional)
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by Okti »

Eric Walch wrote:
At least a few anomalies. On my vacation I got from Admiral Carruthers, I passed the Laquused system. I thought "lets go there to close the whole loop". So I did, but on arrival I got the starting message of Coyote Run again.
(Although I must admit that the code contains a counter for how often the run was performed, so restarting seems intentional)
Yes, Eric that was intentional. Unlike other missions Coyote's Run does not have COMPLETED Status. So if a user want to replay the mission Jumping to Laquused will trigger the mission again. If a player does not want to replay it, uninstalling the OXP will be sufficient. The counter is provided for the sequels, but must first be written by El Viejo :D. And we are thinking about an OXP for Avernus Orbital as well.
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by CaptSolo »

Wonderful job well done to all involved. I am enjoying this OXP as I enjoyed reading El Viejo's "Coyote".
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by Cody »

Okti wrote:
The counter is provided for the sequels, but must first be written by El Viejo
Hmm... no comment!
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by CaptSolo »

I have been playing this mission for awhile now - hunting down the Katik clan around the Steel Halo and I have only one other thing to add: El Viejo must have known how much I enjoy being an offender / fugitive. :mrgreen:
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by Cody »

CaptSolo wrote:
El Viejo must have known how much I enjoy being an offender / fugitive.
Moi! Surely you don't think that I could've been so fiendish? Perish the thought, sir! <chuckles>
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Re: [RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Post by Bazabaza »

Have destroyed the first katik anaconda as asked but mission appears stuck?
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