Docking Fees and General Running costs

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Docking Fees and General Running costs

Post by DaddyHoggy »

When I first played Elite on the C64 traders were charged a nominal sum (0.5Cr) for the pleasure for docking in the safety of a GalCop controlled station. However, this "feature" is not present in Oolite. Can this be added via an OXP, so that when a docked condition is set a sum is subtracted from the players purse (the same way a fine and an "attitude adjustment course" is subtracted when the player does something 'naughty'?). If yes, then I was thinking this could be used to make trading a little more variable...

"Traders have flocked to the profitable run between Diso and Leesti after favourable breeding conditions meant a huge increase in the availability of Diso Ouza Raccoon pelts at knockdown prices. While Galcop says it will do nothing to influence market forces or prices it has taken the unprecendented step of introducing an astronomical Docking Fee of 100Cr at the Leesti Station. This will cover what it claims are increased costings associated with additional officers required to police the busy spacelanes and the "repair and replacement" costs of AD-X signage and Navigational beacons outside the congested station as traders try to make a killing before the Leesti passion for Diso Raccoon pelts has diminished." -

So, do-able? Sensible? Any thoughts or suggestions, much appreciated.

Oh and I almost forgot my 2nd question: Food and Drink...

My ship needs maintenance but apparently I don't - how about 15 Cr per 30 day period (game time?) to have the ship stocked with food and water. If you don't stock up then Galcop refuses to let you launch from the station in case you endanger yourself and others due to impaired judgement caused by lack of sustenance. I guess this would make it a piece of equipment that disappeared every 30 oolite-days and you couldn't launch from the station (or you were fined double the food cost if a launch couldn't/can't be prevented).

Again, any thoughts...
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Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Post by LittleBear »

Do-able with a quick OXP. Will knock one out! Perhaps make the charge differ according to the economy, tech level and govenment? 0.5C for a poor agricultural anachy and 5Cr at a rich corperate state? Only trouble is a message. Easy to do, but would conflict with missions (see News OXP post). Very easy though to do a 2k OXP that would deduct the cash, you just woudn't be told why!

To combine with a news broadcast, you'd just need an "awardCredits : -100" with conditions that this only happened if "planetNumber=7" and "galaxynumber = 0" (Lave) and "mission_news equal XXX"

As for food and drink:-

"Life Support

Life Support systems comprise of the atmospheric processing systems, the waste management systems and the recycling plant. These systems are all tied together through a central core system containing a molecular resequencer that purifies and cleans the matter that is passed through it.

The atmospheric system is the most advanced part of the system, including complex monitoring and control routines that constantly sample the air quality. It immediately isolates foreign bodies, including viruses, bacteria and other non-standard particles, then filters them out to the resequencer.

Likewise, waste matter is passed to the resequencer and recycled through the system to wherever it is needed. It is this system that powers the food processors onboard the ship.

The life support system fitted to Cobras, and indeed most other ships, operates at a tenth of its maximum capacity. This allows for power outages and permits the addition of additional passenger berths without the need to upgrade the life support systems."

See ... nce_Manual for more info on your Cobra's features!
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

:shock: Wow the interior of these new Cobra Mk IIIs has certainly come on a long way in the 20yrs since I last sat in the cockpit. There were occassions were I couldn't see the scanner for Astro-Pizza boxes... :lol:

Re: Docking Fees - could it come across as a Comms message from the station if you used the Docking Computer ('full-mode')?

Thanks for offering to put the oxp out - you are the god of oxps! :D
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Post by LittleBear »

Like that idea! 8) Dead easy, just needs a tweak to StationAI to include a "scanforshipwithrole: player", "TARGET FOUND = sendcomsmessage: "Welcome to the H% Station Safe Zone. You are now under the protection of GalCop. A fee of Y Credits will be charged, should you chose to dock with us."

So no message on docking (avoids mission / news brief clash), but when the S comes up on your HUD, the Station sends you a comms hail telling you the docking fee! Tight Commanders may then decide not to hit SHIFT D and go elsewhere! (encouageing them to go to a non-main station and get the news!)

BTW including a H% in a missiontext or hail includes the name of the system the player is in. Eg "Welcome to the H% system.." in a hail or in missiontext "The H%ian police were called upon today..." will give the message "Welcome to the Lave system..." or "The Laveian police were called upon today..." :wink:
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

:D @LB Nice one! It looks like johnsmith is/has also introduced a docking fee in furs.oxp - will they clash if yours is installed too? or worse you get charged twice?

I tell ya, I get as much fun on the BBs as I do playing the game!
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Post by LittleBear »

Nah, leave it with JS.

But your news oxp was a cool idea and fairly easy to scrpit.

Set up a News Items Post HD?

Ask not what the Oniversise can do for you, ask what you can do for your Oniversive!

(Tried to send you an e-mail with news stuff bt bounced)!
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Post by ArkanoiD »

Well, i think it is good idea to force player to dock manually sometimes. ;-) At the beginning and if you got docking computer damaged..
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Post by TGHC »

Great ideas, but suggest if your rating is harmless you are exempt and get free luncheon vouchers, cos your main aim in life at that moment in time is is to build up your credits,
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

TGHC wrote:
Great ideas, but suggest if your rating is harmless you are exempt and get free luncheon vouchers, cos your main aim in life at that moment in time is is to build up your credits,
I agree with the Commander, but if you either get to Poor or upgrade from your Cobra Mk. III, then the bills start to roll in. Besides, if you get a bigger ship with more than one crew then you're going to have to pay wages, surely.

Captain Hesperus
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