Making HUDs

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Making HUDs

Post by edgepixel »

Hi everybody. Been checking things around for a while and it seems I can't do this on my own. Need to ask for help.

What I want to do is making a HUD. One that perfectly balances functionality and simplicity with beautiful design. I know how to do this part, I work as a graphic designer. What I don't know is the coding and how everything gets assembled.

It would be nice if there were a tutorial on the wiki for making HUDs, everything explained simple enough for first-comers. Since such a thing isn't available, I would appreciate if someone were to point me towards some useful learning sources on making HUDs.
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Post by Smivs »

Hi, and welcome to the Board, the friendliest this side of Riedquat, so some say.
Have you tried downloading some of the existing OXP huds to see how they work? This is often the best way to get your head round OXPs...just look and see what others have done.
Check out the OXP list on the's sortable so you can group all the HUDs together.
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Post by another_commander »

Or you can look inside the Resources/Config folder, where hud.plist and hud-small.plist reside. These two files contain the HUD descriptions for the standard and the Cobra MkI / Adder core game ships respectively. Have a look at those and if something is unclear or requires some explanation, feel free to ask. It should be hopefully pretty self-explanatory though.
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Post by Killer Wolf »

it's easier than you think. Draw up your graphic, and then it's a matter of trial and error placing the gauges and readings. they all kinda fall into the format of an X-Y placing and a Height/Width value if needed. it's that simple. Placing them can be a pain in the butt of repetition and yu work out values, but it's worth it when it all gets done and you launch for the first time and see your own HUD working.
Once you've done your graphics and HUD.PLIST, you just need to assign that to a particular ship (if that's how you want it to work) ~ there's a "HUD" value in the SHIPDATA listing. Alternatively you just let it stand alone and the game will use it as default.
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Post by edgepixel »

Some questions:

Is it possible to replace the icons? : The "S" for station, or the status indicator - the green/yellow/red circle? And the fuel scoop?

The proportions (width/height) of the compass are fixed, or they can be changed?

Should I make different HUDs for different screen resolutions?
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Post by Killer Wolf »

Can't change the "S" etc, but the compass dimensions can be changed, as can a fair few of the readings/bars ~ i did this in my dynamic HUDs to make certain readouts more prominent when in combat etc.
I *think* you can create custom missile icons..(??)

i've never bothered w/ different res HUDs and no one's complained so far, i think Oolite kinda makes stuff fit into the playing area?? there have been comments about making widescreen HUDs, but i don't have a widescreen monitor so i don't think i'd be able to correctly test a WS HUD for item placement etc.
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Post by maik »

Killer Wolf wrote:
i've never bothered w/ different res HUDs and no one's complained so far, i think Oolite kinda makes stuff fit into the playing area?? there have been comments about making widescreen HUDs, but i don't have a widescreen monitor so i don't think i'd be able to correctly test a WS HUD for item placement etc.
That would have been me, amongst others. ;-) HUDs designed for 4:3 monitors appear in the middle of a 16:9 widescreen.
edgepixel wrote:
Should I make different HUDs for different screen resolutions?
As KW said, not for different screen resolutions. But for different aspect ratios: yes please. :)
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Post by Gnudoll »

so is there a key in Oolite that states if the screen is 16:9 or 4:3? This would make for an easier time when making huds for both ratios. . .
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Post by maik »

Gnudoll wrote:
so is there a key in Oolite that states if the screen is 16:9 or 4:3? This would make for an easier time when making huds for both ratios. . .
No idea. But if worse comes to worst, the player has to select the correct download (i.e. have one for 4:3 screens and one for 16:9).
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Post by Gnudoll »

Or have both in the OXP. When the zip file is unpacked it would have exampleHUD.oxp and exampleHUDw.oxp (for example?) inside? A mention on the wiki page could say that both aspects are provided. . . Just a thought. . .
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