Random Kudos

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Random Kudos

Post by JD »

I really have to take my hat off to Little Bear and everyone else who has helped put together the Random Hits oxp - it's an excellent addition to the Ooniverse.

I'd reached the level of Deadly as a simple trader and vigilant defender of the marauded-upon, with a spotless legal standing, but decided it was finally time to introduce myself to the Bounty Hunters Guild. and I just can't believe how much extra gameplay comes with it.

On my second mission I encountered some unfamiliar debris from a ship I'd just despatched - two cargo pods that took a bit of chasing down as they came equipped with their own engines. Suddenly, and for the first time in my career, I'm an offender! Oh well, it's hardly a capital offence I thought, and went on my way. Except, of course, the next time I tried to call at a seedy space bar, my fellow bounty hunters took a somewhat harsher view. It took a while before it dawned on me why I was suddenly being attacked from all sides - in fact I wasted a lot of time trying to locate the offenders and fugitives I assumed must be responsible for some kind of "misunderstanding". By the time I figured out I was said offender, I realised I was in danger of becoming a candidate for an Oolite Darwin award.

Anyway, everything's been smoothed over now, but it seems I'm in hot water with the local Cosa Nostra.

So congratulations to all involved, I can't wait to see what's coming my way next.

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Re: Random Kudos

Post by LittleBear »

Glad your liking it! I think what happened was you shot down a ship which had earlier stolen some Mining Pods from the mining machines near the Bar. If you watch them, you'll see that from time to time they spit out a powered pod full of ore which the hopper (if unmolested) will scoop up. They can be scooped though by any ship (including the player) if its quick enough. But stealing pods in this manor is a crime and add a small bounty to the ship scooping them. Oolite keeps track of the cargo a ship has scooped, so when you dispacted the Offender who had stolen the pods and handled the stolen goods yourself, you also got an offender tag. :shock:
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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