Moderator, 20 May 2012: Sets A-G repackaged by CaptMurphy are available here:
Set G - Available Here
Now available for download: HERE. The brand new and shiny
- for your Ooniverse
If you still haven't got the first six sets with a total of 300 ads and the base OXP that makes the convenience stations appear, you can download the base OXP and sets A-D HERE and set E HERE
A list of credits for all the ads in the YOUR AD HERE expansions is available here
YOUR AD HERE is split into seven separate sets with 50 ads in each. That way you can minimize the load on your system, if it can't handle having all 350 ads installed at the same time.
You need at least the basic folder (YOUR_AD_HERE.oxp) and one of the set folders (A-G) in your AdOns folder to have both ads and convenience stations appear.
Any ideas for more ads? Post them on the Oolite BB in this thread:[/quote]Credits
Set A
Billboard 01, front: Pangloss - Lave Fried Trumble
Billboard 01, back: Griff - Edible Arts Graduates
Billboard 02, front: johnsmith - Bibean Lethal Brandy
Billboard 02, back: Twisted - Oo Lite
Billboard 03, front: DaddyHoggy - Open Ooniversity
Billboard 03, back:: Arexack_Heretic - Wartime Propaganda
Billboard 04, front: johnsmith - Pilkerson
Billboard 04, back: Judebert - Jack Voysey P.I.
Billboard 05, front: johnsmith - Don't FWI
Billboard 05, back: DaddyHoggy - Keep safe distance
Billboard 06, front: DaddyHoggy - The Oolite Ordnance
Billboard 06, back: reills - Fritoo Lay Trumble Chips
Billboard 07, front: drnil - OCC Teretrurus MK-I
Billboard 07, back: drnil - Grupo Langostaides Azules
Billboard 08, front: Griff - Laveian Tree Grubs
Billboard 08, back: Griff - Laveian Tree Grubs
Billboard 09, front: drnil - Droogs boxset
Billboard 09, back: drnil - Status Quo
Billboard 10, front: Twisted - Inzaan Zoo Menu
Billboard 10, back: Twisted - Inzaan Zoo Menu
Billboard 11, front: Charlie - Benulobiweed Merlin
Billboard 11, back: Charlie - Benulobiweed Swift
Billboard 12, front: Twisted - Inzaan Zoo
Billboard 12, back: Twisted - Inzaan Zoo
Billboard 13, front: DaddyHoggy - Alien Abduction
Billboard 13, back: DaddyHoggy - Snoopes
Billboard 14, front: Griff - Cat Preserves
Billboard 14, back: johnsmith - Monu's Preservatifs
Billboard 15, front: drnil - Church of Giles the Creator
Billboard 15, back: DaddyHoggy - Thargon Invaders
Billboard 16, front: Twisted - ETT Homing Beacons
Billboard 16, back: johnsmith - Teance Tourist
Billboard 17, front: johnsmith - Lance & Ferman FdL
Billboard 17, back: johnsmith - Lance & Ferman Missiles
Billboard 18, front: reills - Texacoo
Billboard 18, back: reills - Citgoo
Billboard 19, front: reills - BabylOon 5
Billboard 19, back: (requested by TGHC, made by ?) - Oolite bb
Billboard 20, front: Griff - Murgh's Used Craft Showroom
Billboard 20, back: Twisted - Isveveian Isolationist Movement
Billboard 21, front: DaddyHoggy - FedOox
Billboard 21, back: DaddyHoggy - Oops
Billboard 22, front: reills - Hooliday Inn
Billboard 22, back: reills - Sheratoon
Billboard 23, front: johnsmith - Monu Surprise Pills
Billboard 23, back: DaddyHoggy - Accoorist
Billboard 24, front: ramon - Star Sports ZG Hockey
Billboard 24, back: drnil - Trumble
Billboard 25, front: Disembodied - Poopsi
Billboard 25, back: Disembodied - Lethal Zamaon Water
Constore Pi-42: drnil
Set B
Billboard 01, front: johnsmith - Diso Tourist
Billboard 01, back: johnsmith - Orerve Tourist
Billboard 02, front: drew - Tianve Pulsar
Billboard 02, back: johnsmith - Inonin Tourist
Billboard 03, front: Griff - Supernova Heights
Billboard 03, back: DaddyHoggy - OO-Haul
Billboard 04, front: johnsmith Goat Soup
Billboard 04, back: reills - Pizza Hoot
Billboard 05, front: johnsmith - Barry's Dry Docks
Billboard 05, back: DaddyHoggy - Elite Insurance
Billboard 06, front: Arexack_Heretic - The Ooliteshow
Billboard 06, back: johnsmith - Bugg-Off!
