Charlie!!! Are you up there, somewhere in the clouds?

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Charlie!!! Are you up there, somewhere in the clouds?

Post by Lestradae »


oh Great (& mighty) Chairman of the Benulobiweed Inc.! 8)

I wanted to ask you here if I might use your player`s Condor in my Realistic Shipyards OXP :?:

You can find a short description of my OXP and download here:

Because of the nature of my oxp, Uber ships make actually sense as one has to earn them - and something to try for even if Elite and ultrarich ... :idea:

The player Condor would only be available for a whooping 17 million credits in tech level 15 shipyards, and I`m trying to write a condition in that you have to be Elite that you get it. :shock:

So this is my official request for implementing the player Condor into Realistic Shipyards V1.03 :!:

Goes without saying that I would prominently mention that in my thanks on the Read Me`s ... :wink:

Have fun


PS: Does someone know how to notify Charlie of this request? For, as long as I don`t have his express permission, I cannot/will not/want not to release the newest version of my OXP. So if someone can contact, or has seen him :shock: - direct him in the direction of this request, please!
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Re: Charlie!!! Are you up there, somewhere in the clouds?

Post by Captain Hesperus »

Lestradae wrote:
PS: Does someone know how to notify Charlie of this request? For, as long as I don`t have his express permission, I cannot/will not/want not to release the newest version of my OXP. So if someone can contact, or has seen him :shock: - direct him in the direction of this request, please!
Send him a PM from his profile. He'll get the message when he recovers from that particularly heavy strain of Benulobiweedpink Leleerian Er leaf I delivered last week.....
<EDIT>The legal team representing Captain Hesperus would like to say that Captain Hesperus has never transported any Narcotics, legal or otherwise. He has only ever transported legally available medical supplies such as the herbal sleep aid and stress reliever mentioned above.</EDIT>

Captain Hesperus
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Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

What's with the solicitor, your ship's legal counsellor?
(does he already know you can't even pay your crew, much less a legal department?)
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.
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Could it be ...

Post by Lestradae »

Perhaps ...

... his crew is payed with Benulobiweed? :shock:

* tapering off * :?

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Post by Charlie »

Apologies for lurking more than talking. My poor excuse is Life(tm).
@Lestradae: I hope you've already got my PM :)

Considering I haven't been about for months (life again) it's most gratifying that my .oxp's spark any interest at all these days - esp as most don't work that well with 1.70. What do you mean they never worked that well..?
Thanks to Kaks some of them are rather less dodgy than they were.

I've not given up on making .oxp's & do have some in the pipeline.

To any who may be interested, in case I continue to prove a pain to contact, please regard all my .oxp's (past & future) as free for use by others as they see fit. (or indeed, bits of)
Orb.oxp - please ask about this one first as it's now jointly developed with Kaks.
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Hye Charlie!

Post by Lestradae »

@Lestradae: I hope you've already got my PM
Already got it, and the Condor Flagship including the little story about how it came into the hands of the public are already included in my Realistic Shipyards V1.04 OXP - kindly have a look at my signature, it leads to its wikipage and the OXP itself!

Thanks again for agreeing to the use of your Condor in this! 8)
I've not given up on making .oxp's & do have some in the pipeline.
That`s good to hear - looking forwards to it!
To any who may be interested, in case I continue to prove a pain to contact, please regard all my .oxp's (past & future) as free for use by others as they see fit. (or indeed, bits of)
I have been vaguely thinking about repairing all of them and including them in a future version of the Realistic Shipyards - but, as the buyable stolen Thargoid Warship has made such a stir and I want the Realistic Shipyards an interesting option for as many players a possible, I`m not yet sure about that. :?
Orb.oxp - please ask about this one first as it's now jointly developed with Kaks.
Definitely looking forward to that one too - the original version does not seem to do anything since I use 1.70 ... would like to see a big threeway Thargoids - Matt`s Galactic Navy - Orb Civilisation battle at some point ...

By the way, here is another of my feared ultra-creative ideas: From 1.71 onwards, the isolated islands of stars in some galaxies are becoming reachable, Ahruman has said.

What if one of them was the home of the great and mighty Orb civilisation? Just a crazy idea ...

Have fun :)

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Re: Hye Charlie!

Post by Kaks »

Lestradae wrote:
Just a crazy idea ...
Hey, free OXPs: farsun v1.05 & tty v0.5! :0)
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Post by another_commander »

Lestradae wrote:
From 1.71 onwards, the isolated islands of stars in some galaxies are becoming reachable, Ahruman has said.
To be precise, the isolated systems will not be reachable by default, but it will be possible to make them reachable, mainly by scripting.
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