Brilliant but broken...

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Brilliant but broken...

Post by Cholmondely »

Brilliant but broken...

New wiki page: ... _broken...
This is a collection of wonderful OXPs of which any would change the game in a meaningful way.

But, they need TLC from somebody with a mastery of The Dark Side - or else the idea taken and incorporated into something else...

As well as needing the skills to fix one of these, there is also the thorny issue of copyright. Where a good license exists (eg Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license), there is no issue. But where there is no license (or a poor one), one needs to either rewrite the bally thing from scratch, or write an overwrite OXP.


1 Activities
1.1 Economics
2 Ambience
3 Dockables
4 Equipment
5 Miscellaneous
6 Missions
7 Systems


Astronaut seems no longer to work


New Deal moves away from the bi-polar agricultural⇔industrial model to a more complex four-polar model. Unfinished
Real-life economics OXP is partially broken - it eliminates milk runs as something a true free market would smooth over


Cloud City OXP is unfinished - cloud cities at Gas Giants
Lave OXP needs updating for the newer graphics - student pilots with instructors, restaurant junks, etc.
Tetiri Planet Ring needs work - massive planet ring at Tetiri (galaxy 5)


Gsagostinho's station experiments . (2017, unfinished).


Torus Field Monitor warns of approaching Mass Lock by Alaric (2016). Not quite finished


Scriptable Pause for letting the game run and then pause itself on red-alert (4 oxp's, 1st problematic: 2017, Hoqlinq & Astrobe) Problematic
Galactic Misjump OXP - what happens if you misjump between galaxies? By Cim (2012). Needs development


In some cases, these just don't work. But many of the missions in Oolite have been rendered less challenging by the onwards march of OXPs introducing this and that. For example, missions where fuel shortage was part of the challenge are now rendered toothless with the OXPs which introduce extra fuel tanks and improved fuel scooping capabilities. In one or two cases such OXPs have been tweaked to prevent them ruining missions (Thargoid tweaked his Fuel Station OXP to prevent it wrecking the mission in LongWay OXP).

This list contains every known problematic mission as each adds an adventure to the game.

Antient Aliens Archaeological ruins by Stormrider (2015 mission, unfinished). Fascinating concept!
Localhero OXP another broken mission by Svengali (2008). Complex. Very complex.
Oolite Internals (downloaded unknown times) 3 internal Oolite missions in JS by Eric Walch (2008)
Recession OXP by JohnSmith (2006) - escort trader Othello Truss's Anaconda. Broken.
Victim 11 is a mission written by Fatleaf (2011): You need to finish The Assassins Guild OXP first (Galaxy 7). Possibly broken.


These two navies are quite different. The Galactic Navy is strong and powerful, and fills The Eight with its presence. HIMSN is based at Lave and is much less mighty - but is the navy of the vanilla game missions. Some people prefer the one, others the other. It would be super to have both as options!

Galactic Navy needs an override OXP updating it (for the post-v.1.77 era) as there is no license. There have been changes in AI and markets
HIMSN (Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy) needs finishing. Currently in alpha stage.

Any comments? Inclusions? Mistakes? Points of interest?
Last edited by Cholmondely on Fri Aug 27, 2021 2:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by Milo »

A good idea to consolidate a list like this. You noted only one as having no license (Galactic Navy), does that mean the rest are under CC?

Torus Field Monitor is a handy concept, however if you have an MFD that displays your ship's speed numerically, you may notice that it increases as you get farther away from other objects and decreases as you near them (to a point). Whenever your Torus speed is holding steady, you are within 4x scanner range of something. It doesn't tell you if that something is in front of you or off to the side, though.
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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by Cholmondely »

Milo wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:13 am
A good idea to consolidate a list like this. You noted only one as having no license (Galactic Navy), does that mean the rest are under CC?

Torus Field Monitor is a handy concept, however if you have an MFD that displays your ship's speed numerically, you may notice that it increases as you get farther away from other objects and decreases as you near them (to a point). Whenever your Torus speed is holding steady, you are within 4x scanner range of something. It doesn't tell you if that something is in front of you or off to the side, though.
I've not checked for license details, I'm afraid. I would presume that anybody who gets inspired to work on any of them will have the necessary programming skills - and hence be aware of licensing issues. So I hope that just flagging it should suffice.

