I read here and there in the forums that the order of primable equipment often gets messed up but i never found a useful answer to postings concerning this.
Some weeks ago i used a special save state to try out, installing and purchasing one primable equipment by another, after each time launching from the station to look at the order, docking, saving, reloading, launching again to see if the order changed. After some purchases it eventually seemed that i could not determine the order, so i gave up, reinstalled any OXPs i used before and continued normal playing.
After purchasing a my new ship now i am trying to rearrange the order of primable equipment, so after buying the new ship i uninstalled any OXP containing primable equipment.
I bought one piece of equipment, made a trade run, bought the next one and so on. Concerning primable equipments: again i installed always only that specific OXP that i wanted to buy next so the order shouldn't get messed up.
The order was:
Cargo Spotter - Q-Charger - Tracker
After installing and buying Waypoint Here it went to
Cargo Spotter - Q-Charger - Waypoint Here - Tracker
So i went back to the previous save state, uninstalled Waypoint Here from the game to retry later. Instead i bought a Wormhole Scanner. After saving and reloading my game it changed the order from
Cargo Spotter - Q-Charger - Tracker
Cargo Spotter - Tracker - Q-Charger
I retried it some times: going back to the old save state, launched, looked at the order, docked, bought the Wormhole Scanner again, launched,, looked at order (which was okay), docked, saved. After reloading the save state was mixed up again. Each time i tried
So how comes purchasing a Wormhole Scanner changes the order of primable euipment?
How is this order determined and could a player influence it?
Primable equipments can increase the gaming experience, but when trying to arrange these equipments in a logical order and having to find out it always gets mixed up so you have to learn the order is a little bit frustrating

[Edit:]Err, this topic may belong to the discussion forums, but since it is OXP related i posted it here. In case this was not correct i want to apologize.[/Edit]