Ship Types and Lollipops

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Ship Types and Lollipops

Post by Nite Owl »

Noticed in some screenshots that a player's scanner is showing ship types attached to the lollipops. How did you get this to happen? The Scanner Alerting Enhancement has this type of functionality but it does not seem to work with the Coluber H.U.D. (my H.U.D. of choice). Searched though the various files in both the Scanner Alerting Enhancement and Numeric H.U.D. (the H.U.D. of choice per the screenshots) and could not find any scripting snippets that could be added to a H.U.D. script to make this happen. When the Scanner Alerting Enhancement is primed and set to show this functionality the Coluber H.U.D. does nothing to show the ship types attached to the lollipops on the scanner. If you know an answer to this minor dilemma please advise. Thank You in advance for your time and effort.
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Re: Ship Types and Lollipops

Post by another_commander »

Are you talking about this?

If yes, then you cannot do anything OXP-wise. This is a code change, which is currently disabled. If you want to enable it unconditionally, you will have to build from source and change line 56 of src/Core/HeadUpDisplay.m from

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Re: Ship Types and Lollipops

Post by Norby »

This feature imho would worth a key (or a shift+key) which could turn it on/off during flight. In this way we could turn it on anytime, then off when too many ships are around and the names cover some important info.
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Re: Ship Types and Lollipops

Post by another_commander »

Norby wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:47 pm
This feature imho would worth a key (or a shift+key) which could turn it on/off during flight. In this way we could turn it on anytime, then off when too many ships are around and the names cover some important info.
The problem, if you want to call it that, is that this feature changes the dynamics of gameplay. As an example, if you were to be attacked by a group of many pirates, with this enabled you would be able to immediately know which targets to pick first, while without it you would have to identify each one. Having the feature enabled buys you time at the start of the battle, so we should not really go ahead and enable it without making it cost something in exchange.
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Re: Ship Types and Lollipops

Post by Norby »

another_commander wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:13 pm
making it cost something in exchange.
How about if need a working Multi-Targeting System?
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Re: Ship Types and Lollipops

Post by Cody »

That - and how about if it only labelled ships/things that had already been identified? Still useful, but not nearly so much of an edge.
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Re: Ship Types and Lollipops

Post by Disembodied »

Cody wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2018 10:52 pm
how about if it only labelled ships/things that had already been identified? Still useful, but not nearly so much of an edge.
+1 on this from me - this would turn it from a game-changing advantage to a handy bit of extra kit.
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