I love Griff’s ship models. They have a fantastic industrial look to them that I never tire of seeing. But, if I was to pick a flaw with them, it’s that the grungy weathered look to all the surfaces on every ship doesn’t make a lot of sense. Sure, having some ships with a well-used patina to their surfaces makes sense. But not every. Single. Ship. Surely there would be some brand new ships that would have a crisp, factory finish, in a few different colours, floating around somewhere.
Then there’s the issue of player variety. If you’re flying a standard Cobbie Mk III, you’ve got a few options to reskin your ship and give it a fresh look. On my setup I’ve got at least 40 options available. If you’re in a Cobra Mk I you’ve got about 20. But after that the options start getting rather thin on the ground. Less than 10 for a Ferdie or an Adder. About the same for a Python. But if you’re flying a Boa, an Anaconda or a Moray, the choices are very limited.
So that’s the premise I’m working from. What I’ve started is creating a set custom paint jobs for some of these under-represented ships, to (a) add some colour to the space lanes, and (b) give the player some more choices for the look of their ship. But no micro transactions!
The thing is, I’m no artist. My designs are no patch on Gsagostinho’s excellent work on the Cobra Mk III, Ferdelance, Adder, Asp Mark II and Python. I’d call my results more in line with a “basic factory colour option”, rather than something artistic. Here’s a sample of what I have at the moment, using the Boa Mk II as an example.

There are a variety of base colours, with a few different designs for each. Currently my Boa Mk II set has about 36 different skins, which makes for a large pack (I have no skill with shaders, thus I’m using a different texture for each colour/design).
So, is there much interest in this sort of thing? Do you want more colour variation in your space-lanes, even if the designs are of a more pedestrian style? Do you want some standard factory colours available for your newly minted Moray? Let me know what you think, or if you’d like to see more samples.