It seems that in my hard disk I have a newer version of this oxp that the one in the wiki. The wiki version was ver 3.0 from oosat1 but I have ver 3.2 from the original oosat 2. This update (created by the original author) offers custom views. That version was lost in the big crash of 2006 that completely destroyed oosat2 and was forgotten.
Nobody could find the refugee adder when I asked for it...
Time permitting I am going to search in the ruins of the original oosat2 for it, but no promises since i do not know if it exists there. This oxp is totaly unknown to me. Is this ship an indepentent oxp or part of a bigger one ?
Also I discovered that the wiki version for wolf mark II oxp is also obsolete.
Nobody could find the refugee adder when I asked for it...
Time permitting I am going to search in the ruins of the original oosat2 for it, but no promises since i do not know if it exists there. This oxp is totaly unknown to me. Is this ship an indepentent oxp or part of a bigger one ?
Also I discovered that the wiki version for wolf mark II oxp is also obsolete.