I have been thinking about giving Oolite solar systems, basically randomised but always the same for a given system, and played around with a test OXP.
But I think I would need some help and also input from the people here what you want/don`t want in, and am not sure if its possible at all to get around the kind of performance hit something like this does produce.
I have created a concept study that IS NOT YET AN OXP AND SHOULD NOT BE USED AS SUCH!!!
The concept study can be downloaded here:
You NEED TO INSTALL also System Redux and Far Sun OXPs for the test thingy to work!
System Redux: http://download.marlinsoftware.co.uk/Oo ... _Redux.zip
Far Sun: http://wiki.alioth.net/images/c/c8/Farsun1.03.zip
ALSO, edit Far Sun as follows: Open the OXP, open the Config folder, open script.js and change line 7 to "this.multiple=5;".
To create it, I have borrowed a bit from the Far Sun, System Redux, Tianve, Biosphere and the older Plannets oxps.
It does:
* Shove the sun five times farther away from the main planet than in standard Oolite and about 1 2/3 times farther than with the Far Sun oxp.
* Add a mercurial, innermost planet close to the sun. (The sun is too small. But that`s due to the 1.71.1 bug in Oolite itself).
* The planet is far enough away that it and the main planet look like very small circles or stars from each other`s orbit - it takes about five to ten minutes to reach it on "J" - drive.
* It has one orbital test station, and two surface test stations - yes, you can land on planets already!

* There are a few traders, police and pirates in orbit around the new innermost planet.
There is a noticable performance hit already. Don`t know how to get around this.
What I would like an end version to do in addition to the above?
* Make each system have 4 to 7 or so planets.
* Each planetary orbit having a specific commodities.plist, for example the innermost planet having cheap raw materials like gold, gemstones, platinum, radioactives, perhaps alloys, while being really expensive (sell there) on food, textiles, computers ... as this has to be imported. And so on.
* Add a randomised, but always the same system to each and every solar system.
* Not collide with OXPs which already add something like that for certain systems - not sure how to "switch off" the whole thing for specific systems.
* Have traders start and land from its stations including the ground stations - wasn`t there a "has_traders" command once?
* Not have a performance hit that makes the whole thing unplayable.