A Vertical HUD

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A Vertical HUD

Post by gt52 »

A Vertical HUD.

I play with

Code: Select all

	<key>window_height</key>	<integer>1854</integer>
	<key>window_width</key> 	<integer>1080</integer>
and adapted the elements from one of HUD selector's samples to something that has not annoyed me for at least a week. It might save the next crazy person running a vertical display some time. In this spirit its not packed as an oxp cause i wouldn't know where to host one right now.


Code: Select all

    crosshair_scale		= 32.0;
    crosshair_width		= 1.7;
    crosshair_color		= "greenColor";
    dials			= //these are drawn, in order, after the legends

        {	// Targeting enhancement
            selector		= "drawTargetReticle:";
            equipment_required  = "EQ_SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET";

        {	// Waypoint display
            selector		= "drawWaypoints:";
            equipment_required  = "EQ_ADVANCED_COMPASS";

        {	// scanner
            selector	= "drawScanner:";
            alert_conditions= 2; //green alert, do not show the big scanner in the dock
            rgb_color	= (0.0, 0.5, 0.0);
            alpha		= 1.0;
            width		= 380.0;
            height		= 155.0;
            x		= 0;
            y		= 205;
            y_origin	= -1;
        {	// scanner
            selector	= "drawScanner:";
            alert_conditions= 4; //yellow alert, do not show the big scanner in the dock
            rgb_color	= (0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
            alpha		= 1.0;
            width		= 380.0;
            height		= 155.0;
            x		= 0;
            y		= 205;
            y_origin	= -1;
        {	// scanner
            selector	= "drawScanner:";
            alert_conditions= 8; //red alert, do not show the big scanner in the dock
            rgb_color	= (0.6, 0.0, 0.0);
            alpha		= 1.0;
            width		= 380.0;
            height		= 155.0;
            x		= 0;
            y		= 205;
            y_origin	= -1;

        {	// scanner zoom indicator
            selector	= "drawScannerZoomIndicator:";
            alert_conditions= 2; //green alert, do not show in the dock
            alpha		= 1.0;
            rgb_color	= (0.0, 0.5, 0.0);
            x		= 170;
            y		= 200; //160;
            y_origin	= -1;
        {	// scanner zoom indicator
            selector	= "drawScannerZoomIndicator:";
            alert_conditions= 4; //yellow alert, do not show in the dock
            rgb_color	= (0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
            alpha		= 1.0;
            x		= 170;
            y		= 200; //160;
            y_origin	= -1;
        {	// scanner zoom indicator
            selector	= "drawScannerZoomIndicator:";
            alert_conditions= 8; //red alert, do not show in the dock
            rgb_color	= (0.5, 0.0, 0.0);
            alpha		= 1.0;
            x		= 177;
            y		= 200; //160;
            y_origin	= -1;

        {	// stick sensitivity indicator
            selector	= "drawStickSensitivityIndicator:";
            alpha		= 1.0;
            x		= 221;
            y		= -225;
            height		= 12;
            width		= 12;

        // Compass

        {	// compass
            selector	= "drawCompass:";
            alert_conditions= 14; //do not show in the dock
            rgb_color	= (0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
            alpha		= 1.0;
            x		= 172;
            y		= 130;
            y_origin	= -1;

        {	data_source = "combatSCTDist"; selector = "drawCustomText:";
            alert_conditions= 14; //do not show in the dock
            align = 1; // right align
            rgb_color	= (0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
            alpha = 1.0; height = 12; width = 12; x = 155; y = 112; y_origin = -1; },

        {	// compass beacon/waypoint ID
            selector		= "drawASCTarget:";
            equipment_required  = "EQ_ADVANCED_COMPASS";
            alert_conditions= 14; //do not show in the dock
            rgb_color	= (0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
            align = 1;
            height		= 12;
            width		= 12;
            x		= 185;
            y		= 100;
            y_origin	= -1;

        // shippy status indicators

        {	// fuel scoop status
            alpha		= 0.75;
            selector	= "drawScoopStatus:";
            x		= -190;
            y		= 156;
            y_origin	= -1;
            alert_conditions= 14; //do not show in the dock

        // damaged equipment - should be in mfd
        // legal status - should be in mfd

        // Cargo Utilization and Hull Damage bars

        {	data_source = "combatCargoBar"; selector = "drawCustomBar:"; draw_surround = yes;
            color_low = (0.5,0.5,1.0); color_medium = (0.5,0.5,1.0);
            color_high = (0.5,0.5,1.0);  color_surround = (0.5,0.5,1.0);//blue
            alpha = 1.0; height = 2; width = 36; x = -170; y = 135; y_origin = -1; },

