The Taxi Galactica Corporation was founded in the late 2800's by Rufus Skywelder, a reputable businessman from Isinor. He envisioned a network of ships ferrying people around the Galactic Co-Operative of Planets, and making a tidy profit from every single passenger. By 2943 the Skywelder family had expanded their business to cover five of the eight galaxies, and by the end of the century they had a Taxi Station in every system that was ruled as a Confederacy, Democracy or Corporation (this was due to licensing agreements and safety issues).
Occasionally, the Taxi Galactica Corporation will ask those pilots who have a good-standing reputation in the field of passenger transportation to work part-time for them. Those pilots with a good enough reputation should visit their local Taxi Station and apply today!
Taxi_Galactica_Teaser.zip - Version 0.2 Teaser Release
Taxi_Galactica_Teaser_Patch_v0.201 - Version 0.201 AI-Fix Patch
EDIT: You can now fly a single mission, which is a joint mission between GalNav and Taxi Galactica. You must have a Clean legal status and a score of 128+. Dock at the Leesti Taxi Station to begin this mission. The Taxi Station is a retexture of the Pi-42 Stations from the YOUR AD HERE! OXP and the Rebel Frigate is a retexture of the Navy Frigate by matt634 from the Galactic Navy OXP.
EDIT: Added update patch to fix error in AI that kept producing the same messages every time you shoot at a Rebel ship.