Santa.oxp - a very old thread returns

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Santa.oxp - a very old thread returns

Post by Griff »

I'd like everyone to know that EricW has now updated this oxp with loads new jscript goodness!
The oxp listed with all the other oxp's on the wiki, or a direct link to the download here:

The santa & reindeer models used in the .oxp is quite high poly (about 400 polys each) so i'd advise very low spec machines to skip this oxp as encountering santa may knacker your frame rate, although it plays really well on my 1.7Ghz cpu/128Mb Graphics card system.

It's about 800Kb in size (or 1.25Mb in size for the santa_v2 version which adds the reindeer escorts) and just adds a daft santa claus to the oolite space lanes, giving you the opportunity to blast him into atoms and ruin Christmas for bony felines & lobstoids in all eight galaxies.

Image Image

Edit: Restored the screenshots
Last edited by Griff on Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:36 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Santa.oxp

Post by TGHC »

Griff wrote:
i'm going to be uploading a new version in a few days featuring rocket powered reindeer security squadships so it may be worth hanging on if you want to add this .oxp and save downloading two versions.
Griff you rock, what's next mince pie, a glass of sherry and a carrot.......Ho Ho Ho
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Post by lolwhites »

Many thanks for this, Griff. I'd've had no idea how to write this myself, so it's really satisfying to see it acted on.
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Post by LittleBear »

Liked his "Tattered Hat" floating away in the wreackage! :twisted:
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Post by Griff »

thanks for downloading the .oxp guys! hope everything is working OK, i haven't written one before so i hope i haven't introduced any bugs!
here's a quick peek at santas security team:-


hope to have these added in this weekend
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Post by TGHC »

LittleBear wrote:
Liked his "Tattered Hat" floating away in the wreackage! :twisted:
You shot him down....YOU SHOT HIM DOWN....but worse enjoyed it!!

Mental note: if this ever goes multiplayer I want LB on my team
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Post by Wolfwood »

Umm... I imagine that Santa is pretty hard to catch... given that he has to drive a ship that can reach all 8 galaxies and all the planets and space stations within during the same single day... :?

Even worse for him when it was just one planet before the whole "space colonisation" thingy... I bet he curses the day FTL drives were invented...
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Post by Griff »

The oxp is now up at oosat2, this one adds the reindeer security squad. I've given them plasma cannons (not turrets) and i'm not quite sure if this is 'allowed', they work great on the windows version but i'm not sure about the mac & linux versions, so if there are any problem let me know and i'll remove the plasma cannons for pulse lasers.
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Post by LittleBear »

Gave V2 a playtest, worked fine on my low-spec PC. Those reindeers with the plasma cannons are evil! 8) Had to use my cloak whilst scooping his goodies to avoid being blow up in an Imperial Courier.

Only slight Oddity was that Santa and his escorts have Offender status! :shock: (perhaps adding a key bounty interger zero would make sure he is squeaky clean!)

Might just want to put a paragraph mark with /n/n/ in the mission text to space it out a bit. The mission image is also smaller than the screen. (Blowing it up to 512 x 512 would fill the screen).

Really nice and no real bugs! 8)

Some Evil Reindeer appearing occasiobally as pirates would be Cool!
Last edited by LittleBear on Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Griff »

Ah, i see the bounty key sets the legal status of the ships, i hadn't realised that before, i also noticed santa sometimes had an offender status, i thought maybe he'd helped himself to more than a glass of sherry and a mince pie round at a GalCops house!

I made the mission screen image quite small just to keep the download size to a minimum, i remember the trouble you had with the images in assassins and the fix sharkus found of setting them to 24-bit colour, trouble was this made my image absolutely huge in terms of filesize and i didn't think people would find it anyway so i decided to make it small.

Cool idea about the evil reindeer, i'll have a go at making a new evil texture for them and prehaps incorporate your evil elf idea too! - maybe make a mission where the robo-grotto in the oolite version of harrods has been sabotaged and you have to track down the santas before they carry out a evil plan!
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Post by Griff »

just bumping this thread to let everyone know about Erics fixes and imprOovements to the oxp! It's still a bit early to get festive so leave the mince pies alone you lot :D
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Post by Kaks »

Nice to see it again, I'd forgotten about it! :P

Btw, is it me, or one of the security team has a very red nose?
Hey, free OXPs: farsun v1.05 & tty v0.5! :0)
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Post by Screet »

LittleBear wrote:
Only slight Oddity was that Santa and his escorts have Offender status! :shock:
So you have not seen Futurama and thus do not know why the people are afraid of Santa? ;)

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Post by Eric Walch »

Kaks wrote:
Nice to see it again, I'd forgotten about it! :P
In those 3 years since release, much has changed with scripting. With JS we can read the realtime system clock. You can leave it now installed the whole year. When not close to Christmas, the code disables itself on startup, so it does not use cpu time and you won't get santa claus during the major part of the year. Only a few days before Christmas he will will start appearing in the Ooniverse.
(Just writing this before people start complaining they don't find santa claus)
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Post by aracer »

I found how to tempt him out a little early.


Not that it will help anybody else, as the OXP isn't quite ready (it is my first attempt at one and I only started on Saturday!) and I think he comes out tomorrow anyway. Then again he's not normally all that reliable, whilst a mince pie is sure to tempt him to witchspace in.

Watch this space (I promise it will be ready in plenty of time before Santa goes away).
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