Milo, are there any oxp's I should add to the list?
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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by Milo »

Not sure. Maybe these from the unlisted OXPs wiki? I haven't tried them myself so can't "confirm" they are broken but your comments suggest so:

Extended Shipyards by Capt. Murphy (2012). Allows test flights & ship hire. May no longer be compatible.
Friend or Foe by Tricky (2012). Enhances ship-group interaction. Requires some tweaking of ship scripts.
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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by montana05 »

Cholmondely wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 12:05 am
I've not checked for license details, I'm afraid. I would presume that anybody who gets inspired to work on any of them will have the necessary programming skills - and hence be aware of licensing issues. So I hope that just flagging it should suffice.
Programming skills doesn't necessarily mean to be aware of licensing issues. :wink:
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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by Cholmondely »

Milo wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 11:39 am
Maybe these from the unlisted OXPs wiki? I haven't tried them myself so can't "confirm" they are broken but your comments suggest so:

Extended Shipyards by Capt. Murphy (2012). Allows test flights & ship hire. May no longer be compatible. (now has new wiki page - does not work on my Mac)
Friend or Foe by Tricky (2012). Enhances ship-group interaction. Requires some tweaking of ship scripts.
Added to the list with some others (none broken, thank heavens, but ...)

Life in the Frontier - superb idea, but every single station is identical...
Diso - needs refresh & market fix
Monument - crying out for some excitement!
Tianve - needs refresh & market fix
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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by Cholmondely »

When I emptied out all my oxp's I finally got both Astronaut & Extended Shipyards to work:

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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by Cody »

Horrible number-group-separators, Cholly. Is that from your default descriptions.plist?
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by Cholmondely »

Cody wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 5:01 pm
Horrible number-group-separators, Cholly. Is that from your default descriptions.plist?
My only config folder/.plist experiment has been the one you sent me (rock hermits). I altered my keyboard config a year ago, but that's irrelevant for this.
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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by Cody »

Drop a copy of the core descriptions.plist into your personal Config folder, and tinker... thus:

Code: Select all

"number-group-separator"	= ",";
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by Cholmondely »

Cody wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 5:16 pm
Drop a copy of the core descriptions.plist into your personal Config folder, and tinker... thus:

Code: Select all

"number-group-separator"	= ",";
Tried it, no joy yet, tinkering will commence! I already have one or two ideas...

Thanks for the tip!
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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by Cody »

There are other .plists worth having in your Config folder for tinkering purposes. Two I use are planetinfo.plist (to crank up the star_count_multiplier, among other things) and logcontrol.plist (though you'd need a boffin to explain the latter, I expect).
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by Cholmondely »

Cholmondely wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 7:11 pm
Cody wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 5:16 pm
Drop a copy of the core descriptions.plist into your personal Config folder, and tinker... thus:

Code: Select all

"number-group-separator"	= ",";
Tried it, no joy yet, tinkering will commence! I already have one or two ideas...

Thanks for the tip!
I'm getting this again:
21:21:54.764 [plist.parse.failed]: Failed to parse /Users/accountname/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/Config/descriptions.plist as a property list.
Unexpected character { at line 1

What is it with these curly parantheses?

I popped the descriptions.plist in the config folder in my AddOns folder, just as Cody said.

The descriptions plist has just this "number-group-separator" = ","; in it.

No more, no less. And no {'s either. Not one.

What are these curly parantheses that Oolite is wittering on about? Where are they? Is it some sort of fetish or crazed paranoia?
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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by phkb »

Cholmondely wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:38 pm
No more, no less. And no {'s either. Not one.
You need a single “{“ right at the beginning of the file, before anything else, and a single “}” right at the end. Otherwise Oolite won’t recognise it as a plist file.
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Re: Brilliant but broken...

Post by Cody »

Cholmondely wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:38 pm
Is it some sort of fetish or crazed paranoia?
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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