Billboard 07, front: johnsmith - A Droid Is for Life
Billboard 07, back: Pangloss - GalCop Recruitment
Billboard 08, front: Cmdr Wyvern - Pteradyne Paladin
Billboard 08, back: ramon - Grand Theft Astro
Billboard 09, front: Arexack_Heretic - Planet Express
Billboard 09, back: Judebert - Raaleian Edible Poet
Billboard 10, front: johnsmith - Blue Screen of Death
Billboard 10, back: LittleBear - Shot out screen
Billboard 11, front: Pangloss - AD-X Ride the Wave
Billboard 11, back: Pangloss - AD-X Broken
Billboard 12, front: DaddyHoggy - Tescoo Oxpress
Billboard 12, back: DaddyHoggy - Tescoo
Billboard 13, front: ramon - Marett Mosquito Trader
Billboard 13, back: ramon - Marett Mosquito Trader
Billboard 14, front: Charlie - Benulobiweed Falcon
Billboard 14, back: Charlie - Benulobiweed Kestrel
Billboard 15, front: Twisted - AD-X HD
Billboard 15, back: Twisted - AD-X HD
Billboard 16, front: reills - Commoodore
Billboard 16, back: reills - Oomiga
Billboard 17, front: Arexack_Heretic - Navy Recruitment
Billboard 17, back: Arexack_Heretic - Navy Recruitment
Billboard 18, front: drnil - Stop the Thargoids
Billboard 18, back: Twisted - Don't buy blood blenders
Billboard 19, front: Twisted - B.weed fuselage enlargement
Billboard 19, back: Twisted - Bebidiso T-shirt Store
Billboard 20, front: Pangloss - GalCop Recruitment
Billboard 20, back: Pangloss - Pink Flamingo Lounge
Billboard 21, front: johnsmith - Aesbion Tourist
Billboard 21, back: johnsmith - Aesbion Tourist
Billboard 22, front: Judebert - Boyracer Phreak Attack
Billboard 22, back: Judebert - Boyracer Phreak Attack
Billboard 23, front: Charlie - Benulobiweed Pallas
Billboard 23, back: Charlie - Benulobiweed Condor
Billboard 24, front: ramon - Beyond Witchspace
Billboard 24, back: ramon - Bibeian Lethal Brandy
Billboard 25, front: DaddyHoggy - The Boosh
Billboard 25, back: DaddyHoggy - Friends of Uscela
Constore Tescoo Oxpress: DaddyHoggy
Set C
Billboard 01, front: HueijRevisited - Oolite drink of the stars
Billboard 01, back: reils - Oopsi Cola
Billboard 02, front: DaddyHoggy - Voodoofoone
Billboard 02, back: drnil - Weyland Yutani Corp
Billboard 03, front: drnil - Starbugs
Billboard 03, back: drnil - Soylent Green
Billboard 04, front: drnil - Booger King
Billboard 04, back: drumz - All Your Base Are Belong to Us
Billboard 05, front: reills - Forbidden Planet
Billboard 05, back: DaddyHoggy - Bee & Qoo
Billboard 06, front: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - Thargoid Queen
Billboard 06, back: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - Kettle's Fungal Cures
Billboard 07, front: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - H3 Hatchling
Billboard 07, back: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - L&F Military Laser
Billboard 08, front: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - Elite IV
Billboard 08, back: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - Trumble
Billboard 09, front: drnil - Pi-42
Billboard 09, back: drnil - ORBS conference
Billboard 10, front: Commander McLane - Mabelala Institute of Technology
Billboard 10, back: drnil - Sirius Cybernetics Corporation
Billboard 11, front: drnil - Central Services
Billboard 11, back: drnil - Kruger Oreprocessor
Billboard 12, front: drnil - Happy Eye
Billboard 12, back: drnil - Mad Avian Disease
Billboard 13, front: drnil - Advanced Space Compass
Billboard 13, back: drnil - Onatbeza Medical School
Billboard 14, front: drnil - What Spaceship?
