Hi all,
Some of you will have noticed a few references to this project dotted around the Board, so I thought it was time to 'come clean'.

This is the sequel to ToughGuys, and takes the concept much further. Without spoiling too much it will consist of three levels of difficulty, with the 2nd and 3rd levels also adding pirate versions of the Boa and Boa 2 (Class Cruiser). As per the original it is aimed at experienced Commanders wanting a greater challenge, but which is optionally a background against which you can, using imagination and immersion in the game, experience the collapse of law and order in the Ooniverse.

Development is well advanced, but a couple of problems (now largely resolved) have held things back a bit. However the final format has now been decided upon and work is in hand to complete the project. There will be three editions, a universal one which will work with the default core game, and (as far as I know) all the various ship sets. A special Griff edition which is recommended for Commanders who exclusively use Griff's Normalmapped Ships, and a Smivs'Shipset edition which will add special textures for the new pirate Boas, and make the most of some of the 'extra' default ships (such as the FerDeLance Hunter) which Smivs'Shipset features.
The development team (er, that's me and crack test-pilot El Viejo) are working round the clock to get this ready, so I hope the wait won't be too long.
<Guess>Another couple of weeks or so </guess>