Dusted off my Commander and played though (starting at Qube), no bugs to report, everything seemed to work fine. Great fun! As I made Elite and completed all the missions about 6 months ago, havent really played Oolite properly for a while, just been playtesting and developing OXPs! Really enjoyed having a new mission to play rather than playtest!
Could maybe do with longer mission briefings, giving a bit more plot and explaining why you're being asked to do things. Trouble with the comms message method is there is no way to give the player a choice and you can't really have more than a line of text in a comms message. Sticking with the mission screen would probabley be better, as you can delvelope the plot and "story" more. A breifing screen clash is very rare and can be avoided just by setting the OXP in G5, 6 or 8.
Also if you feel like doing it, its real easy with planetinfo to change the descriptions of the planets just with a [gnumber]=[pnumber]=description="type in description", so the Mafia controled planets have a reference to this on the f7 screen.
With the Hails, if you do a hail as [mafia-threat] and then define mafia-threat in descriptions, you can have more variety to the threats. Rather than the same threat everytime, Oolite just picks one at random. eg:-
Code: Select all
<string>Stard! You shouldn't have hit Boss Yankisona!</string>
<string>You're dead meat!</string>
<string>You'll regret crossing the Esreatesian Triads!</string>
<string>In ten minutes you'll be smoking in hell!</string>
<string>I've got four little friends on my pylons and they all run faster than you!</string>
<string>You hit us, we hit you!</string>
<string>It was unwise to prack with the Esreatesian Triads!</string>
<string>Nobody pracks with the Triads and keeps breathing!</string>
<string>I'll melt your Iron Ass!</string>
<string>Feel my lasers! May you rot in Hades!</string>
<string>Your Boss should've known when to fold 'em!</string>
<string>I can see you're out of Aces! Die Assassin pig-dog!</string>
Really liked the OXP, look foraward to playing the finished version!