Star Wars.OXP

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Star Wars.OXP

Post by LittleBear »

Wow! These are great.

Paricularly liked the Tie Figher and Tie Intercepter.

Just two things:- The full names are so long they are blocking the price on the buy ships screen. Might need to abriavte to Just Tie Fighter, Corrilian Falcon etc.

Think they should be about 10 times more expensive. Maybe tone down the energy, missiles and cargo space (on the X-wing)

nice surprise!
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Post by Wolfwood »

I haven't checked the oxp out yet, but if I remember correctly from all my manuals, the cargo space in an X-wing was close to zero: "half a cubic metre for personal items behind the pilot's seat" or something to a similar effect.

I'll have to check the oxp out, though... Sounds interesting...
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Post by Azzameen »

Okay, I've edited the OXP. should go online today, with three new ships.
But an X-Wing has six missles, that's fact. And I've edited the prices of the ships to the prices in my factfile. But I think the "half a cubic metre for personal items behind the pilot's seat" was in the TIE-Fighters, 'cause the spheres are, in Star Wars, just two meters in diameter. An X-Wing has two cubic metres cargo space under the cockpit. As seen in Star Wars V.
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Post by LittleBear »

Agree, but the X-Wing has 50 tones at the moment!

What about pirate versions of the Tie fighters?
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Post by dajt »

They're cool, well done :)
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Post by Azzameen »

Umm... I've thought about the TIEs as police vehicles, but I've already encounterd some in pirate fleets. Maybe it's because I gave it in the "roles" key the roles police and escort. So they're escorts for traders and pirates. But if you encounter a TIE-Fighter pirate with a Cobra Mk III, do what the guys in the Matrix do: RUN! Well, it will only work, if you have a withdrive fuel injector, so you better trigger an energy bomb or launch an ECM-hardened missile.
The edited OXP is online, and the X-wing has now only two tones. I know, it's too much, but I thought it would be good to trade a bit while hunting.
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Post by Selezen »

I haven't come up against any TIEs yet (my Oolite use is restricted solely to modelmaking ATM) but they look and sound lovely...

Question though - the TIEs in SW have no shields - are they shielded in Oolite, and if so how many energy levels do they have? Your statement that they are pretty fearsome when encountered would seem to indicate that they might have a fair bit of energy. The TIE supremacy in SW lasted until the X-Wing came along, but the TIE was better in a squadron, when force of numbers would decide the fight. The TIE interceptor and TIE Advanced were better (the Advanced had shields, IIRC) and developed in response to the X-wing.

Sorry...SW fanboy alert... ;)
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Post by Draco_Caeles »

Just hope he doesn't design the TIE Defender... ;)

Shields, turbolasers, missiles AND ion cannons. Man, that ship's packing...
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Post by Azzameen »

Okay, memo to myself: delete the Defender...
No, I didn't want to make it, it was to complicated. And yes, the TIEs have shields. A normal TIE-Fighter against three Thargoid Warships, that would be... interesting without shields.
But I think the TIE-Defender would only have one Lasercannon in Oolite. Everytime I create a ship, I'm cursing about that.
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Cant hit the Lambda Shuttle

Post by djbully »

Hi, Very nice oxp congrats....

A couple of things though, I have come across a few Lambda Shuttles and I cannot seem to hit them at all even when I'm right up close the laser just does not contact! anyone else have this trouble

Also I see that the B-wing has 30 tonne cargo hold and the YT-1300 has much less, I think it was 5 or 10 tonne. I personally think that the YT 1300 Would have a much larger hold.

Just my thoughts....
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Post by ArkanoiD »

Azzameen wrote:
Umm... I've thought about the TIEs as police vehicles, but I've already encounterd some in pirate fleets. Maybe it's because I gave it in the "roles" key the roles police and escort. So they're escorts for traders and pirates. But if you encounter a TIE-Fighter pirate with a Cobra Mk III, do what the guys in the Matrix do: RUN! Well, it will only work, if you have a withdrive fuel injector, so you better trigger an energy bomb or launch an ECM-hardened missile.
The edited OXP is online, and the X-wing has now only two tones. I know, it's too much, but I thought it would be good to trade a bit while hunting.
TIEs are small, agile and hard to spot with laser, but i constantly take them down ;-)
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Re: Star Wars.OXP

Post by ArkanoiD »

Why are some ships (Corellian p.e.) so strangely textured?
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Post by ovvldc »

Azzameen wrote:
No, I didn't want to make it, it was to complicated. And yes, the TIEs have shields. A normal TIE-Fighter against three Thargoid Warships, that would be... interesting without shields.
Actually, the TIE/ln (the basic TIE fighter from SW:aNH): "TIE fighters were typically employed en masse to make up for their shortcomings. Speedy and maneuverable, these fighters are nonetheless fragile. Though hard to hit, even a glancing blow can destroy a TIE." So any kind of cargo or toughness is out of character for this one, and a lone TIE fighter should be difficult to catch, but otherwise a pushover. The later ones are a bit better. And no hyperdrive!

see and

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Post by Seawolf »

Great OXP for a great game. Thanks for this one.
I'm not sure if there's a scale problem with the Lambda Shuttle however. They seem rather large compared to other ships in the OXP and also stations. Might be nice if they were encountered with TIE escorts as well. Is it possible to specify escorts? How do you fancy turning out any Startrek / Babylon 5 models? And do you remember Blake's 7?
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Re: Star Wars.OXP

Post by ArkanoiD »

LittleBear wrote:
Wow! These are great.

Paricularly liked the Tie Figher and Tie Intercepter.

Just two things:- The full names are so long they are blocking the price on the buy ships screen. Might need to abriavte to Just Tie Fighter, Corrilian Falcon etc.

Think they should be about 10 times more expensive. Maybe tone down the energy, missiles and cargo space (on the X-wing)

nice surprise!
Oops, looks like TIE Intercepter is damn unrealistic! We have yet another ubership. Energy level and recharge rates should be tuned down as well. It is all enormous: 550 speed, 2.2 pitch, 700/7.5 energy and all that for ridiculous price. I'd cut in half just everything except price ;-)

And another NO-NO! NPC one is weaker than player!
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