You are docked at a station near Lave, in a system well known to suffer from asteroid storms. Sure enough, as you drop off your cargo, you hear the sound of small asteroids glancing off the Station's shields. Suddenly all hell breaks loose, Commanders running for their ships, leaving their cargo behind!
A vast asteroid has been detected approaching the Station. It is so massive that if it strikes, destruction of the mighty Dodec is certain. Will you stay and help or get out of Dodge?
The mission has three possible endings depending on your actions.
The mission will trigger when you are docked at a certain system within 7 light years of Lave and are ranked at least "Above Average". I won't tell you the name of the system, but you may find that checking your F7 screen gives a clue!
This is intended to be a faily easy mission, but a bit of fun!
An updated version of Asteroid Storm (v3.0) is now uploaded to the Wiki. This has a few bug fixes and new features. Clinking the link here or on my signature will take you to a Wiki page which sets out the changes and gives you a download link.
Download Asteroid Storm V3.0