        {	data_source = "combatSLBar"; selector = "drawCustomBar:"; draw_surround = yes;
            alpha = 1.0; height = 2; width = 36; x = -170; y = 128; y_origin = -1; },

        // nearest target?
        // telescope sourced?
        {	data_source = "combatNewTelT"; selector = "drawCustomText:";
            alpha = 0.7; height = 12; width = 9; x = 105; y = 246;
            x_origin = -1; y_origin = 0; },

        // locked target info

        // distance to target
        // clearly duplicate/distracting info with whatever crosshair enhancement i have
//      {	data_source = "combatTDist"; selector = "drawCustomText:";
//          alpha = 1.0; height = 13; width = 14; x = 180; y = 260; y_origin = 0; },

        // speed of target
        {	data_source = "combatTSpeed"; selector = "drawCustomText:";
            alpha = 1.0; height = 13; width = 14; x = 180; y = 246; y_origin = 0; },

        // shield radius / radius of target
        {	data_source = "combatTRadius"; selector = "drawCustomText:";
            alpha = 1.0; height = 13; width = 12; x = 180; y = 232; y_origin = 0; },

        // WTF? placed it all in one column so that i can see what shows:
        {	data_source = "combatTMissNum"; selector = "drawCustomText:";
            alpha = 1.0; height = 13; width = 14; x = 180; y = 218; y_origin = 0; },
        {	data_source = "combatTMissile"; selector = "drawCustomText:";
            alpha = 1.0; height = 13; width = 10; x = 180; y = 204; y_origin = 0; },

        // RHS Top of the screen

        {	// ship's clock
            selector	= "drawClock:";
            alert_conditions= 14; //do not show in the dock
            width		= 12;
            height		= 12;
            x		= 200;  // 242 - 76/2 - 2*2
            y		= -14;
            y_origin	= 1;

        {	// ship's clock inside the dock is bigger
            selector	= "drawClock:";
            alert_conditions= 1; //show only in the dock
            width		= 16;
            height		= 16;
            x		= 140;  // 242 - 76/2 - 2*2
            y		= -18;
            y_origin	= 1;

        // Ship Rotation

        {   // roll bar, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
            selector	= "drawRollBar:";
            alert_conditions= 14; //do not show in the dock
            draw_surround	= yes;
            width		= 76;
            height		= 6;
            x		= 242;
            y		= -20;
            y_origin	= 1;
        {	// yaw bar, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
            selector	= "drawYawBar:";
            alert_conditions= 14; //do not show in the dock
            draw_surround	= yes;
            width		= 76;
            height		= 6;
            x		= 242;
            y		= -32;
            y_origin	= 1;
        {	// pitch bar, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
            selector	= "drawPitchBar:";
            alert_conditions= 14; //do not show in the dock
            draw_surround	= yes;
            width		= 76;
            height		= 6;
            x		= 242;
            y		= -44;
            y_origin	= 1;

        {	// primed equipment
            //  n_bars is the number of items to show (default 1, use odd numbers)
            selector	= "drawPrimedEquipment:";
            n_bars      = 7; //21; //3; //1;
            width		= 10;
            height		= 10;
            x           = 200;
            y           = -64;
            y_origin    = 1;

        // RHS

        {	// speed bar, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
            selector	= "drawSpeedBar:";
            draw_surround	= yes;
            color_low	= (0.0,0.4,0.0);
            color_medium	= (0.0,0.4,0.0);
            width		= 76;
            height		= 8;
            x		= 242;
            y		= 212;
            y_origin	= -1;
        {	data_source = "combatSpeed"; selector = "drawCustomText:";
//			alert_conditions = 2; //uncomment if you want to see in green alert only
            alpha = 1.0; height = 13; width = 15;
            x = 192; //186; // 242 - 76/2 - 15/2  --56
            y = 204; //206; // 212 - 8/2 - 2
            y_origin = -1;

        {	// energy gauge, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
            selector	= "drawEnergyGauge:";
            labelled	= yes;
            draw_surround	= yes;
            width		= 76;
            height		= 48;
            x		= 242;
            y		= 140;
            y_origin	= -1;

