As the name implies it can only be used one time before it kicks the bucket, but you can repair it at a suited station. It also takes up 2t of cargo space, which is also quite a lot on most of those ships. "Wait.", I sense you again, "What if the Thargoids pull me out of Witchspace in-between systems?" Well, then you are pretty scre*ed. The drive did its job and won't let you escape, but you can also buy a second set of spare coils, which can be use to make 2 jumps into Witchspace before you have to repair them(, at the price of credits naturally and another ton of cargo space.)
This little beast can't be fitted into a ship, that already has a Witchdrive (good ol' Cobra MK.III for example) and why would you want to? It's also quite hightech. You can only buy it at systems with at least Techlevel (TL) 10, but you can repair it in systems with TL 3 and sell it everywhere. (You can't buy it back there though, so be careful when selling it.) "Wait, what about systems with TL 1 or 2?" You again, huh? Guess what. Hitch-hike by using other wormholes, like you would do without it anyway.

And here's the link to the wiki:
[wiki]Single-Use Witchdrive[/wiki]
And the download link:
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