Basically, I tend to get very confused about OXP's and their releases/updates. It seems there are 3 places where they can be found. Either here, the wiki or members own web pages. None of the ever seem to be synced up making tracking down oxp's a bit of a nightmare if you have been away for a while..
I was wondering if maybe it would be a good idea to have a sub forum specifically for links to new or updated oxp's that doesn't allow discussion? That continues in the Expansion pack area.
Each release or update has its own thread with a single link to the download (wherever that may be) and the thread title has to contain certain info. Maybe - name/type (ship, flavour etc etc)/version/date/oolite version required.
Maybe each new oxp/update gets stickied until its changed, then the old version is allowed to slip down with the latest being stickied again?
That way hopefully the OXP's can be better tracked for people like me! IE numpties!