Billboard 14, back: drnil - You are here
Billboard 15, front: drnil - Hoopy Casino
Billboard 15, back: drnil - Lavean Flight Training Academy
Billboard 16, front: drnil - Black Monks
Billboard 16, back: drnil - Madam Krynxf
Billboard 17, front: drnil - Disaster Area
Billboard 17, back: drnil - Slartibartfast Coast Lines
Billboard 18, front: drnil - L-Crate Hauler
Billboard 18, back: drnil - My Generation
Billboard 19, front: drnil - Ooniversal Cooling
Billboard 19, back: drnil - Speciecism
Billboard 20, front: drnil - Planet of the Apes
Billboard 20, back: drnil - Soinisat Tourist
Billboard 21, front: drnil - Enalno Bananas
Billboard 21, back: drnil - Kruger Fuel Scoops
Billboard 22, front: drnil - Ad-X Self Promotion
Billboard 22, back: drnil - Ad-X Self Promotion
Billboard 23, front: drnil - Steak'n'Brew
Billboard 23, back: drnil - Junk Kills
Billboard 24, front: drnil - Atistiso Döner Kebab
Billboard 24, back: drnil - Xeesqu Tourist
Billboard 25, front: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - Rohan's Real Earth Ale
Billboard 25, back: (from Murgh's Lave OXP) - Tionisla Stellar Cemetary
Constore Mall Wart: drnil
Set D
Billboard 01, front: drnil - Medicinal Megaweed
Billboard 01, back: drnil - Snake-Oil
Billboard 02, front: Disembodied - Boorma Shave
Billboard 02, back: Disembodied - Boorma Shave
Billboard 03, front: drnil - Cosmorossi
Billboard 03, back: drnil - Looto
Billboard 04, front: Cmdr Wyvern - Lance & Ferman Energy Arms
Billboard 04, back: Cmdr Wyvern - Bender Wanted
Billboard 05, front: drnil - Ormala Vacuum Karate
Billboard 05, back: (requested by LB made by ?) - Galactic Racing League
Billboard 06, front: (requested by LB from - Cmk3
Billboard 06, back: (requested by LB from - Cmk3
Billboard 07, front: Arexack_Heretic - Speciecism Kills
Billboard 07, back: Arexack_Heretic - Thoraxxx Twister
Billboard 08, front: drnil - Aegis Secoority
Billboard 08, back: drnil - Esisor Tourist
Billboard 09, front: Disembodied - Azaqu
Billboard 09, back: Disembodied - Bookfast Toxic Wine
Billboard 10, front: drnil - Western Oonion
Billboard 10, back: drnil - Space Rickshaw
Billboard 11, front: Disembodied - Support the Moray Medicals
Billboard 11, back: Disembodied - Direbea Tourist
Billboard 12, front: Disembodied - Mycomechanoid Infestation
Billboard 12, back: Disembodied - Dannebrog Ore Processor
Billboard 13, front: Disembodied - Space Marines
Billboard 13, back: Ahruman - Esgeer University
Billboard 14, front: Disembodied - Roloo
Billboard 14, back: Disembodied - Tyley-Feynman Q-mine
Billboard 15, front: Disembodied - Rossum's Universal Robots
Billboard 15, back: drnil - Marlbooroo
Billboard 16, front: drnil - The Little Secret
Billboard 16, back: drnil - Hand Crafted Wheels
Billboard 17, front: Disembodied - Iru al ofico sur uno ovo
Billboard 17, back: Disembodied - Mama Mantis' Mating Relish
Billboard 18, front: Disembodied - Team Sissu grafitti
Billboard 18, back: Disembodied - Boing Miracle Plastic
Billboard 19, front: Disembodied - Umpty Candy
Billboard 19, back: Disembodied - Bistoo
Billboard 20, front: Disembodied - Mental Fixative
Billboard 20, back: Disembodied - Mecha Bingo
Billboard 21, front: drnil - HM3 Homing Missile
Billboard 21, back: drnil - Escape Pod
Billboard 22, front: drnil - Dead Poets Sushi
Billboard 22, back: drnil - Froot Shuit
Billboard 23, front: drnil - Texeonis Blender Massacre
Billboard 23, back: drnil - Sleazy Pete's
Billboard 24, front: drnil - Fuel Tank
Billboard 24, back: drnil - Adder Owners' Association
Billboard 25, front: Disembodied - Stridulation Compilation
Billboard 25, back: Disembodied - Mange
Constore Star: drnil
Set E
Billboard 01, front: Disembodied - ORBS Just the Facts
Billboard 01, back: (requested by an angry mob) - Hesperus Wanted
Billboard 02, front: Disembodied - Spawn Responsibly
Billboard 02, back: Disembodied - Kitintek Command Couch
Billboard 03, front: drnil - Poet Haggis
Billboard 03, back: drnil - Single Malt Alethma
Billboard 04, front: Disembodied - Scutum Shield Systems
Billboard 04, back: drnil - Xeoresce Mud Hockey
Billboard 05, front: Disembodied - Wattney Laser
Billboard 05, back: Disembodied - Fuel Injectors
