The origins of these craft are unknown. Their exact purpose is unknown. Whether they are a ship, a robotic drone, or a new type of cybernetic lifeform is unknown. As GalCop began investigating reports, various Viper squadrons attempted contact w/ the wasps, however no broadcast has yet been answered.
Two types of wasp have been identified. The common wasp has swept wings and are armed w/ a weapon comparabel to a Beam Laser.
A larger craft w/ spread wings and a Military Laser grade weapon has been designated as a "queen wasp" : examples are reported to have been seen cruising w/ common wasps flying escort.

Even more alarming, GalCop's investigations have discovered that these vessels operate from their own space station. These structures are comparable in size to a standard Coriolis station, and have been discovered between the Witchspace beacon and the sun. It is unclear how these stations were constructed w/out the knowledge of GalCop, and they exhibit uncommon build features, comprising of both mechanical and what looks like organic components.

Several of these stations have been logged, and pilots can use their Advanced Space Compass to find them ~ the key letter "K" is used to designate a Nest. Nests are invariably situated near to the sun, and this is possibly due to the craft being mainly solar powered : they exhibit no usual exhaust trails, and their wing structures appear to comprise of solar cells that feed power into the craft.
Although somewhat menacing in appearance, the wasps appear to have been fairly docile so far. Outright attacks are as yet unconfirmed, however when attacked these craft will defend themselves viciously. Fast and extremely agile, they work as a team and are a threat to all but the best pilots – they are especially dangerous when defending their Nest against attack.
Whatever these craft are, they appear both intelligent and fully conversant w/ GalCop technology. It should be noted that several pilots have docked at Nests and found full trading facilities available, w/ premium prices being paid for food. GalCop advises that pilots dock w/ these structures at their own risk. In a related incident, a recent report has just been filed w/ GalCop concerning a roaming queen wasp and her escorts that docked at Ensoreus : although somewhat disconcerting to the station staff and traders, the wasps came and left w/out incident.
GalCop is still urgently investigating this phenomena. An anonymous e-mail indicating that Isis Interstellar had a secretive project involving robotic militray drones has been vehemently denied by the company. In the meantime, GalCop instructs that these craft are NOT to be engaged, except in self-defence : aside from their placid nature at present, GalCop will not tolerate actions that could potentially spark a full scale conflict w/ these craft, or their creators.
further information can be found at : http://www.purgatori.net/wasps.htm
thanks to Ahruman and Eric Walch for the pseudorandom stuff, and a very special sincere thanks goes to Thargoid for some awesome AI routines