A couple of questions/issues:
1. Is there any interest in making this available? Do people actually want to see this information, even if it was selectable in some way?
2. There are some limitations to the display - for instance, I can't show text on the chart. All I can do is display a console message that details the region and spacelane names, and describes the color of each. I'd rather not use an overlay or background image, as I'd have to create images for every possible combination of region and spacelane, which would be a nightmare to maintain. Neither can I add text to the F6 screen using "addMessageText" due to an issue described here. So I'm left with a console message, which I'm leaving up for 10 seconds so the player has time to read it, but it's not ideal.
3. My process for deciding when to show a region/lane is very simple: Is the player on/in the area? Is this sufficient, or should it be a proximity thing, like within 1 jump of any part of region/lane?
4. Should this be retrofitted back into BGS, or made into it's own OXP?
Let me know what you think.