Billboard 06, front: drnil - Astroklumpen
Billboard 06, back: drnil - Ooscar Awards
Billboard 07, front: Disembodied - Shrew Steak in a tin
Billboard 07, back: Disembodied - Executive Spaceways
Billboard 08, front: Disembodied - Cremoola Foom
Billboard 08, back: Disembodied - Escerce Tulips
Billboard 09, front: Disembodied - Prevent Runaway Singularities
Billboard 09, back: Disembodied - Usbira Tourist Board
Billboard 10, front: drnil - Miss Ooniverse (hairy lobstress dug up by AH)
Billboard 10, back: drnil - Iniser Tourist
Billboard 11, front: Disembodied - Irn Broo
Billboard 11, back: drnil - Imperial Courier
Billboard 12, front: drnil - Muscle for Hire
Billboard 12, back: drnil - Vacuum Karate Championship
Billboard 13, front: drnil - Wooly Nelson
Billboard 13, back: drnil - The Carnal Pleasures Bar
Billboard 14, front: drnil - The Loor
Billboard 14, back: drnil - Galactic Navy
Billboard 15, front: Disembodied - Birdish ad
Billboard 15, back: Disembodied - Mr Ooniverse
Billboard 16, front: Disembodied - Support the War Effort
Billboard 16, back: Disembodied - Support the War Effort
Billboard 17, front: Disembodied - Vicious Za Brew
Billboard 17, back: another_commander - The Ooniverse Knowledge Database
Billboard 18, front: Disembodied - Shrew Farming
Billboard 18, back: Disembodied & Captain Hesperus - Status Quo forever and ever
Billboard 19, front: Disembodied - The Who
Billboard 19, back: Disembodied - The Elvis 4000
Billboard 20, front: drnil - HAL's hot sister
Billboard 20, back: drnil - Lobbies Can-Can
Billboard 21, front: drnil - Numerologist Comandere Jamiezonh
Billboard 21, back: drnil - Popular Astrology Magazine
Billboard 22, front: drnil - Luxoory Space Passenger Cabins
Billboard 22, back: drnil - Tinytoomb Passenger Cabins
Billboard 23, front: Disembodied - Q-Bomb Bubblegum
Billboard 23, back: drnil - Sainsboory's
Billboard 24, front: drnil - Fair Space Trade Organic Poets
Billboard 24, back: drnil - Pofu poet flavoured tulip tofu
Billboard 25, front: Disembodied - Anenen Clown College
Billboard 25, back: Disembodied - DynaFlo Galactic Hyperdrive
Constore Sainsboory's: drnil
Set F
Billboard 01, front: Disembodied - Osatbeza Museum of Antiquities
Billboard 01, back: Disembodied - WK-LOB
Billboard 02, front: drnil - David Bovie
Billboard 02, back: drnil - Erzara Convalescence
Billboard 03, front: drnil - Tractor Beam
Billboard 03, back: (supplied by Ahruman) - Never Forget 1-31-07
Billboard 04, front: Disembodied - Oomoo
Billboard 04, back: Disembodied - Lelebish Edible Moths
Billboard 05, front: Roberto - Outrider
Billboard 05, back: Roberto - Outrider
Billboard 06, front: Roberto - Major Berthie's British Bars
Billboard 06, back: Disembodied - Arazaesian Wolf Meat
Billboard 07, front: Disembodied - Moray Star Boat
Billboard 07, back: Disembodied - Ban the Bomb
Billboard 08, front: Disembodied - Carslboorg
Billboard 08, back: Disembodied - Ingram Lasers
Billboard 09, front: drnil - Tiescebi Dungeon
Billboard 09, back: Disembodied - Game Dodecahedron
Billboard 10, front: drnil - ZGH Spectators Act
Billboard 10, back: drnil - Susie Porcina
Billboard 11, front: Disembodied - Galactic Cup Swamp Rugby
Billboard 11, back: Disembodied - Isonorthern Rock
Billboard 12, front: Disembodied - Helmuth's Helmets
Billboard 12, back: drnil - Upgrade Cockpit Display Screens
Billboard 13, front: drnil - Vote Yes on 745
Billboard 13, back: Disembodied - Erbieder Forest
Billboard 14, front: Disembodied - Crelm
Billboard 14, back: Disembodied - Alazan Dengue
Billboard 15, front: Disembodied - Wonderbracket
Billboard 15, back: Commander Mysenses - Ro-bods
Billboard 16, front: gorans - Mame
Billboard 16, back: gorans - Hypnotoad
Billboard 17, front: Disembodied - Dog's Milk
Billboard 17, back: Disembodied - Galactic Repair Service
Billboard 18, front: Disembodied - Worm
Billboard 18, back: Disembodied - Riedquat Ale
Billboard 19, front: Disembodied - Doughnuts
Billboard 19, back: Disembodied - Plumage transplant
Billboard 20, front: Disembodied - Liquid Lead
Billboard 20, back: Disembodied - Extra Energy Unit
Billboard 21, front: Disembodied - Celable Poetry Socity
Billboard 21, back: DaddyHoggy - Pull up!
