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Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:52 pm
by Pleb
MadCaps? Okay, I've searched Google but it doesn't give a definitive answer...what is MadCaps?

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:05 pm
by Selezen
To answer the flurry of questions...

Yes, it's (hopefully) Elite - the Board Game. I've made counters for classic Elite and Oolite versions. Rules are looking like they could be quite complex, so I am trying to work out how to thin it out. The working name for it is "Station Run".

It's the fourth MadCap game (third is as yet unpublished). The first one to be given away free. The concept came together whilst I was writing up the ruleset for the third game.

Pleb: - note that it's in line for updating once I get some stuff updated behind the scenes.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:32 pm
by Talisker
Oh, wow. Way cool!

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:23 am
by JazHaz
In thread "About planets", submersible wrote:
Bravely running away - now has a sunset. ... te-165.png
That picture is too big to display on the forum, but still you should check it out, its just "Wow!".

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:30 pm
by another_commander
Shipbuilder's new creation. I'm not one who'd normally mix stuff from different places in my game, but this one is really, really nice. I think that a very light normalmap plus lightmap would work wonders on this already impressive ship. The Constitution class in orbit around Xevera.


Re: Screenshots

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:21 pm
by Cody
another_commander wrote:
I'm not one who'd normally mix stuff from different places in my game...
Ditto, but I just had to fly Shipbuilder's Colonial Viper... a sweet fighter. I wonder where Frame is at with his Omega-class destroyer?

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:31 pm
by Shipbuilder
Shipbuilder's new creation. I'm not one who'd normally mix stuff from different places in my game, but this one is really, really nice
Thanks gents I'm happy with the model myself but it does make you feel that your hard word is worth it when others also appreciate what you have done. :D
I think that a very light normalmap plus lightmap would work wonders on this already impressive ship.
To be perfectly honest I'm quite new at this 3D modelling and texturing so don't really know anything about normalmaping and lightmaping, (yet), other than I have heard of the terms.

Having said that I am picking more and more up each day so this is another topic for me to get my heard around along with shaders and more complex scripting. :?

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:15 pm
by pagroove
I agree on that it's a very nice ship. I love Star Trek very much but I never mix genres in games. But I wonder if you can make a Star Trek 'inspired' design for Oolite. For example if you take the saucer section off and stick two engines on it? Just an idea. But very nice model also the Vipers. :D

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:26 am
by maik
Or make more Enterprise content. I guess it would be possible with some OXPs to have a relatively complete experience. Heresy, I know, but why not?! ;-)

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:30 am
by pagroove
maik wrote:
Or make more Enterprise content. I guess it would be possible with some OXPs to have a relatively complete experience. Heresy, I know, but why not?! ;-)
Funny I thought about it last night. A total conversion mod with 1 galaxy but full of Star Trek content. But in the core this was tried with Oolite Extended and that project didn't really take off.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:41 am
by Commander McLane
pagroove wrote:
maik wrote:
Or make more Enterprise content. I guess it would be possible with some OXPs to have a relatively complete experience. Heresy, I know, but why not?! ;-)
Funny I thought about it last night. A total conversion mod with 1 galaxy but full of Star Trek content. But in the core this was tried with Oolite Extended and that project didn't really take off.
I think total conversions should be possible. Perhaps they're not straightforward, but definitely possible. Think of a replacement ship set, and no other OXPs installed.

And Oolite Extended had nothing to do with a total conversion, so it doesn't fit at all as an example.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:02 am
by Shipbuilder
Some good ideas bouncing around here.
I don't suppose it would be an option to have a special galactic hyderdrive which could be used to 'jump' to say a Star Trek galaxy or perhaps a galaxy based on other universes. That way perhaps we could basically have the standard Oolite universes and special themed universes running together (With the special themed universes added by whoever wants them as a OXP).

If you were in say the tar Trek themed universe you could then buy a standard galactic hyperdrive to jump back in to the Oolite galaxies.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:22 am
by Thargoid
Nope - standard 8 galaxies only (at least without file-hacking).

As noted, this kind of thing would be a full replacement shipset, with limitations on what else could be installed to keep immersion.

Re: Screenshots

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:48 am
by Capt. Murphy
Coming soon to a (trunk-only) OXP near you... :wink:

No more wishy-washy pastels on your Griff ship :twisted: .



Re: Screenshots

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:52 am
by Wildeblood
Shipbuilder wrote:
I don't suppose it would be an option to have a special galactic hyderdrive which could be used to 'jump' to say a Star Trek galaxy or perhaps a galaxy based on other universes. That way perhaps we could basically have the standard Oolite universes and special themed universes running together (With the special themed universes added by whoever wants them as a OXP).

If you were in say the tar Trek themed universe you could then buy a standard galactic hyperdrive to jump back in to the Oolite galaxies.
If you add a specific galaxy number as a condition to your shipdata, you can partition one galaxy for your Trek ships, one galaxy for Star Wars, one galaxy for BSG, etc. Then you just hop to the galaxy you want to play in tonight, using a permanent galdrive. If the devs would implement a multi-shift galdrive (a relatively simple change), you could jump straight to the one you want, without wasting time cycling through the intervening ones. Isn't that right, Kaks? :twisted:

Actually, it's also possible to have eight galaxies (with different seeds and resultant layout) available to each theme, and be able to leave them all in your add-ons - without needing to swap the OXPs in and out - with a bit* of javascript.

* Possibly a big bit, but not a huge lot.