        // LHS

        {	// forward shield bar, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
            selector	= "drawForwardShieldBar:";
            draw_surround	= yes;
            width		= 80;
            height		= 8;
            x		= -242;
            y		= 190;
            y_origin	= -1;
        {	// aft shield bar, can draw a surround 2 units out from the dial size specified
            selector	= "drawAftShieldBar:";
            draw_surround	= yes;
            width		= 80;
            height		= 8;
            x		= -242;
            y		= 178;
            y_origin	= -1;
        {	// just draws a surround 2 units around the selected size
            selector	= "drawYellowSurround:"; //"drawGreenSurround:";
            width		= 80;
            height		= 40;
            x		= -242;
            y		= 146;
            y_origin	= -1;

        // fuel bar

        {	// fuel bar
            selector	= "drawFuelBar:";
            color_high	= (0.0,1.0,0.0);
            color_medium	= (0.0,0.4,0.0);
            color_low	= (1.0,0.0,0.0);
            width		= 80;
            height		= 8;
            x		= -242;
            y		= 161;
            y_origin	= -1;

        {	data_source = "combatFuelRes"; selector = "drawCustomText:";
            alpha = 1.0; height = 12; width = 12; x = -225; y = 154; y_origin = -1; },

        {   // witchspace destination label
            selector = "drawWitchspaceDestination:";
            color = (1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0);
            height = 12;
            width = 12;
            x = -280;
            y = 153;
            y_origin	= -1;


        {	// cabin temperature bar
            selector	= "drawCabinTempBar:";
//			color_medium	= (0.0,0.4,0.0);
            color_low	= (0.0,0.4,0.0);
            width		= 80;
            height		= 8;
            x		= -242;
            y		= 151;
            y_origin	= -1;


        {	// weapon temperature bar
            selector	= "drawWeaponTempBar:";
            color_low	= (0.0,0.4,0.0);
            width		= 80;
            height		= 8;
            x		= -242;
            y		= 141;
            y_origin	= -1;

        {	// altitude bar
            selector	= "drawAltitudeBar:";
            color_medium	= (0.0,0.4,0.0);
            color_low	= (0.0,0.4,0.0);
            width		= 80;
            height		= 8;
            x		= -242;
            y		= 131;
            y_origin	= -1;
        {	data_source = "combatAlt"; selector = "drawCustomText:";
            alpha = 1.0; height = 13; width = 15; x = -279; y = 123; y_origin = -1; },

        {	// missile display
            // the x-spacing is given by spacing
            selector	= "drawMissileDisplay:";
            width		= 12;
            height		= 12;
            spacing		= 15;
            x		= -267;
            y		= 115;
            y_origin	= -1;

        {	// status indicator light
            selector	= "drawStatusLight:";
            alert_conditions= 14; //do not show in the dock
            width		= 12;
            height		= 12;
            x		= -160;
            y		= 278;      // 205-132=73;
            y_origin	= -1;

        {	// station aegis
            selector	= "drawAegis:";
            alpha		= 1.0;
            x		= 160;
            y		= 278; //132;
            y_origin	= -1;

        {	// weapons systems offline text
            selector	= "drawWeaponsOfflineText:";
            width		= 10;
            height		= 10;
            x		= -51;
            y		= -51;

        {	// fps counter
            selector	= "drawFPSInfoCounter:";
            width		= 18;
            height		= 18;
            x		= -200;
            y		= -20;
            y_origin	= 1;

    legends		=

    // these are drawn, in order, before the dials, add any other images you want here
        {	text = "Cargo"; align = 0; x = -150; y = 130; y_origin = -1; height=7; width=7;

        {	text = "Hull"; align = 0; x = -150; y = 123; y_origin = -1; height=7; width=7;

        // LHS
            text		= "FW";//FWD
            with_dial	= "drawForwardShieldBar:";
            align		= 1;
            width		= 6;
            height		= 12;
            x		= -287;
            y		= 184;
            y_origin	= -1;
        {	text		= "AF";//AFT
            with_dial	= "drawAftShieldBar:";
            align		= 1;
            width		= 6;
            height		= 12;
            x		= -288;
            y		= 170;
            y_origin	= -1;
            text		= "FU";//FUEL
            align		= 1;
            x		= -288;
            y		= 155;
            y_origin	= -1;
            height		= 10;
            width		= 6;
            with_dial	= "drawFuelBar:";
            text		= "CT";//CT
            with_dial	= "drawCabinTempBar:";
            align		= 1;
            width		= 6;
            height		= 10;
            x		= -288;
            y		= 145;
            y_origin	= -1;
            text		= "LT";//LT
            with_dial	= "drawWeaponTempBar:";
            align		= 1;
            width		= 6;
            height		= 10;
            x		= -288;
            y		= 134;
            y_origin	= -1;
            text		= "AL";//ALT
            with_dial	= "drawAltitudeBar:";
            color_medium	= (0.0,0.4,0.0);
            color_high	= (0.0,0.4,0.0);
            align		= 1;
            width		= 6;
            height		= 10;
            x		= -288;
            y		= 124;
            y_origin	= -1;

