In some of the other threads you may have seen me quote from '' - that Ooniversal source of all that is not Galcop propaganda.
So I want to build up a 'mission' type screen that actually gives you some Snoopes-style, Oolite inspired news when you dock at a station (Having now played LongWayRound and seen how the mission scripts work I think this is do-able). I actually want the oxp to either give you nothing (0.33 chance) - i.e. "Be grateful - they say no news is good news -"
Some news about the planet you're docked at (also a 0.33 chance) i.e. "Tianve police today were forced to break up a game of Zero-G cricket today that took place in the converted hold of an Anaconda freighter. The captain of the vessel apologised indicating that his passengers had assured him the hold was being used for a televised game of Zero-G mud wrestling -"
or a rumour (also 0.33 ok 0.34 chance) i.e. "Galcop to introduce additional insurance premiums for pilots of LHD starships after study indicates that these pilots have more accidents while manually docking at Space Stations -"
It's gonna be big (effort wise) but should be quite small file size wise as its all gonna be text.
I figure one oxp per galaxy starting with galaxy 1 (naturally) - 3 news items per planet initially (ouch 765!) plus 100 rumours ( I want these to be picked randomly from a D100 role (*100 and converted to the nearest integer) [Is this possible to do I don't know much about how the scripting deals with maths - the closest I've ever seen like this in 'the real world' is when I used to play with tcl/tk].
Anybody who contributed to the oxp would be credited as a 'roving Snoopes reporter' on the screen and those of you who are already out in the other galaxies could start contributing early to the oxps for other galaxies.
Soooooo, if I did this as a mission i.e. the mission is effectively "Subscribe to" what I wanted to check is that missions can run concurrently, so being on this 'mission' wouldn't precluded you from doing any others, such a LongWayRound, BlackBaron, Constrictor, et al.
I also thought this would be a good way for creators of oxps already in existence or were thinking of introducing one to 'plug' their product via the newsfeed.
I'm quite pleased with the concept and hope/think it would add to the feel of the game - any thoughts, suggestions and potential problems would be much appreciated as input at this early stage.
I've already started writing some news and rumours (you've seen some of them here and in other threads) in the hope that its given a thumbs up by the important people out there (i.e. you lot

DaddyH (the 'Edison Carter' of