This OXP adds some more variety to the Ooniverse.
Asp Explorer started as simple reshaping of the Asp mk. II - my recollection of the Commodore 64 ELITE Asp differs from Oolite Asp in 2 ways: IMHO Oolite Asp is upside down and the proportions are wrong (yes, they are exactly as ELITE manual says, but the way the ship looks in ELITE and in "Observer's guide to ships in service", I'm inclined to think that manual's dimensions had a typo and the width & lenght were accidentally reversed). So I corrected both aspects and then of course I "had to" fiddle with the ship a bit more...
Cobra Commodore is my interpretation of the ship shown in Commodore 64 ELITE loading screen, again with some tweaking to distinguish it from the basic Cobra mk. III.
Porcupine was an attempt to upgrade, or modernize the Python, but it evolved into a cheaper and smaller craft, a sort of Python Lite. The creation isn't too pretty, so I named it "Porcupine" as a homage to "Observer's guide to ships in service", where the Python is commented: "...earning it the nickname of the 'space porcupine'." - ugly but efficient bugger.
Python Courier is what I originally intended the Porcupine to be - a modernized Python, faster and more agile (and with more missiles), but not without a cost (cargo space) - nothing über in this OXP

Beginner - Easy.
These ships are in the power range of the core shipset.
Additional info:
My web page (http://koti.mbnet.fi/jouniku/Oolite/ZOoliteOPXs.html) offers info on my OXPs, download links are in the OXP info page.
Wiki page:
Alternatively, here are direct links to the download:
My webspace
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