Billboard 22, front: Disembodied - Lizards og Legees
Billboard 22, back: Disembodied - Poot Noddle
Billboard 23, front: Disembodied - Omnideity
Billboard 23, back: Commander Mysenses - Boopa Ooniversal Health Service
Billboard 24, front: Disembodied - Roobik's Tesseract
Billboard 24, back: DaddyHoggy - Trumble Bobble
Billboard 25, front: Stromboli - Spican Arms
Billboard 25, back: Stromboli - Mothbar
Constore Pi-42: drnil
Your Ad Here (YAH) Set G Credits
Billboard 01 Side A - Royal Bank Of Beanen - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 01 Side B - Alliances - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 02 Side A - ArmourAd - Captain Herperus
Billboard 02 Side B - Aruszati Cricket - Gogz69/DaddyHoggy
Billboard 03 Side A - Aruszati Cricket Cancelled - Gogz69/DaddyHoggy
Billboard 03 Side B - Asteroid - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 04 Side A - Balfour Bootty - Selezen
Billboard 04 Side B - Blue Ooyster - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 05 Side A - Blue String - Disembodied
Billboard 05 Side B - Candidate1ba4 - Stromboli
Billboard 06 Side A - Castrool - Gogz69
Billboard 06 Side B - Catnipsy - Disembodied
Billboard 07 Side A - CPS - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 07 Side B - Defender PZ2 - Stromboli
Billboard 08 Side A - Dunloop - Gogz69
Billboard 08 Side B - Fiftamendi - Captain Hespersus
Billboard 09 Side A - Galactic Navy - Captain Hesperus/DaddyHoggy
Billboard 09 Side B - GITS - Captain Hesperus
Billboard 10 Side A - Goid Away - Gogz69/DaddyHoggy
Billboard 10 Side B - GrittyKitty - Disembodied
Billboard 11 Side A - Buy My Trumbles - Captain Hesperus
Billboard 11 Side B - Holdlily - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 12 Side A - HonestUdo - Captain Hesperus
Billboard 12 Side B - Hoogo Puss - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 13 Side A - Inera - Captain Hesperus
Billboard 13 Side B - Ingram - Captain Hesperus
Billboard 14 Side A - Lave Bar - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 14 Side B - Lave Roover - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 15 Side A - Lerelace Airforce - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 15 Side B - Milkshake - Disembodied
Billboard 16 Side A - Natioonal Oxpress - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 16 Side B - Noocearso Brown Ale - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 17 Side A - Noormaa - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 17 Side B - Oobay - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 18 Side A - Oodie Stoobart - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 18 Side B - Oohay! - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 19 Side A - Ookmail - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 19 Side B - Oolite Anonymous - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 20 Side A - Oolympic Rings - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 20 Side B - Oone Account - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 21 Side A - Oorovision - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 21 Side B - Ooyds OXP - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 22 Side A - Washroom - Gogz69
Billboard 22 Side B - Remlok - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 23 Side A - SHODAN - Captain Hesperus
Billboard 23 Side B - Smuggling - Captain Hesperus
Billboard 24 Side A - Soobaru - 0235
Billboard 24 Side B - Teen (Stop the War) - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 25 Side A - Thrumpberry Juice - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 25 Side B - Typhoh - Disembodied
Brand ad: DaddyHoggy - oodles brand ad
1X2 billboard: Disembodied - Rizzala
1X1 biilboard: DaddyHoggy - Dancing Man
Adring: DaddyHoggy
Glowads: Disembodied
Sidewinder: DaddyHoggy
Set H (Unfinished and unreleased)
Your Ad Here (YAH) Set H Credits
Billboard 01 Side A - Alien Tooth - ADCK
Billboard 01 Side B - AOO Solar - Cmd Cheyd
Billboard 02 Side A - Aperture Science - Disembodied
Billboard 02 Side B - Bio Bop - Disembodied
Billboard 03 Side A - Blerg - Disembodied
Billboard 03 Side B - Blorg (Vote for) - ADCK
Billboard 04 Side A - Botlins - Disembodied
Billboard 04 Side B - 'Bots - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 05 Side A - Bug Spray - ADCK
Billboard 05 Side B - Bullhammer - Disembodied
