TARGET_LOST triggers a "reactToAIMessage: QUIT". That sets the state to PREPARE_FOR_COLLECTION. After that the original message goes further and sets the state to LOOK_FOR_SPLINTERS.
I don't know if this is your problem, but it looks like it does not do what you want. Since 1.75 we also have a "sendAIMessage". It does the same as reactToAIMessage but not immediately, it does it on the next update. This allows to finish a line before acting on the next message. Generally I prefer this 'slow' command because it gives less surprises and missed it in previous releases.
I see lots of drones firing from my ship and they all goes asteroid hunting. But then after pickup I can find a handfull. When I docked again I got nothing. No mission screen and I didn't get anything. Or is this the part that is not scripted atm?
But it is fun to see the pods collect. I think it should be less pods though. Couldn't there be just one or 2 machines that mine instead of 20 or so?
I see lots of drones firing from my ship and they all goes asteroid hunting. But then after pickup I can find a handfull. When I docked again I got nothing. No mission screen and I didn't get anything. Or is this the part that is not scripted atm?
But it is fun to see the pods collect. I think it should be less pods though. Couldn't there be just one or 2 machines that mine instead of 20 or so?
There was a bug in the AI, which did not execute some part of the AI. After they collect enough comodidities or there are no rocks near by, Only one of them remains and comes to a distance near your ship and becomes an uncontrolled Targon. So you can scoop it.
By scooping the miner, all items collected by them are transfered to your cargo hold. And the equipment can be used again.
I dont know how they manage to fit all those into their tiny bodies, but I suspect the code I nicked from Thargoid uses his HyperCargo
We must determine a realistic price for this equipment. And Number of helpers.
Generally I prefer this 'slow' command because it gives less surprises and missed it in previous releases.
Not fully true as the 'slow' command that acts on the next update, has other surprises, like the code switched trough several states during the current update and ending up in quite a different place than anticipated in the next update.
Therefor its good we now have both commands available to the JS.
One thing I did notice is that it uses the same missile icon as the ETT homing beacon, so it could get a bit confusing as to which is which.
Also, Like someone above said, it would be better with just 1 pod doing to mining, instead of loads of them. Plus it will take a bit longer for just 1 to do the mining. This adds more realism to the game.
Lastly, when I tried it out, I got a full hold of cargo from just one asteriod.
Maybe you should only be able to get a few tonnes from each asteroid like you do when you use a mining laser.
Apart from that, it is a good start. I definately like it.
One thing I did notice is that it uses the same missile icon as the ETT homing beacon, so it could get a bit confusing as to which is which.
Also, Like someone above said, it would be better with just 1 pod doing to mining, instead of loads of them. Plus it will take a bit longer for just 1 to do the mining. This adds more realism to the game.
Lastly, when I tried it out, I got a full hold of cargo from just one asteriod.
Maybe you should only be able to get a few tonnes from each asteroid like you do when you use a mining laser.
Apart from that, it is a good start. I definately like it.
I think what I can do is to sell the Launcher with only one tharglets, and each helper can be bought seperately for unpatient players like me up to a certain number.
Thats an idea. I can make a separate texture for the mining module. I find the Thargoid texture not so appropriate.
I am not good at textures and models. If you can provide them it will be joint work. I will try to handle the AI bit which may need to be improved, and JS part. And I will be off work for two weeks after thursday. So we can do a lot things.