The stars fixes the main issue with the old version. Since 1.74 the tories did look awful when in the shade of a planet. Now they are even better than before.
It’s a beautiful station… and of course, I had to try flying through it… and yes, it can be done.
I should probably have incurred a heavy fine of some sort… it would’ve been worth it.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
Murgh has created loads of nice oxps + other content and it would be a shame if we'd lose his creations. The Tori stations were always a problem on my machine and I've tweaked them a while ago, but run into trouble with the multi-texture declarations in the dat-file. The new version uses only one texture per dat-file and should also run a bit better on older machines.
The only remaining headache is that Murgh has used planetinfo.plist to place the stations and this can clash with other station-oxps, but the Tori was released (at least my copy) in Jan.2006 - before most other stations have seen the light - and I haven't changed it. Maybe it's time to think about it, because high tech systems are rare and oxpers tend to use these systems for their own oxps.
Oh, and if we are at it - does anybody know who has made the Transhab-stations?
Mmmmh, Oosat2 is down atm, so I can't double-check. I hope it's not gone for good.
There are at least two extant copies: The OXP is in my AddOns folder, and the downloaded zip is in my anything-oolite-related-ever-downloaded folder.
"Actually this is a common misconception... I do *not* in fact have a lot of time on my hands at all! I just have a very very very very bad sense of priorities."
--Dean C Engelhardt
If you could take a look in the zip and see if there is a readme which even mentions the author...
There's not.
I even peeked inside the two plist files it includes. The only clue found there was a reference to Apple Computers. Whether that is an indication it was written on a Mac, I really cannot say.
"Actually this is a common misconception... I do *not* in fact have a lot of time on my hands at all! I just have a very very very very bad sense of priorities."
--Dean C Engelhardt