I have has a look through the Forums and can't see an answer, although I'm aware it's come up before.
OK. Discovered Oolite a couple of weeks ago. Is FANTASTIC - like being twelve again
I was so enthused I went and bought a joystick - Logitech Extreme 3D Pro.
But...the throttle and twist aren't recognised (by Oolite joystick configuration). Now I can assign the keyboard actions to these controls, but that gives me full lock or nowt on the rudder and full acceleration or full brake on the throttle.
Can anyone tell me how to get these controls working - as in being able to get a slight twist = a slight bit of rudder and similar with the throttle?
Hi Crush - welcome to the friendliest board this side of Riedquat(tm)
What OS are you running? (XP/Vista/7)
What version of the code (1.73.4?) is the latest.
You're right - there's a whole thread/poll specifically about joystick issues. here or here
We've got about 40 Logitech Extreme Pro 3D sticks in my lab at work - I'll give one a whirl on my work Vista laptop and see what Oolite makes of it and report back. Note: I wouldn't expect the throttle to behave like a throttle because each keypress equivalent up or down locks it at a certain discrete point, and I don't think the twist on the Extreme Pro is analogue either.
Even with my joysticks' limitations, I've used it to manually dock on numerous occasions and to achieve a *Deadly* combat rating. And because it works to full potential in other games, I see no need to replace it yet.
"I shouldn't have taken off in this crate without more ammo..." Sergeant Knox - Star Blazers
Logitech Extreme 3D Pro (only choice in stores here).
Only problem is that I could use a little dead-zone in Y(?)-axis (pitch) 'cause my hand's sideways motion isn't too stable (tend to get some climb when I want just roll).
What I did:
1. install Logitech software from the CD (5.02)
2. plug in the stick, fiddle with the Profiler
3. start Oolite, see that ingame config is available
4. close Oolite, close the Profiler, check that the stick works via Contol Panel - Game Controllers
5. start Oolite, assign controls for joystick buttons & axes (F2 - Game Options... - Joystick Configuration)
6. learn to fly
I assigned the normal axes (default, duh) to roll & pitch/climb and axis 3 (the throttle rudder) to yaw. Now the yaw's a bit sensitive, but can be used precisely in delicate situations. I guess you could assign the yaw to handle twist too and now I don't remember if the throttle (game increase/decrease speed) is button/axis or button only control. Anyway, I use 2 buttons foor speed control.
The hat switch works fine for view changing.
I have one of those Sidewinder force feedback joysticks, with 4 buttons on the base, usual throttle and twist features, and aside from the primary/secondary fire and hat, there are two more buttons on top too.
The primary and secondary are for lasers and missles. The other two buttons up top are for targeting and changing the selected missile (R and T keys).
The twist is for yaw, which makes lining up with objects a real breeze.
Down below, the two closest buttons are fuel injector and ecm respectively, and behind them are for jumpspace and fine-maneuvering toggle.
A trumble a day keeps the doctor away, and the tax man;
even the Grim Reaper keeps his distance.
-- Paul Wilkins
Having offered to test an Extreme Pro at work I now have a bit of an issue.
Where is the joystick config stored once it's created? It doesn't appear to be in my save file because I brought my Ubuntu save game across to Vista and had to re-setup the controls in joystick config in Vista for my Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual 2.
Now, I'd like to make a copy of what/wherever that config is stored so that I can move it out of the way and then fiddle with the controls to see if I can get the Logitech Extreme to work.
However, this may be a moot point because it would seem that at least one user of an Extreme Pro has got it to work - although I am still fairly certain that the Twist on an Extreme Pro is digital and not analogue and this is why it can't be assigned to the yaw controls in Oolite (but the Thottle can - I'm presuming centre throttle position is no yaw and min/max throttle are right and left yaw?)
although I am still fairly certain that the Twist on an Extreme Pro is digital and not analogue and this is why it can't be assigned to the yaw controls in Oolite (but the Thottle can - I'm presuming centre throttle position is no yaw and min/max throttle are right and left yaw?)
I tested this, and:
- twist is analogue too, and the precision button works with it
- if I set yaw to twist axis, I get slight yaw to left every time I pull the stick (climb), no other anomalies
- throttle can be used as speed setting device
- using throttle as yaw control works exactly as DaddyHoggy describes above
So, it looks like I have to check out if the profiler offers dead-zone settings...