Anyhow I was chasing after a Krait that kept zipping off at injector speed as soon as I opened fire upon it (pesky varmint).
Anyhow whilst engaging in the practice of trying to hold the ship in the targets whilst holding "i" for injector and then trying to press "a" to open fire whilst hoping that the krait doesn't move (as I struggle to my left hand to span between "i" and "a") I was thinking......
Damn it - why haven't I got three hands?
No better still - what if we had an add on to the fuel injector system - Fuel Injector Chase Control.
Once locked on and selected this could be used to apply fuel injector continuously until the target ship is within a preset minimum distance at which point it would temporarily cease, if the target ship then exceeds a maximum distance this would cause the fuel injector to fire up again.
Of course if the ship is no longer within scanner range this function would automatically cease (if it out-runs you or is destroyed).
In some ways this idea is borne out of some of the same frustrations which inspired my tractor beam idea.
Can I ask peoples thoughts on 2 things please.
Firstly and thoughts on the above idea.
Secondly - am I doing something wrong when trying to gun down a ship that won't stand up and fight as it seems to be incredibly difficult sometimes - so I'm sure that I must be doing something wrong, what do other Commanders do when this scenario arises?
Thanks for humouring me (I know I'm like Emmett Brown - but without the scientist bit)