Oolite was released on 18th July, 2004, and is six years old today.
To celebrate this anniversary, I would like to offer you all a Birthday Present, PsychOo OXP.
This is NOT a normal OXP, but is a special birthday release, and will only be available until the end of July, 2010. It is intended as a bit of fun, and IS NOT an addition to the normal game.
PsychOo OXP.
Playing 'PsychOo' should allow you to enjoy some of the fastest, wildest and most adrenaline-fuelled battles possible in the Ooniverse. PsychOo OXP will generate a number of Pirates, many of whom will be flying the ultra-fast and lethal Contractor. Their Contractors are extremely well equipped, and these pirates will be very aggressive and may not give up as easily as the normal pirates you encounter - They will opt for Death and Glory rather than defeat. Indeed they may even become suicidal, so take care!

However, to keep things fair YOU will also be flying a Contractor. Your Contractor is also very well equipped. On top of the standard Fuel Injectors and ECM your ship has an Extra Energy Unit, Shield Boosters and Military Shield Enhancement, and uprated targeting equipment, plus a few other useful bits of kit.
You are given a tank of fuel and three hardened missiles at the start of the game, but you have Zero Credits and your Contractor has NO resale value.
It is up to you to survive, and if you can, make enough money to keep your ship fuelled and running.

Downloads are no longer available

The 'PsychOo.oxp' folder should be installed in your AddOns folder in the normal way, but unlike regular OXPs there is also a special 'PsychOo.oolite-save' file which should be installed in your Oolite-saves folder.
When you start Oolite, select 'Yes' for 'Load previous commander', then select 'PsychOo', just as you would for any other Commander.
There should be no problems using PsychOo with other OXPs (including Contractor) installed.
NB The 'PsychOo.oxp' folder should be removed from AddOns (and kept somewhere safe) when playing the normal game unless you want to tackle multiple pirates with Contractors in your regular ship. Not normally recommended!.
The 'PsychOo.oolite-save' file can be left in place.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. (37) The OXP was developed by Smivs.