Vector OXP

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Vector OXP

Post by Svengali »


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Post by ramon »

that looks cool
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Post by Griff »

woah! really beautiful work Svengali, i love the tron style glowing lines!
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Post by elite »

Cool. Downloading now.
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Post by Svengali »

Thanks a lot.

And I have to say: 'Thank you Ahruman for your example (shady cobra) and your implementation of the Oolite shader stuff.' :-)

@Griff: Dropped a second image - TRON, hehe.
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Post by pagroove »

Looks like a exotic sports car flying in space ( I mean that in a positive way)
Downloading! 8)

When does Ferroori something agianst it? A Ferroori Oonzo maybe?
For P.A. Groove's music check
Famous Planets v 2.7. (for Povray)
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Post by Svengali »

pagroove wrote:
When does Ferroori something agianst it? A Ferroori Oonzo maybe?
Enzoo can't do anything. He doesn't know where his towel is... :-)
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Post by Svengali »

Ok, here it goes - the Vector has got some brothers and sisters:

- Two player ships (the old one and a special Edition)
- A few NPCs (a few good guys and some nicer ones)
- and Missions (Richman's World)
- Music and Voices

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Post by Yodeebe »

what is required to start these missions?
do you need to be in a vector?

Also, do is there some reward looming for 'doing the right thing' and freeing 'saved' millionares escape capsules (like a mission perhaps) or am i up the wrong tree and should desist from my murderous, class war.
I'd hate to think i murdered all those rich boyz for nothing!

Just an idea, too, could it be scripted to have your own escort/mini-fleet of escorts?


all sorts of battle mission possibilities if you could. maybe with a key assigned to give them their orders, a bit like the advanced compass, to switch between [attack hostile ship], [escort me], etc.
maybe that would be too uber though.
it'd be fun to take on a juggernaught with a mini fleet.

lovely ship btw.
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Post by Svengali »

Yodeebe wrote:
what is required to start these missions?
do you need to be in a vector?
:-) don't take this OXP so serious. It's more a intermezzo than a real mission. The only thing that is required is a score >200 and you don't have to fly a Vector.

Freeing the bad guys... errr... innocent... err... richmen... err... childs of rich guys and making a bit of profit with their ... errr... stolen ... err... goods is something along the line of 'Freeing the slavers' .-) And the more you are in this business the more options you'll get. So it's a bit of a unusual OXP - no offer like 'Go out and give them hell'. It seems you have stumbled into it, so continue on your ways and free some more.

All things (your decisions) can lead into a reaction, but the chance is very low. So have fun with it.
Yodeebe wrote:
Also, do is there some reward looming for 'doing the right thing' and freeing 'saved' millionares escape capsules (like a mission perhaps) or am i up the wrong tree and should desist from my murderous, class war.
I'd hate to think i murdered all those rich boyz for nothing!
For nothing? You can sell them :-) Or free them :-) Or later you have another option to act. Same for the goods. Choose your way.

So the only question is - have you got a screen after docking at system main after saving the capsule?

EDIT: After seeing your screenie. It seems your computer doesn't have shader-support, so maybe I should do a non-shader version. But if it's only switched off you could enable it to get some more eyecandy feeling.
Last edited by Svengali on Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Yodeebe »

cool, thanks.

I like the idea of richman missions.

maybe it's because I spent 6 months of Real Life on a royal credit card trying to train 3 demented golden/stepps eagles to catch live bunnies in Spain.

maybe missions could be fused with the *under construction* feudal OXP.

save princess X from ...

deliver X to ...

accompany & protect prince X to ...

the X jewels have been stolen by Y, recover & return to Z.

I had a Vector a while ago. I'll keep an eye out for the special, & I might even trade in the 'blunderbuss surprise' caddy, & up the shaders again.
(caddy seems to require no shaders on my machine)
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Post by Svengali »

Yodeebe wrote:
maybe it's because I spent 6 months of Real Life on a royal credit card trying to train 3 demented golden/stepps eagles to catch live bunnies in Spain.
Haha, now it's the right time to give them back what you might think they should get (or how do you think GRS makes its money?). But the Vectors (and specially the 'mission' ships) are rare, so it may take some time to find them. Additionally some of them are sunskimmers - or hoopy froods - going to take a bath, burning their hulls only to get a nice effect and bbq their ships infestations.
Yodeebe wrote:
I had a Vector a while ago. I'll keep an eye out for the special, & I might even trade in the 'blunderbuss surprise' caddy, & up the shaders again. (caddy seems to require no shaders on my machine)
There are three different types of 'mission' ships, one normal, one pira... ...eerrr... business man and two player versions, you can easily reckognize them .-)
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Post by Svengali »

Ok. For all G4/G5 user here is a script-update. It's only necessary for users with this processor types.

Script-Update (7KB) - Simply replace the scripts with the new ones.

Funny that Eric has done a tweak too (thanks Eric) so we worked on it simultan :-)

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Post by Svengali »

v1.3 is online.

This time a bigger change - a background story as mission (and started after the other things) :-)
If completed you'll get some more options, nothing Uber, only tweaks.

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Post by Svengali »

v1.3.2 is online. (2.9MB)

- Fixes for ATI users
- Changed background images

This is a v1.73 version, a new one is already in work.
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