sell_equipment 1.5 available

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Commander McLane
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sell_equipment 1.5 available

Post by Commander McLane »

As requested somewhere on the board, version 1.3 of sell_equipment.oxp allows you now to resell the Rock Hermit Locator. I consider the list of resellable equipment complete with this one. Therefore 1.3 is the final release, if nothing in the scripting part of it changes. Other than that it's identical to the previous version 1.2.

The OXP can be downloaded from the [EliteWiki] Elite Wiki.

EDIT: now in version 1.5 which fixes a possible exploit.
Last edited by Commander McLane on Sat Oct 19, 2013 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: sell_equipment 1.3 available

Post by Commander McLane »

New version (1.5) released. Please download via [EliteWiki] the Wiki.

This fixes an exploit where you can make money from selling your large cargo bay without it actually being removed under certain circumstances.
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Re: sell_equipment 1.5 available

Post by Captain Beatnik »

Thanks for this update Commander McLane! :D

Sell_equipment is on my personal list of "must-have-oxps" so I´m very glad that this .oxp is regularly maintained.

Best regards

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Re: sell_equipment 1.5 available

Post by Norby »

Now this common package is available within the game in the expansion manager. :)
Although not exactly an equipment, it is within the Equipment category.
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