        // Ship Rotation

            text		= "ROLL";//ROLL
            with_dial	= "drawRollBar:";
            alert_conditions= 14; //do not show in the dock
            width		= 10;
            height		= 10;
            x		= 283;
            y		= -26;
            y_origin	=  1;

        {	// yaw bar legend, disabled by default
            // uncomment as required to enable
            text		= "YAW";
            with_dial	= "drawYawBar:";
            alert_conditions= 14; //do not show in the dock
            width		= 10;
            height		= 10;
            x		= 283;
            y		= -40;
            y_origin	=  1;

            text		= "PITCH";//PITCH
            with_dial	= "drawPitchBar:";
            alert_conditions= 14; //do not show in the dock
            width		= 10;
            height		= 10;
            x		= 283;
            y		= -52;
            y_origin	= 1;

        // RHS
            text		= "SPD";//SPD
            with_dial	= "drawSpeedBar:";
            width		= 12;
            height		= 10;
            x		= 283;
            y		= 207; // 212 -5
            y_origin	= -1;

            text		= "BANKS";//Energy Banks
            with_dial	= "drawPitchBar:";
            width		= 12;
            height		= 10;
            x		= 283;
            y		= 155; // 164 -5 -4
            y_origin	= -1;

        //legends for Detectors OXP, EscortDeck OXP and Towbar OXP

        //Above crosshairs display
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTABR"; x=0; y=52.5; y_origin=0; height=16; width=64; image = "detectors_red.png"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTABY"; x=0; y=52.5; y_origin=0; height=16; width=64; image = "detectors_yellow.png"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA00"; x=10; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="0"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA01"; x=10; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="1"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA02"; x=10; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="2"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA03"; x=10; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="3"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA04"; x=10; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="4"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA05"; x=10; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="5"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA06"; x=10; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="6"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA07"; x=10; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="7"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA08"; x=10; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="8"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA09"; x=10; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="9"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA10"; x=2; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="0"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA11"; x=2; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="1"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA12"; x=2; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="2"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA13"; x=2; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="3"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA14"; x=2; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="4"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA15"; x=2; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="5"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA16"; x=2; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="6"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA17"; x=2; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="7"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA18"; x=2; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="8"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA19"; x=2; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="9"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA20"; x=-6; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="0"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA21"; x=-6; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="1"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA22"; x=-6; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="2"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA23"; x=-6; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="3"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA24"; x=-6; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="4"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA25"; x=-6; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="5"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA26"; x=-6; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="6"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA27"; x=-6; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="7"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA28"; x=-6; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="8"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA29"; x=-6; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="9"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTAV"; x=-14; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="v"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA30"; x=-14; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="0"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA31"; x=-14; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="1"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA32"; x=-14; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="2"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA33"; x=-14; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="3"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA34"; x=-14; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="4"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA35"; x=-14; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="5"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA36"; x=-14; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="6"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA37"; x=-14; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="7"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA38"; x=-14; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="8"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA39"; x=-14; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="9"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA40"; x=-22; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="0"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA41"; x=-22; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="1"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA42"; x=-22; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="2"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA43"; x=-22; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="3"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA44"; x=-22; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="4"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA45"; x=-22; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="5"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA46"; x=-22; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="6"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA47"; x=-22; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="7"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA48"; x=-22; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="8"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA49"; x=-22; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="9"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA50"; x=-30; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="0"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA51"; x=-30; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="1"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA52"; x=-30; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="2"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA53"; x=-30; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="3"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA54"; x=-30; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="4"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTA55"; x=-30; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="5"; },
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        { equipment_required="EQ_DTDMALF"; x=-14; y=203; y_origin=-1; height=20; width=16; text="???"; },
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        { equipment_required="EQ_DTDOFF"; x=18; y=203; y_origin=-1; height=20; width=16; text="*"; },
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        { equipment_required="EQ_DTTUSA"; x=-75; y=40; y_origin=0; height=20; width=16; text="Usable"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTTFUG"; x=18; y=-21; y_origin=1; height=20; width=16; text="**"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTTOFF"; x=18; y=-21; y_origin=1; height=20; width=16; text="*"; },
        { equipment_required="EQ_DTTPER"; x=10; y=-21; y_origin=1; height=20; width=16; text="%"; },

    multi_function_displays = (

    // 6 in the bottom row

        { width = 100; height = 90; x = 055; y = 48; y_origin = -1; x_origin = -1; }, //1
        { width = 100; height = 90; x = 161; y = 48; y_origin = -1; x_origin = -1; }, //2
        { width = 100; height = 90; x = 267; y = 48; y_origin = -1; x_origin = -1; }, //3
        { width = 100; height = 90; x = 373; y = 48; y_origin = -1; x_origin = -1; }, //4
        { width = 100; height = 90; x = 479; y = 48; y_origin = -1; x_origin = -1; }, //5
        { width = 100; height = 90; x = 585; y = 48; y_origin = -1; x_origin = -1; }, //6

