RELEASED: Famous Planets v1.1. with music packs

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RELEASED: Famous Planets v1.1. with music packs

Post by pagroove »


Hi all. Proud to present the latest installment of the famous planets OXP

Famous Planets OXP v1.1.

OXP Idea: P.A.. Groove
Musicpacks composed by: P.A. Groove (
Coding/Testing and Compiling: Thargoid, Svengali, Capt Kev
Hosting and feedback: Lestradae
Textures: P.A. Groove, Capt Kev and Stromboli

Copyright notice

This music available for this OXP is licenced by P.A. Groove to the Oolite community. Therefore it is not allowed to reproduce, remix, resample, rework, use bits this music, or to convert to other formats without permission from the author. It is not allowed to make use of this work in any commercial form or production or to place it at your website without permission of the author.


The idea came a bit from playing other space games like Freelancer and the X-series where music often set the scene for a system. I wanted to enhance the Famous Planets with music. I therefore composed special music for every of the 10 Famous Planets.


For each of the ten Famous Planets (Lave, Zaonce, Reorte, Tionisla, Tianve, Teraed, Leesti, Isinor, Diso and Lerelace) the OXP provides a theme tune which plays on arrival from witchspace and on launch from the main station, a new highly retailed planetary texture plus some additional console messaging. All elements are fully configurable using the OXPConfig.oxp Oolite addon (available separately from the wiki).

Additionally an alternative high-definition (HD) texture is provided for Teraed. To use this simply replace the file "Teraed.png" in the "Textures" folder with the one from the "Teraed_HD" folder.

OXPConfig flags

logging - turns logging to stderr.txt and JSConsole on and off (off by default).
audio - turns the tunes at witchspace entry and undocking from the main station in FP locations on and off (on by default).
extraA - turns on/off console messages after witchspace arrival and main station undocking in FP location (on by default).
extraB - turns on/off planet texturing (on by default).


This OXP forms the base minimum installation for Famous Planets v1.1. There are two additional music packs (available from the same source as this original zip file), which can be downloaded and added to give the full immersion experience.

To install this OXP, copy the folder "Famous_Planets_v1.1.oxp" and its content into the AddOns folder within your Oolite installation. If you are using the music packs (highly recommended), unzip those and add the content to the "Music" folder within the OXP.

As there is a potential scripting conflict with the original script in the System Redux OXP, an updated specially modified version is supplied with this OXP. If you use this OXP with Famous Planets v1.1, please copy the script.js file in the "System Redux Config" folder into the System Redux OXP folder in the same place as the existing version (overwrite it).

Future plans:

Spelling correction patch for the planets screen
Add on for the Multabilis planets like Zadies, Larais and Sotiqu.

File list
Main file ...
Music Pack 1 ...
Music Pack 2 ...
For P.A. Groove's music check
Famous Planets v 2.7. (for Povray)
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Post by pagroove »

For P.A. Groove's music check
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Post by Micha »

Looking and sounding very nice!

Not keen on your break-pattern sound though, I find it a bit loud and abrupt. Jumped out of my chair the first time, thought something had blown up! :)
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Post by pagroove »

It was not meant to be in the OXP but got there by accident. I was experimenting with launch sounds :D
I like it but if you don't like it then replace another file over it
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Post by Micha »

I already disabled it.. sorry :)
Tastes vary, just thought I'd give you some feedback on it as I wasn't expecting the Famous Planets to replace the breakpattern-sound.
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Post by pagroove »

For P.A. Groove's music check
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Post by pagroove »

It's easy to add your own textures and texts. The code is optimized for adding your own worlds. If you make a planet with planet info for yourself just post it here.

I made Aronar as a test. Easy. 8)
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Post by Thargoid »

At the moment the code is optimised for all Famous Planets to be in Galaxy 1. It's trivial to add new ones in that galaxy (just add their planet number to the array defined near the top of the script).

If you want one in another Galaxy the code will need a little more adjustment, but again nothing very complex.
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Post by pagroove »

Question to all users of this OXP. Does the music on launch work? By me it's fine and I haven't got other complaints but Lestradae says he has a problem with the music not playing on launch at all.

I'm on 171.1. but also tested it on 171.2
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Post by drew »


I like.

Might try to sync the rotation of my tianve pulsar to the tianve theme - what's the bpm of the tune?


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Post by Thargoid »

pagroove wrote:
Question to all users of this OXP. Does the music on launch work? By me it's fine and I haven't got other complaints but Lestradae says he has a problem with the music not playing on launch at all.

I'm on 171.1. but also tested it on 171.2
The question to first ask is have the .ogg files from the two optional music packs been transferred correctly into the music folder within the OXP itself?

If they're not present, the script will happily run, but nothing will play.

If that's ok then the second question is has the audio been switched off via OXPConfig's flags?

Also the music only plays at launch from the FP system's main station, not any other dockable entity.
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Post by pagroove »


At my computer everything is working fine. Lestradae will check it out later but he's very busy atm. with RL.
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Post by Micha »

pagroove wrote:
Question to all users of this OXP. Does the music on launch work? By me it's fine and I haven't got other complaints but Lestradae says he has a problem with the music not playing on launch at all.

I'm on 171.1. but also tested it on 171.2
After initially putting the music packs into the wrong folder (oxpdir/Music/Music) it works correctly in the dev trunk (1.72) under Linux.
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Post by Griff »

Just been listening to the music packs during my tea break at work, wow they sound fantastic - really, really professional.
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Post by pagroove »

Griff, To be honest: It was a rush job. Making 2 tunes on one evening. Zaonce is mixed too loud. Maybe I redo it and go easier on the levels:D
But glad it sounds acceptable 8)

Well till now Lestradae is the only one who is having problems and I don't know why.
For P.A. Groove's music check
Famous Planets v 2.7. (for Povray)
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