The space bar was in need of a bit of a refresh, and it also has an external docking port as part of the model. And now, you can dock through it.

Based on what is in the model, it looks like ships that dock through the external port are transported inside the station, along the short runway and then through the closed gate, so I've implemented that method in this case.
The facelift updates the station to use the default Oolite shaders, adds a new rock texture, adds normal and specular maps, and bumps up the resolution of the station in general. I also tweaked the emission map, to give the lights a real glow effect. Finally, I added some flashers to the standard dock, to help players find their way in.
I think everything is working now for standard ships. If I'm feeling adventurous tomorrow (or later today actually) I'll see what can be dock for big player ships docking at external ports.
SpaceBarFaceLift_1.3.oxz (v1.3)
With thanks to Nite Owl for spotting a mis-named file in the shipdata-overrides.plist file.