    // 2  on the left middle
        { width = 100; height = 90; x = 055; y = 348; y_origin = -1; x_origin = -1; }, //7
        { width = 100; height = 90; x = 055; y = 448; y_origin = -1; x_origin = -1; }, //8

    // 2  on the right middle
        { width = 100; height = 90; x = -55; y = 348; y_origin = -1; x_origin = 1; }, //9
        { width = 100; height = 90; x = -55; y = 448; y_origin = -1; x_origin = 1; }, //10

/*    // 2  on the top left
        { width = 100; height = 225; x = 055; y = -112; y_origin = 1; x_origin = -1; }, //11
        { width = 200; height = 090; x = 211; y = -045; y_origin = 1; x_origin = -1; }  //12

    message_gui = {
        row_height = 11;
        width = 280;
        height = 132;
        x = 0;
        x_origin = 0;
        y = -150;
        y_origin = 0;

    comm_log_gui = {
        row_height = 11;
        permanent = no;
        automatic = yes;
        alert_conditions= 14; //do not show in the dock
        background_rgba = "0.0 0.15 0.45 0.5";
        alpha = "0.65";
        width = 300;
        height = 187;
        x = 0;
        x_origin = 0;
        y = 150;
        y_origin = 0;

    overall_alpha	= 1;
    reticle_target_sensitive = yes;
    cloak_indicator_on_status_light = yes;
    scanner_non_linear = yes;
    scanner_ultra_zoom = yes;
meant for use with

Code: Select all


for extra crazy, try flying with a huge centered scanner. you know you've been meaning to try that!


Code: Select all

        // Scanner around the origin

        {	// scanner
            selector	= "drawScanner:";
            alert_conditions= 2; //green alert, do not show the big scanner in the dock
            rgb_color	= (0.0, 0.5, 0.0);
            alpha		= 1.0;
            width		= 600;
            height		= 550;
            x		= 0;
            y		= 0;
        {	// scanner
            selector	= "drawScanner:";
            alert_conditions= 4; //yellow alert, do not show the big scanner in the dock
            rgb_color	= (0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
            alpha		= 1.0;
            width		= 600;
            height		= 550;
            x		= 0;
            y		= 0;
        {	// scanner
            selector	= "drawScanner:";
            alert_conditions= 8; //red alert, do not show the big scanner in the dock
            rgb_color	= (0.6, 0.0, 0.0);
            alpha		= 1.0;
            width		= 600;
            height		= 550;
            x		= 0;
            y		= 0;

        {	// scanner zoom indicator
            selector	= "drawScannerZoomIndicator:";
            alert_conditions= 2; //green alert, do not show in the dock
            alpha		= 0.4;
            rgb_color	= (0.0, 0.5, 0.0);
            x		= 185;
            y		= -5;
        {	// scanner zoom indicator
            selector	= "drawScannerZoomIndicator:";
            alert_conditions= 4; //yellow alert, do not show in the dock
            rgb_color	= (0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
            alpha		= 0.4;
            x		= 185;
            y		= -5;
        {	// scanner zoom indicator
            selector	= "drawScannerZoomIndicator:";
            alert_conditions= 8; //red alert, do not show in the dock
            rgb_color	= (0.5, 0.0, 0.0);
            alpha		= 0.4;
            x		= 185;
            y		= -5;

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Re: A Vertical HUD

Post by ffutures »

Cool - I've played with vertical display a few times, the lack of a HUD has always put me off though. Any chance of pictures?
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Re: A Vertical HUD

Post by maik »

gt52 wrote:
In this spirit its not packed as an oxp cause i wouldn't know where to host one right now.
Check Dizzy's post here for an option.
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Re: A Vertical HUD

Post by Norby »

Hi gt52!

How about if I include these into [wiki]HUDSelector[/wiki] as another built-in choices? In this way you don't need to make individual packages nor made them compatible with HUDSelector if you accept to publish your changes under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. I could mention your nickname in the wiki page.
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