Okay. It's nameless. Mostly 'cause I don't know what to name it. It's my first ship that i've MADE from scratch, and the only 'mainstream' one you guys are ever going to get out of me. Probably named the Hona. Yeah, Hona. It's goofy, but kinda cool.
The other one is the Opus Chaotica, the first of the Dark Orion Class ship line. Problem: 6 too many vertices Trying to fix that.
I'm on a Windows at the moment, and I can't convert .OBJ to .DAT does anyone know how?
Emotional and ttechnical support welcomed.
Vertex problem fixed. I just need to make it into a .DAT file now.
I'm also finished with the model for a Zeppelin style ship. Hey, I said it wasn't mainstream.
There is something deeply, deeply wrong with me, and I intend to find out what it is, as soon as I'm done burning this cat.
1) measure the length: deselect by [spacebar]. select the two outermost points. read the number indicated in the left upper corner. this is the length in wings-meters.
2) compare to other ships that should be in the same size range.
3) calculate % you need to scale up or down.
My Acrobat Reader won't open the Referance sheet. Does anyone know the length of a behemoth, end to end? How about Python and Cobra?
Good, it's supposed to be bloody. Anyone ever seen Babylon 5? Exactly. Shade some red along the edge of each texture shape? Wouldn't that make it look...goofy?
There is something deeply, deeply wrong with me, and I intend to find out what it is, as soon as I'm done burning this cat.
But I don't have the comparable stats for Wings...
I just usually export the model as a .obj and then turn it into a .dat and check the length etc stats from the resulting file... Then I go back to Wings and resize if needed...
Author of Tales from the Frontier - official Elite 4 anthology.
Author of Marcan Rayger adventures - unofficial fan-fic novellas set in the Frontier universe.
Could very well be so... Which would mean that I've done everything the most difficult way thus far...
Author of Tales from the Frontier - official Elite 4 anthology.
Author of Marcan Rayger adventures - unofficial fan-fic novellas set in the Frontier universe.
I just merger my new-thing with a ships-to-scale-armada wingsfile I got lying around, to check how they look together.
From the top of my head a python is 120m long. But I am bound to be wrong .
Just open the python.dat and detract lowest Z-coordinate from the highest Z number.
This will give you something similar to this: 50 - -45 = 95 m.
From the top of my head a python is 120m long. But I am bound to be wrong .
130m, unless I've marked it down wrong on my list...
Author of Tales from the Frontier - official Elite 4 anthology.
Author of Marcan Rayger adventures - unofficial fan-fic novellas set in the Frontier universe.
Good. I love Bab 5 and my goal was for something shadow-esque. I have a queeeeeeeestion: How do thargoids shoot in 'all directions'. They seem to be able to shoot me no matter the facing; Regard, could this be applied to Dark Orion ships?
There is something deeply, deeply wrong with me, and I intend to find out what it is, as soon as I'm done burning this cat.
AFAIK - Thargoid ships have a single emmittor crystal arrangement that goes around the total circumference of the ship. The technology they use is organic based, the ring of laser crystaline can contract and expand at certain areas, like a line of musculature. These contractions act as the focusing points.
Erm, that make sense?
The act of talking b*ll*cks whilst waving one's arms about wildly is referred to as testiculation.