Q-Bomb should destroy stations.

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Q-Bomb should destroy stations.

Post by ebw »


because of the working principle of a Q-Bomb, it should be possible to
destroy a station with it.

But then you should be hunted by police in each system thats not an
anarchy. Maybe even a change of Galaxy shouldn't help. So no one would
actually ever do it with a commander he likes to continue to play with.

I read of some bug, that made a hole bunch of wormholes open in
front of you and get ships coming out of them. In fact this should
happen if you destroyed a station. All ships hunting you.


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Post by Rxke »

I must say I agree; on all points.

It just doesn't feel right when you see a station shrugging off the Q-bomb effect...
It should really go out with a humongeous kaboom, given its huuge mass... A mother-of-all-Q-Bomb-Explosion :twisted:

And then set the legal status incredibly high on the Fugitive scale, so it takes ages to be clean again...
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Post by Lucidor »

Rxke wrote:
It should really go out with a humongeous kaboom, given its huuge mass... A mother-of-all-Q-Bomb-Explosion :twisted:
Then the computer should crash from floating cargo container overload. :^j
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Post by Murgh »

Guess I'll sound in my 'I disagree'.

I'd much rather stations were impervious to the Q-bomb effect for some technobabble reason. Sure there could be some clever way way to destroy one, but not by an easy trigger of something sold over the counter inside the station walls.

If simply mass was the reason for Q-bomb vulnerability, why wouldn't it just as easily be a planet or sun-killer?
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Post by milinks »

Maybe there is a mid point to this. You cant go around blowing up stations, as obviously this has a major impact to the game, it could have a massive effect on OXP's which use a particular station in a mission etc, and the other thing, is once its gone....well, its gone! But being a Star Wars film buff, what about the following slant on this.

In Star Wars, we can all remember the partially built Death Star, What about a station made to resemble either a partially destroyed, or built station. A script could be written, i think quite easily, so that if a Q bomb is used within a given distance of a station, it causes the player to be hyperspaced out of the system, like wormhole theory. This could be because of the effects on the navigation systems failure after the explosion, or as an inbuilt safety measure etc. When the player returns to THAT system, the script could check it against Q bomb effects used, and display the "damaged" station, with counter of x amount of visits to the system ( which would be the time needed to repair ) rendering the station unusable or dockable, until x amount of visits, or timer exceeded.

I wouldnt think that this would be an impossible idea?
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Post by ebw »

Sound good.
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Post by TedJ »

Murgh wrote:
If simply mass was the reason for Q-bomb vulnerability, why wouldn't it just as easily be a planet or sun-killer?
Egad, you're not talking about the Alchemist are you? :shock:
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Post by Odo987 »

What about if the station did go boom, but did so violently enough (think about the number of energy bombs they must have in storage) that you went with it. Just make sure that if the station is dead, so are you. That would solve the problem to everyone's satisfaction, no?
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Post by Wiggy »

I don't favour Space Stations blowing up as a rule. Not least of all, if NPCs can (occasionally) release Q-bombs; what do you do if you go to a planet and discover it doesn't have a station...?

Sure, make an oxp with a death star, and then make sure you have to aim the Q bomb. (It's just like killing womp-rats in a T-16, apparently...)

In BBC Elite, there was a Character File Editor you could get. If you edited every byte to FF, your shields and energy re-charging were so good that you could fly through the space station -- i.e. through the walls!
It was illegal, of course.

But, after sitting inside the station and firing 16 missiles, ramming it constantly and firing military lasers, it still wouldn't blow up. Trust me -- I tried everything!
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Post by Murgh »

TedJ wrote:
Egad, you're not talking about the Alchemist are you? :shock:
I guess I was actually thinking of Ender's Little Doctor.
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Post by Draco_Caeles »


How about a ship called the Crab Daddy? :lol:

(Anyone but me read Michael Marshall Smith?)
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Post by LittleBear »

Damaged stations are possible, as I've seen this in Thargoid Wars.

Once they start attacking stations, I've seen the 2001 style space stations with missing "post things" (I mean the bits of metal that come off the central hub and join the outer circle).
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Post by Cmdr. Wombat »

LittleBear wrote:
Damaged stations are possible, as I've seen this in Thargoid Wars.

Once they start attacking stations, I've seen the 2001 style space stations with missing "post things" (I mean the bits of metal that come off the central hub and join the outer circle).
That must be a feature of Murgh's torus stations since it's certainly not in the thargoid wars oxp... Pretty cool though.
It is generally inadvisable to eject over the target you just bombed.
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

Destroying stations should be reserved to sharply defined mission-specific events.
and it should not interfere too much with normal gameplay.

Random destruction of stations would interfere with game mechanics too much, also theoretically replacing destroyed stations would cripple the economy.

(this detracts from my last point, but its still valid...:)
Remember that high wealth planets are supposed to have multiple stations, only we are directed to the most convenient (for them) one. Thus blowing up one would lead to us having to dock with a backup one...only the there actually is no such thing really in-game.
Nor is there any need, as the station is indestructible.

Damaging stations is exciting and is certainly be possible on custom made stations (just add subentities).
Any home made stations (not replacing the coriolis) are certainly free game, they compete with Gal-cop for your commerce. ;)
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Post by LittleBear »

A Q-mine shouldn't destroy a space station, as the Q-mine works by doing somthing deeply unpleasant to a ship's witch-drive engine, causing it blow up.

As stations are designed just to orbit the planet, they don't have witch-drive engines and so would be q-bomb proof.

True the ships inside might blow up, causing the station to blow up, but perhaps the q-mine only works on powered up witch-drives or the field needs to reach the drive and it is blocked by the walls and shields of the station.

A nuclear missile would do the trick however. Perhaps one should be issued to blow up the thargoid space-station when this add-on to Thargoid wars is completed.
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