Tescoo Bulk Carrier

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Tescoo Bulk Carrier

Post by DaddyHoggy »

Well Ok this is a shameless crib of all of Doc's Handiwork as I can't model for toffee and I fully hope/expect it to be absorbed into Doc's mod's to YAW1 (and YAW2?) when he gets round to it.

Please note though that I did change the OO-haul textures a bit (apart from the obvious that it now says Tescoo rather than OO-Haul!) - it now has blue go faster stripes top and bottom on both sides of the main fuselage and I've added Sequenced Nav lights (Red - Port, Green Starboard) and warning lights on the nose (went off screen as I hit the screen dump :oops: ).

So that I can make this ship a standalone oxp until Doc does all the good stuff he does with these things can somebody tell me how to do the following:

Only appear in Corporate States and Democracies with populations above 3Billion. 2 of these ships to appear in these systems - one at the start of your journey (at the WS Beacon) and one some distance ahead - since this is how I seem to encounter them in real life on winding single carriageway roads - you just get past one and.... nuts... another one!



@Doc - hope you're OK with this Doc - if you want the ship textures and script I can PM it to you? I've also made it slower and have less energy than the Oo-hauler version since this particular company in the real world skimps very heavily on extra's of its Scania's...

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Post by DaddyHoggy »

Using the technique LB pointed out in another unrelated thread - I now have a nose shot (and you can see the other nav light on this time)

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Post by LittleBear »

To make it appear in particular circumstances, you need a script:-


Code: Select all

            <string>status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE</string>
	    <string>systemGovernment_number equal 0</string>
	    <string>d100_number greaterthan 70</string> 
	   <string>addSystemShips: hardpirate 2 0.1</string>

This makes this ship only appear in an Anarchy (and only then with a 30%) chance.

Govenments are coded 0 - 7 (with 7 being a Corperate State)
Position is done with the second number after hardpirate (this is the role of the ship added). The first number is the number of ships added. The last number is position. 1.0 is near the station and 0.0 is near the witchspace point.

If you wanted to further resrict the ship to a system with a particlular poplulation the you could add a further condition of:-

<string>systemPopulation greaterthan XXXX</string>

So you'd need a:-

<string>addSystemShips: tesco 1 0.0</string>
<string>addSystemShips: tesco 1 0.1</string>

To get two of them comming up a short distance from the w.s point.

See here on the Wiki for further info:-

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Post by Killer Wolf »

Cracking ship :-)

re the lights - i've added flashers to my cop ship. when it's on the Buy Ship screen, rotating about, they look great. when she's out in the world, no lights. what gives? i tried shooting her to make her hostile, thinking perhaps the cop lights don't work unless they're attacking, nothing. can't see any on normal vipers either, though the Interceptor is usually lit up like a xmas tree :-/
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Post by dajt »

Try the switchLightsOn AI command. See http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/OXP_howto_AI. If you've defined the lights the same way as on the vipers it will probably work.
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Post by TGHC »

Damn good point, I would expect police vipers to put their flashing lights on when they go into attack mode.
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

TGHC wrote:
Damn good point, I would expect police vipers to put their flashing lights on when they go into attack mode.
The blue (or red and blue in the States) flashing lights make every honest citizen suddenly wonder if they've ever done anything to get pulled over. I know when I see the purple lollipops on my scanner, I always check my status screen, just in case I'm at Offender status and didn't notice....

Captain Hesperus
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

@LB - thanks for the snippets of script - I did look at the Methods link prior to you posting I thought it was a little complicated but having looked at how you've used them (for me) and then looked at the Methods page again it starts to make sense! Much appreciated.

@KW - I can't take credit for the ship design - only the retexturing - Doc designed the ship which was originally the Oo-Hauler which was based on an Ad I did for him (my very first contribution to the BB) for "Your Ad Here" - I've now taken his ship and retextured using Tescoo which will appear in YAW2 (I presume) both as a set of Ads and as an alternative to the Pi-42 con shops. Its pretty insidious relationship really! :wink:

I just figured why would a ship manufacturer that had made such an excellent ship limit itself to just one company (Oo-Hauler) - it would sell them to anybody who wanted a bulk transporter (after all Scania sell their trucks to anybody and everybody).

I'm doing a snoopes entry for it which will be seen in the OXP when ever I finish it and I'll probably offer it up to Cap'n H for the wiki if Doc is happy for me to do so (as he created the ship in the first place and might have an idea for it himself - background wise that is).

Doc's original concept:


My redesign for the Pi-42's:


So eventually if Doc decides how/if he's going to incorporate the Tescoo Oxpresses (sp?) and/or the Tescoo Bulk Carrier you might see them restocking their stores. (my idea was that whereas the Pi-42s sell a little bit of everything - the T_oxpresses would sell mostly food, liquor and wines and fuel but have lots and lots of it and it would be cheap)
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

DaddyHoggy wrote:
the T_oxpresses would sell mostly food, liquor and wines and fuel but have lots and lots of it and it would be cheap)
That's fair, since Food tends to be cheap anyway and Liquor & wines almost so. I think the best trade route would be in a system with a Tescoo Ooxpress and a Rock Hermit :twisted: :twisted: No fuel costs, quick turn-around, likely to be a good profit.

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Post by Brianetta »

Shouldn't it be Ooxpress?

Elite -> Oolite
Express -> Ooxpress
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

@Brianetta. Since they're actually called T**** Express and we call our expansions OXPs - I thought it would be nice to call it OXPress (maybe Cap'n H would think that was reading material for bovines :wink: ) but I discovered that the original 'E' leant itself very nicely to becoming an 'O' and so 'Oxpress' is what it became. Rolls nicely off the tongue too!
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Re: Tescoo Bulk Carrier

Post by Dr. Nil »

@DH: Glad to see you release an OXP. It looks really fine. Good job
DaddyHoggy wrote:
@Doc - hope you're OK with this Doc

Of course. This is the creative commons. OXP'ing relies of people using each others ideas, models etc. Take Commies for instance - v1.0 was a re-textured Viper, a re-textured Executive Spaceways and a re-textured Anaconda.

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Post by Killer Wolf »

@ dajt "Try the switchLightsOn AI command"
the what now? i searched for that in the OOlite folder, came up w/nothing - i'd already copied bits of the Viper shipdata so i assum i'd gotten al relevant bits, especially since they appeared flashing in the Buy SHips screen :-/
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Post by LittleBear »

It needs to go in the AI you've assainged the ship under attack ship. Eg:-

Code: Select all

        ENTER = (switchLightsOn, performAttack); 
        "ATTACKED" = (setTargetToPrimaryAggressor); 
        "ENERGY_LOW" = (setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, "commsMessage: [bot-hail]", "setStateTo: SHUTDOWN"); 
        "INCOMING_MISSILE" = (fightOrFleeMissile, setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, "setStateTo: ATTACK_SHIP");
        "TARGET_DESTROYED" = ("setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_TARGETS"); 
        "TARGET_LOST" = ("setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_TARGETS"); 
        EXIT = (); 
	  UPDATE = (performAttack); 
That should make the ship turn its lights on before it attacks somthing.
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Post by TGHC »

LittleBear wrote:
That should make the ship turn its lights on before it attacks somthing.
Excellent, now all we need is a YeeeeHaaaa voice over :D :D
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