oh Great (& mighty) Chairman of the Benulobiweed Inc.!

I wanted to ask you here if I might use your player`s Condor in my Realistic Shipyards OXP

You can find a short description of my OXP and download here:
Because of the nature of my oxp, Uber ships make actually sense as one has to earn them - and something to try for even if Elite and ultrarich ...

The player Condor would only be available for a whooping 17 million credits in tech level 15 shipyards, and I`m trying to write a condition in that you have to be Elite that you get it.

So this is my official request for implementing the player Condor into Realistic Shipyards V1.03

Goes without saying that I would prominently mention that in my thanks on the Read Me`s ...

Have fun
PS: Does someone know how to notify Charlie of this request? For, as long as I don`t have his express permission, I cannot/will not/want not to release the newest version of my OXP. So if someone can contact, or has seen him