Please note though that I did change the OO-haul textures a bit (apart from the obvious that it now says Tescoo rather than OO-Haul!) - it now has blue go faster stripes top and bottom on both sides of the main fuselage and I've added Sequenced Nav lights (Red - Port, Green Starboard) and warning lights on the nose (went off screen as I hit the screen dump

So that I can make this ship a standalone oxp until Doc does all the good stuff he does with these things can somebody tell me how to do the following:
Only appear in Corporate States and Democracies with populations above 3Billion. 2 of these ships to appear in these systems - one at the start of your journey (at the WS Beacon) and one some distance ahead - since this is how I seem to encounter them in real life on winding single carriageway roads - you just get past one and.... nuts... another one!
@Doc - hope you're OK with this Doc - if you want the ship textures and script I can PM it to you? I've also made it slower and have less energy than the Oo-hauler version since this particular company in the real world skimps very heavily on extra's of its Scania's...