What a COOL idea!
The metal should look more like old brass and... well, I guess everything should be less flashy. But apart from that, it looks awesome already!
Great idea, don't know why I hadn't thought about ti since I know some people into Steampunk.
I agree with Corny, looks a bit too much like gold and not as much as brass. If it could be darker and a bit tarnished from use, it would look better.
Or maybe you just use a barrel of gold.
cheers for the comments everyone, it's reassuring a bit, cos i've grown not to like the thing at all!
i was dithering over a grimy look when i was creating, but then i thought no self-respecting commander would have a rust-encrusted, filthy cockpit : the hull, possibly, but on your control panels...? an atmospheric look no doubt, but still.
I can't wait to see what get's done to this or is made in this style...pie guages perhaps? Cool retro WildWild West comes to mind.
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.