Billboard 06 Side A - Caddy - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 06 Side B - Crapoola Inc - Gogz69
Billboard 07 Side A - Cobra Hover - ADCK
Billboard 07 Side B - Colonists Wanted - Disembodied
Billboard 08 Side A - Coolgate - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 08 Side B - DHELL - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 09 Side A - Engram Kwik - Disembodied
Billboard 09 Side B - Mud Hockey - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 10 Side A - Gargleblaster - ADCK
Billboard 10 Side B - Bank of Ensoreus - Disembodied
Billboard 11 Side A - GNN - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 11 Side B - Heat Shields - Disembodied
Billboard 12 Side A - Hermit in a Can - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 12 Side B - IBA - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 13 Side A - Insect Divorce Lawyers - PhantorGarth
Billboard 13 Side B - Iscege - Disembodied
Billboard 14 Side A - LittleBear Legal Services - Captain Hesperus
Billboard 14 Side B - Loonovee - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 15 Side A - Magic Treeoids - Disembodied
Billboard 15 Side B - Mama Wagar - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 16 Side A - MooCooys Biargeian - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 16 Side B - MooCooys Ermasoian - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 17 Side A - MooCooys Quatorian - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 17 Side B - MooCooys Tereaian - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 18 Side A - MooCooys Tibedied - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 18 Side B - MooCooys Ususorian - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 19 Side A - Oodles - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 19 Side B - Ooklook - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 20 Side A - Oonusol - tocann
Billboard 20 Side B - Oxpham - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 21 Side A - PNG Directors - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 21 Side B - Roboflex - Captain Hersperus
Billboard 22 Side A - RoboWrestler - Captain Hesperus
Billboard 22 Side B - Rooters - DaddyHoggy
Billboard 23 Side A - Sepp & Blubach - Disembodied
Billboard 23 Side B - Tall Toad - Disembodied
Billboard 24 Side A - Taxi Galactica - Pleb87
Billboard 24 Side B - Visit Onrira Zoo - PhantorGorth
Billboard 25 Side A - Wormhole Wax - Disembodied
Billboard 25 Side B - Y-K Moment - DaddyHoggy
Ad-ring: Disembodied
Edit v1.95 is now available with a bunch of new ads
Edit v1.9 with the 58 new ads included
100 ads in less than 2½ month

Such creativity

Edit: v.1.01 release HERE
Download the YOUR AD HERE! expansion before the Jones' (358k)

0.98 by Dr. Nil Nov 2006
This OXP replaces most witchpoint buoys in the more orderly systems with Terascreen billboards from the AD-X corporation. This OXP should be very easy to mod for your own use - despite it's incredibly low introductory price!
If you want YOUR AD to be in the release version of this OXP and displayed in one of the 48 available slots available, please contact your very own AD-X representative directly HERE or make contact through the local system communication facility (in a relevant thread)
To make ads for your own Ooniverse only, just use your favourite paint software to edit the supplied YAH .png graphics. Easy as that. Download today and watch your ad spinning in 5 minutes.
Some will probably be pleased to find, that the AI for making the AD-X Terascreens broadcast ads is yet to be released. But since it does not interfere with anything and only takes up about 8k so far including the descriptions.plist, I left it in there, for others to fiddle with.
(*) No real stuff, thanks!
(**) You may also include a 30 character comms message which might be functional in future versions.
EDIT: DaddyHoggy wielding his new Admin powers has edited this original post as Dr. Nil as not been around for a little while. Thanks for starting something brilliant Doc...
To all the contributors - thank-you, to Griff for designing the new Constore and taking this OXP to the next level, to Eric Walch for working JS and AI magic, for Ark for pulling us along in the doldrums this OXP found itself in during 2009 and pulling all the new requirements together.
DaddyHoggy, Dec. 2010