[Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

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[Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by gsagostinho »

gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Version: 1.1
Required Oolite Version: 1.80
Author: Gilberto Agostinho (gsagostinho)
Credits: based on Griff's Python.
License: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0


This bundle adds 6 new paint jobs for the Python for both the player and the NPCs. This work is based on Griff's Python.

Paint Jobs








Download it via the extension manager in the game.

Version history

29/11/2017 - Version 1.1:
- small fix to shipdata.plist.

19/07/2017 - Version 1.0:
- initial release.
Last edited by gsagostinho on Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by gsagostinho »

Important note: I have update all my OXPs to the in-game extension download manager, so I am removing the links from all my posts. Please use the manager and report here any issues.
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Re: [Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by gsagostinho »

New version available in the manager:

29/11/2017 - Version 1.1:
- small fix to shipdata.plist.
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Re: [Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by Redspear »

I'm really late on this gsagostinho (busy period, as usual)... but I just want to say these look great and really compliment the Griff model.

Very nice :D
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Re: [Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by gsagostinho »

Many thanks, Redspear! I really appreciate it :D
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Re: [Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by Damocles Edge »

I love this texture and wanted to ask if there is anyway to use it with another python?
I am currently using a "Python Commander" which was made available through the Resistance Commander oxp http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Resistance_Commander
I chose this purely due to the big advantage of having 6 missile slots (as opposed to the standard 2 on a python).
Is there anyway to use your texture map as a respray for the Python Commander?
I understand if it is not as the commander being Ramirez's work.

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Re: [Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by gsagostinho »

Hi Damocles, thanks for the message, I am happy you like these textures. Unfortunately from what I could tell that OXP you mentioned uses a different model of Python altogether so it would not simply be a texture replacement. My suggestion for you is the following: you could simply edit the file /Config/shipdata.plist of my OXP and add the line below to all ship definitions:

Code: Select all

max_missiles = 6;
For instance, you can quickly do this by opening that file in a text editor and searching for the string:

Code: Select all

	like_ship = "oolite_template_python";
then replacing it with the string:

Code: Select all

	like_ship = "oolite_template_python";
	max_missiles = 6;
Then you can buy any regular Python with my textures and you will have a new max number of missiles of six.

Let me know if this helps!
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Re: [Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by Norby »

Alternatively, create a shipdata-overrides.plist and modify the Python Commander using lines from gsagostinho's Texture Pack:

Code: Select all

	"GW-python-player" =	
		aft_eject_position = "0.0 -19.0 -77.0";
		exhaust = 
			"4.33 0.0 -66.7083 4.6 4.8 0.7",
			"-4.33 0.0 -66.7083 4.4 4.8 0.7",
			"1.91479  4.21794 -66.7083 1.2 1.2 0.5",
			"1.91479 -4.26958 -66.7083 1.2 1.2 0.5",
			"-1.91479  4.21794 -66.7083 1.2 1.2 0.5",
			"-1.91479 -4.26958 -66.7083 1.2 1.2 0.5"
		exhaust_emissive_color = (0.57, 0.85, 0.92);
		materials = { 
			"Hull" = 
					diffuse_map = "gsagostinho_python_green.png"; 
					normal_map = "gsagostinho_python_normal.png";
					specular_color = ( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 );
					shininess = 12;
					emission_map = "gsagostinho_python_emission.png";
			"Engines" = 
					diffuse_map = "gsagostinho_python_engines_diffuse.png"; 
					normal_map = "gsagostinho_python_engines_normal.png";
					specular_color = ( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 );
					shininess = 12;
					emission_map = "gsagostinho_python_engines_emission.png";
		model = "oolite_python_trader.dat";
		scoop_position = "0.0 -15.0 -21.5";
		thrust = 20;
		view_position_aft = "0.0 9.150712 -64.8269";
		view_position_forward = "0.0 1.18304 62. 0972";
		view_position_port = "-35.80095 2.0 -27.05945";
		view_position_starboard = "35.80095 2.0 -27.05945";
		weapon_facings = 15;
		weapon_position_aft = "0.0 0.0 -70.0";
		weapon_position_forward = "0.0 -2.18304 62.0972";		
		weapon_position_port = "-26.67 0.0 4.33";
		weapon_position_starboard = "26.67 0.0 4.33";
[Edited to add model related lines]
Last edited by Norby on Sat Aug 25, 2018 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by gsagostinho »

@Norby I had the impression that the Python model in that OXP is not a Griff model, in which case my textures would not work. The model would need to be replaced as well in the override plist.
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Re: [Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by Norby »

True so I added model related lines into the code above.
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Re: [Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by Damocles Edge »

I managed to find an instance of shipdata-overrides.plist already present in /opt/Oolite/oolite.app/Resources/Config/shipdata-overrides.plist
The file (which I am assuming would have been generated by the install process as it would need root permissions) contained just the following text:

Code: Select all

/*	Fixes for known problems in third-party ship data.

	griff_spacebar_subent_template =
		is_template = yes;
This I amended to:

Code: Select all

/*	Fixes for known problems in third-party ship data.

