OXP - Hard galaxies

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OXP - Hard galaxies

Post by erickcosta »

Credits: I am Brazilian and my English can be confusing. I apologize.

In this simple OXP the galaxies are becoming more and more dangerous. Corporative system exist only in Galaxy 01 while Galaxy 8 is composed only of Anarchies.

In Elite the Galaxies are all the same.

The goal is to add extra motivation to use hypergalactic jumping

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ztiR2Q ... sp=sharing
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Re: OXP - Hard galaxies

Post by Milo »

Welcome to the dark side. Have a cookie.

Some constructive criticism:

Changing system types can logically or functionally conflict with other OXPs (1) that add content to specific system IDs or (2) that add system-type-dependent content (for example, if every system is an anarchy then Feudal States OXP, Commies OXP and Dictators OXP are effectively disabled), so you might want to consider other methods of increasing difficulty that will be more compatible.

You could raise NPC accuracy for example, like Skilled NPCs OXP does, but based on galaxy number. Better yet, just contribute code to Skilled NPCs to add this as an option.

You could increase difficulty by giving better equipment to a higher percentage of ships in later galaxies. Here also, a global approach risks unwanted OXP conflicts, so while you could use a world script to detect shipSpawned events and patch every ship that spawns, I would include a whitelist list of dataKeys that would be patched (for example, only ships from the core shipset) and leave any others alone.

Changing government types is still worth exploring, but I would do it in moderation; leave some of all the system types, even if you change the percentages. And I would look through existing OXPs to make a blacklist of systems you won’t touch, and also provide a script property or method that OXPs can use to signal to your OXP that another exclusion should be added to your blacklist. There is a wiki page (linked from the front page of the wiki) that talks about organizations in the Ooniverse and which galaxies they can be found in, which may be a helpful starting point for this analysis.
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Re: OXP - Hard galaxies

Post by Cholmondely »

erickcosta wrote: Mon Jul 06, 2020 1:48 pm
Credits: I am Brazilian and my English can be confusing. I apologize.

In this simple OXP the galaxies are becoming more and more dangerous. Corporative system exist only in Galaxy 01 while Galaxy 8 is composed only of Anarchies.

In Elite the Galaxies are all the same.

The goal is to add extra motivation to use hypergalactic jumping

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ztiR2Q ... sp=sharing
I've linked this to 2 relevant wiki pages so far: The Eight (under OXP's) & Guide to Unlisted OXPs (under Systems).
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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