Right now, it's just a raw idea - and I need some voice actors first because I plan to have different crew members for weapons, navigation, engine room and so on. So: Does anyone want to take part in it? You just need an okay microphone (well, if your mic is crappy, you can still take the engineer part shouting over roaring engines), a voice and the ability to speak english. Guess it would even add to the flavor if you had an accent if your english is still understandable

The license would be Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported, if you are interested. I'd credit you with full name and/or nickname in the readme, your choice.
If there'd be an overwhelming interest, I wouldn't say no to multiple voice actors, I'd make oxps for every voice then so the player could choose his own crew. If noone wants to take part, I'll find other people, no worries

Also, a question:
In both hawksounds and Hal's Hot Sister, there are sounds for [aegis-planet] and [aegis-station]. I never heard these sounds (1.73.4), although I encountered many planets and stations. Do you have an idea why?
Cause if they don't work anyway, I wouldn't need sound files for it...
Download links:
Engineer by Captain Berf
Pilot by Captain Berf
Tactical Officer by Captain Berf
Alien Pilot by Captain Berf
Alternative downloads are located here (Mediafire).
Patches for BGS compatibility
https://www.dropbox.com/s/s6c3lv13q1fp9 ... S.zip?dl=0
(by Svengali)