	griff_spacebar_subent_template =
		is_template = yes;
"GW-python-player" =	
		aft_eject_position = "0.0 -19.0 -77.0";
		exhaust = 
			"4.33 0.0 -66.7083 4.6 4.8 0.7",
			"-4.33 0.0 -66.7083 4.4 4.8 0.7",
			"1.91479  4.21794 -66.7083 1.2 1.2 0.5",
			"1.91479 -4.26958 -66.7083 1.2 1.2 0.5",
			"-1.91479  4.21794 -66.7083 1.2 1.2 0.5",
			"-1.91479 -4.26958 -66.7083 1.2 1.2 0.5"
		exhaust_emissive_color = (0.57, 0.85, 0.92);
		materials = { 
			"Hull" = 
					diffuse_map = "gsagostinho_python_green.png"; 
					normal_map = "gsagostinho_python_normal.png";
					specular_color = ( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 );
					shininess = 12;
					emission_map = "gsagostinho_python_emission.png";
			"Engines" = 
					diffuse_map = "gsagostinho_python_engines_diffuse.png"; 
					normal_map = "gsagostinho_python_engines_normal.png";
					specular_color = ( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 );
					shininess = 12;
					emission_map = "gsagostinho_python_engines_emission.png";
		model = "oolite_python_trader.dat";
		scoop_position = "0.0 -15.0 -21.5";
		thrust = 20;
		view_position_aft = "0.0 9.150712 -64.8269";
		view_position_forward = "0.0 1.18304 62. 0972";
		view_position_port = "-35.80095 2.0 -27.05945";
		view_position_starboard = "35.80095 2.0 -27.05945";
		weapon_facings = 15;
		weapon_position_aft = "0.0 0.0 -70.0";
		weapon_position_forward = "0.0 -2.18304 62.0972";		
		weapon_position_port = "-26.67 0.0 4.33";
		weapon_position_starboard = "26.67 0.0 4.33";
Please pardon my ignorance in this matter, I reasoned / guessed that parenthesis would hopefully be correct but editing and saving this as root (due to folder location as my oolite install is a system install rather than home install) didn't seem to make any difference, by that I mean I couldn't get any different ship resprays available.
I'm sure that is either down to the fact that I have done something incorrect in my poor understanding of Noby's instructions or is it that you may have more than 1 shipdataoverrides.plist ?
If it is possible to have more than 1 shipdataoverrides.plist in which directory should it go?
Many thanks for any help in trying to address my complete lack of knowledge in this matter :?

edit: Fortunately I had the sense to make a backup of the original file before I meddled - this has been reinstated.
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Re: [Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by Norby »

A better place is a ~/.Oolite/AddOns/Test.oxp/Config/shipdata-overrides.plist file, just create these folders and a new file. The code above replace the lookout of your ship so you should see the change right on the ship model next to your savegame.

If you want a new instance in Ship Respray instead, then create a new ship in a shipdata.plist file using a bit changed dataKey (for example GW2-python-player), then add a

Code: Select all

line to include all other lines from the original definition.
Last edited by Norby on Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by phkb »

Damocles Edge wrote:
I couldn't get any different ship resprays available.
Ship Respray works out what resprays are available based on the ship class name. ie Cobra Mark III, or Python, etc. Because the name of the "GW-python-player" entity is "Python Commander", there are no other skins with that name, thus there are no resprays available via the Ship Respray OXP. It might be a Python under the hood, but the respray system can't tell.

Plus, even if it could tell, if you were to do the respray, you'd end up with the ship stats of the selected Python, not the one you had previously.

So, how can you get more skins for a "Python Commander"? Well, it means creating a "shipdata.plist" file, with entries like "GW-python-player-1" (the number would increase for each variation), a "like_ship" entry that points to "GW-python-player", and pretty much the same data as you've included in the overrides file, but one for each of the gsagostinho Pythons.

To prevent you needing to edit the core files, you should do this:
- In your AddOns folder, create a subfolder called "MyPrefs.oxp"
- In the "MyPrefs.oxp" folder, create another folder called "Config"
- Put your "shipdata-overrides.plist" and "shipdata.plist" files in the "Config" folder.

If you want to avoid a log file message saying there's a missing manifest file, put a "manifest.plist" file in the "MyPrefs.oxp" folder. Use another OXP's version as a template, and just change the identifier.

Hope that helps. Let me know if you hit a snag.

(ninja'd by Norby - d'oh!)
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Re: [Release] gsagostinho's Texture Pack: Python

Post by Damocles Edge »

Many apologies for my late replay.

Thanks to Norby and phkb for their input and guidance.

Whilst I was reading your posts above I was hearing a voice in my head saying "This sounds pretty complicated and could go wrong, causing so many problems because you're meddling with something that you really don't understand at all".

Yeah I thought I'm gonna listen to that voice, after all I don't want to create work for anyone when I botch things up (and I will :lol: )

Also I'm getting itchy feet for another ship - might give the Monitor mk2 a try.

This seems to be why I never get much over 100k credits as I keep changing ship.
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